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RIP Bishop Richard Williamson: Courageous Catholic Who Spoke Truth to Power
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RIP Bishop Richard Williamson: Courageous Catholic Who Spoke Truth to Power

Listen to my 2017 interview with him, and watch the one from fourteen months ago

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Bishop Richard Williamson, a courageous man of faith, passed away on January 29 at the age of 84. He was best-known for the persecution he suffered after made headlines in 2009 for his remarks in an interview with a Swedish television channel:

“I believe the gas chambers did not exist,” he stated “I think 200,000 to 300,000 Jews died in Nazi concentration camps, but not in that way (...). I do not believe six million Jews were gassed.”

By opposing the false religion of Holocaustianity—the unofficial state religion of the Western empire—Bishop Williamson was subjected to various indignities by the modern-day Inquisition.

I was lucky enough to have had several conversations with Bishop Williamson. The audio file above and write-up below is from our August 6, 2017 interview, while the video is from November 2023.

-Kevin Barrett

Write-up for 2017 interview

Bishop Richard Williamson is one of the world’s most notable traditional Catholics. Formerly a leading disciple of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), he is now allied with SSPX Resistance, which aims to uphold the original principles of Archbishop Lefebvre while resisting the “liberal reforms” of the Second Vatican Council. He is now officially outside of the Church as represented by the current leadership in the Vatican. But some say it is Bishop Williamson and his colleagues who are within Catholicism as it has been understood for most of its almost 2,000-year history. As Bishop Williamson says, citing Archbishop Lefebvre, “the truth is still exactly the same Catholic truth. It cannot change!”

In this interview, Bishop Williamson discusses the path that led him to his current position. He asserts that the modern world’s authorities, including the contemporary Vatican, are disciples of the French Revolution, freemasonry, and moral relativism…trends whose ultimate source is satanic. (For more on the sources of this “contamination,” see my interview with Michael Hoffman.)

We also touch on the “sacred” Holocaust and 9/11 narratives, both of which play a foundational role in conditioning populations to accept the rule of the satanic/demonic. (Bishop Williamson’s problems with the official Catholic authorities stem in part from his challenging such official narratives; he is on record saying that 9/11 was an inside joband that the Holocaust is a false religion based on a grossly inflated death toll and false tales of hydrogen cyanide gas chambers – claims that led to his being fined $16,822 by a German court.)

The interview also contains a fair bit of interfaith dialogue. I note that the traditional Catholic worldview, as summarized by Bishop Williamson, is almost identical to the Islamic one. The major exception, as the Bishop forcefully notes, is the Catholic belief in the holy trinity, which Islam rejects.


Kevin Barrett: When we're trying to speak the truth about empirical issues, whether it's gas chambers or 9-11 or what have you, it does seem that the authorities don't really mind having a chaotic situation where there are people trying to speak some of these suppressed truths, people like us, as long as it just contributes to the chaos. But if we try to say, this is where you're lying, there is a truth here, the whole culture rejects that.

Bishop Richard Williamson: Exactly. Exactly. The whole culture rejects that precisely because the Freemasons are in control. And they hate dogma. They cannot tolerate dogma. So that attitude, that position, the destruction and undermining and dissolution of objective truth, has penetrated inside the Catholic Church. And the Catholic Church is melting like ice in the sunshine. If you subject a dogmatic institution to the dissolving of objective truth, there's very soon not going to be much left of that dogmatic institution. And when you say that today's authorities don't mind what people think, you're right. But a state or a country, a nation in which everybody is free to think two and two are five, and which many people do think two and two are five, or they at least think that two and two can be five, that state is in dead trouble. And that's why the whole modern world today is in dead trouble, because it's forgotten, it's refused objective truth. It's refusing the object.

Now, a number of subjectivists are in good faith. They've learned subjectivism. In other words, there's no objective truth. Two and two can be five. That's what they've learned from their school. That's what they've learned at their university. That's what they've learned in church. That's what they've learned from their parents. A number of poor souls today are wandering around with total confusion in their minds because they've never known any better.

On the other hand, there are a few people who know perfectly well that there's an object of truth, and they are fighting it tooth and nail, because their motivation is to dissolve all truth and make the confusion such that all souls finish up for eternity in the fires of hell.

That's interesting because the Straussian philosophy, which is a kind of a materialistic, atheist, secular materialistic take on a kind of radical Freemasonry, it seems that they are interested in telling big lies and projecting shadows on the walls of Plato's cave to delude the masses and feed them myths and lies, which is what they think religious truths are. They're doing this. apparently because they believe that they, as people who know that there's no such thing as good and no such thing as truth, have the right and the duty to rule over the sheeple who are so deluded as to think there is such a thing as goodness and truth and who are willing to buy myths. So their motivation is to get power for themselves as a kind of a class of supermen, of Nietzschean supermen. And of course, Strauss was a fan of Nietzsche.

And you're saying that it's worse than that. You're saying that it's not just worldly power that they're after, but they're essentially after total spiritual degradation and hellfire for everybody, including themselves. At some deep level, this is a kind of satanically inspired movement.

Yes. That's what's driving the modern world. And you can see it. The Satanism you can see in the pedophilia, the child sacrifice, the Satan worship at the highest levels of government, and not just the United States or just the United Kingdom, but many other nations as well. The devil has got the modern world by the throat. He exists. There's no question about that. And he's got zillions and zillions of mini devils running around at his orders.

There is a chief of evil, and that is Satan. He exists. God has him completely under control. But God uses Satan like a trainer uses a sparring partner for a boxer. The better the sparring partner, the more the boxer will learn, the better the boxer will be trained. If it's a useless sparring partner, the boxer just trips out of his corner, flips a couple of punches, and goes back. But if it's a good sparring partner, the boxer's got to be on his toes and he's got to learn how to box. He's got to get in training.

So Almighty God allows Satan a tremendous amount of power, partly as a punishment of faithless mankind, of truthless, godless, faithless mankind, which is what we've got today. And this humanity of today deserves very severely to be punished, and a very severe punishment is not far away, because God is God and he's not mocked.

(Read the full transcript by click “transcript” above the video image.)

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