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Jonathan Revusky refutes Sterling Harwood on the Stephen Hawking replacement hypothesis and Ryan Dawson on the “Arabs hijacked planes on 9/11” hypothesis.
Kevin Barrett: Let's move on to the theories that you wanted to talk about. The first one being: Was Stephen Hawking replaced? We brought on Sterling Harwood and Sterling and I both said there's a kind of a strong prima facie argument that there's something really wrong with this conventional biography of Stephen Hawking, because he lived way too long after an ALS diagnosis. But then after admitting that, Sterling Harwood claimed that there's not really anything else to support (the replacement theory), and ultimately the idea that he was replaced is equally or more unlikely than some other explanation. So go ahead and explain your take on that issue.
Jonathan Revusky: Well, of course he was replaced, Kevin. I mean, the whole thing is a pretty self-evident hoax. I never really thought that for anybody who read the article and actually made a point of looking at the photographic record—I sent you a link, which is sort of the main Yandex image search for Hawking, didn't I? You just type Stephen Hawking into the Yandex search engine,, and then hit the images tab. You can do that in Google. I trust Yandex more nowadays. Google is, I think, more curated. But you get a series of images. I think the first dozen images are the latter-day Hawking, who was fairly obviously an imposter.
But, you know, finally, what is interesting about this Hawking case? I mean, we have all these hoaxes, right? The Boston bombing and some crazy Arab ran over some people at the whatever Christmas market in Germany and some other crazed kid in France cut off his teacher's head and all these kinds of things that are hoaxes. But the funny thing about all of those is they're sort of one-shot deals: They occur on a specific day and then it's over. Even 9/11 left much more of a mess than these other hoaxes, that's for sure. You have all this dust and all the remains of these buildings lying around. But still, but of course, they made a point of clearing off all the junk as fast as possible. So the hoax lasted a certain number of days and was over though the aftermath of the hoax we're still living with.
But the Hawking hoax, assuming it is a hoax, I've investigated enough to say it is, is just…this is a multi-decade hoax, a fairly major production, really, sort of multi-layered with a lot of different weird subplots in it. Hawking, the real Stephen Hawking, almost certainly passed away in the year 1985. You can, I think, pretty much pinpoint it.