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Mainstream journalists say crazy things. Most of their madness is banal, consisting of shallow platitudes endorsing GoodThink. But sometimes they one-up themselves, exhibiting a genius for craziness that leads one to wonder: What was that about?!
Such a moment came when CBS commentator Margaret Brennan blamed the Holocaust on free speech. JD Vance correctly diagnosed Brennan’s remark as mad. But Freud wasn’t the first to note that genius is to madness near allied. That is, certain symptoms of apparent madness imply rich tapestries of meaning, some or most of which the mad person (or poet or dreamer, according to Freud) does not consciously grasp.
Brennan’s brilliantly mad remark was symptomatic of the decadence of today’s pseudo-liberal elite. Many decades ago, back when liberals genuinely believed in liberalism,* it was taken for granted that “the Holocaust” and “free speech” were antagonistic polar opposites. Everyone understood, or professed to understand, that Hitler’s regime had destroyed the moral compass of its society by imposing a one-size-fits-all totalitarianism that brooked no dissent. Martin Niemöller’s famous line about how “first they came for the socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist” summarized the accepted wisdom that the drunk-on-censorship Nazis crushed people’s free expression group-by-group. The implication of Niemöller’s truism was that widespread failure to speak out, and consequent loss of free speech, enabled the horrors of Hitler’s regime, including the war it supposedly caused and the extermination of six million Jews (mostly in gas chambers) that it supposedly perpetrated. In short, the destruction of free speech—not free speech—caused the Holocaust.
So what led Brennan to madly flaunt her self-styled liberal identity by expressing the precise opposite of the classical liberal understanding of “the Holocaust” and its relation to free speech?
The answer, of course, is that she is afraid of something. “The Holocaust” represents something so fearful she cannot allow herself to think about it, or even to think at all. This thought-stopping magic of “the Holocaust,” the secret to its power, is related to its incomparability. Prior to the rise of the Holocaust religion, in which the Jews replace Jesus, the gas chambers replace the cross, and Israel replaces the resurrection, only God was viewed as incomparable. (The Qur’an sums up its last word on theology as Walam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad, “and there is none like unto Him,” and all other monotheisms agree.) But today it is the one-and-only Holy Holocaust that is held to be incomparable, while all other massacres and genocides, including the one happening now in Palestine, are mere trifles. Indeed, those dare to compare the Holocaust to anything else are accused of blasphemy and heresy. For example, in many countries, those who meet the IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism by “drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis” are subject to civil and criminal prosecution and imprisonment. (I hate to even imagine what they’ll do to those of us who think the comparison may be unfair to Nazis!)
So the First Commandment of today’s de facto Western state religion is: Don’t even think about the Holocaust! And that explains the subconscious fear that Brennan expressed by absurdly linking the Incomparable Holy Holocaust to free speech. What she is really afraid of is that freedom of speech, a prerequisite for freedom of thought, could lead people to think freely and critically about the Holocaust. Were that to happen, the Holocaust would be reduced from its current status as an official state religion to “just another historical episode to debate and critique.” And once people were allowed to freely debate and critique the Holocaust narrative, instead of being imprisoned for doing so, they might find something so hideously blasphemous, so horrifically sacrilegious, that…that…well, it’s too horrible to even consider!
So to prevent people from speaking and thinking freely about the Holocaust, Brennan implies, we need a free speech holocaust. That is, we must burn the Western liberal Enlightenment tradition of free speech to the ground in a kind of sacrificial lynching. (The root meaning of holocaust is “fiery sacrifice.”)
Even as Brennan’s Pseudoliberal Party pushes slaughtering free speech on the Holocaust altar and burning it to ashes, JD Vance’s Trumpist Party professes to push back. Indeed, Vance effectively blasphemed against the high priests of German GoodThink by endorsing the anathemized AFD and its right to participate, unhindered by “firewalls,” in the political conversation. That was the infraction that triggered Brennan’s unhinged blame-free-speech-for-the-Holocaust blurt-out.
But are the Trumpists really the free speech party? As E. Michael Jones and I observed on False Flag Weekly News, the vast majority of anti-free-speech activity in the West amounts to attempts to protect Jews and Israel. From academics like me, Anthony Hall, Kees van der Pijl, Joy Karega, William Woodward, and others who have exposed 9/11 as a neocon-Zionist fraud and been raked over the coals for it, to Steven Sulaita, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, and now an ever-growing list of professors fired for opposing Israel’s genocide, to the long list of politicians murdered or ejected from politics** by the Zionists, to the vast majority of censorship of books, mainstream media, and social media, it’s clear that somewhere between 90% and 99.9% of the ever-accelerating crimes against free speech that have annihilated classical liberalism in the West have Jewish-Zionist fingerprints all over them. And the Trumpist party, the party of JD Vance, is even more rabid in its persecution of critics of Israel’s genocide than Margaret Brennan’s openly anti-free-speech party is.
So the fear that Margaret Brennan unconsciously expressed—that the truth will harm the Jews—appears to be shared by JD Vance, who not only approves of the purges of anti-genocide students and professors, but also supports persecuting and deporting the Jews’ enemies, namely people from the Global South and especially Muslims, from Europe. Vance’s support for AFD is obviously not about freedom and democracy. If he cared about that, he would demand that Germany stop imprisoning historians who question Holocaust orthodoxy. Instead, Vance and his rightwing Jewish owners want to ethnically cleanse Europe to get rid of people whose cultural environment hasn’t been steeped in pro-Jew/pro-genocide indoctrination…people from countries where almost all intellectuals are Holocaust revisionists. Like Margaret Brennan, Vance is an abject slave of Jewish power and a rabid enemy of free speech. Vance and Brennan are just two sides of the same genocidal Judeo-fascist coin.
Why does the whole Jewish-owned Western ruling elite, from the Pseudoliberal Party to the Trumpist Party, feel compelled to burn free speech to the ground? Obviously their imperative is: “Protect the Jews”…from the likely consequences of genuine free speech in the internet age. If we allow genuine freedom of speech (which obviously includes freedom of reach) to flourish in the digital commons, the Jews fear that people will learn:
*That the Holocaust narrative has been, at minimum, greatly exaggerated.
*That the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are hardly unrealistic.
*That highly unscrupulous Jewish bankers seized partial control of the West two centuries ago and have been steadily increasing their power ever since.
*That the state of Israel is inherently genocidal, and that its creators were the worst terrorists in human history.
*That Israel killed the Kennedys (among many other political leaders).
*That Israel did 9/11.
*And, of course, that Jewish tribalists have all but destroyed the West’s enlightenment heritage including free speech.
If and when people learn these things, they are likely to grow very angry at Jews in general, and rich powerful Jews in particular…like the ones who own and operate the media and political space in which Brennon, Vance, and all other mainstreamers operate. So Margaret Brennon (and JD Vance) aren’t concerned with the alleged 1940s Holocaust so much as they are worried about free speech and free inquiry leading to a new Holocaust. In other words, the terror that afflicts Brennon is an example of what Gilad Atzmon calls “pre-traumatic stress syndrome.”
So according to the Uniparty, we must mount a gigantic sacrifice, a scorched-earth-style burnt offering, and reduce freedom of thought and expression to ashes, in order to stop the next Holocaust (and enable the genocide of Palestine). And they are planning to do it by technocratic means, Peter Thiel style, following Elon Musk’s mantra “freedom of speech but not freedom of reach.” That is, they will use AI to ensure that the only people who read this article, and others like it, are people who have already been “contaminated by anti-Semitic ideas.” Anything that threatens to go viral and spread to the larger population of blue-pilled newbies-and-normies will be quarantined by digital firewalls. And those firewalls, unlike the ones erected against the “expel-the-Jews’-enemies” AFD in Germany, will be supported by the likes of JD Vance. (Feel free to try to defeat the firewalls by forwarding this essay to all and sundry!)
Perhaps the emerging anti-free-speech philosemitic AI will be none other than…the Antichrist. (The Jews, after all, are the anti-Christ party.) Call it The Beast. If the current rulers of the West have their way, all of humanity will be forced to sacrifice its freedom to The Beast, which will be housed, symbolically if not literally, in a blood sacrifice temple in Occupied Jerusalem, the capital of the Genocided Holy Land. In the midst of this great digital book-burning, this holocaust-of-words accelerating alongside the genocide of Palestine (the perpetrators of both crimes being identical) perhaps Jesus and The Mahdi will arise to challenge The Beast on behalf of God and humanity, and of simple truth and justice. If the Mahdi represents military resistance to The Beast, Jesus represents forgiveness—including a certain forgoing of the natural desire for vengeance.
May Jesus and the Mahdi defeat the Zionist Antichrist and inaugurate an epoch of truth and justice on Earth, amen.
*Liberals, by definition, are people who hold freedom as their highest value. They believe that given the freedom to discuss and critique each others’ ideas without fear or favor, human beings will arrive at ever-better approximations of the truth, from whence they will move towards ever-better approximations of justice. During the heyday of American liberalism, it was taken for granted that people could say whatever they wanted, as long as it wasn’t legally obscene, defamatory, part of a criminal conspiracy, or inciting violence. Speech construed as political got the strongest protection.
**Those ejected from politics by the Zionists include J. William Fulbright, James Abourezk, Paul Findley, Jim Traficant, Cynthia McKinney, Jamaal Bowman, and Andy Levin, among many others.
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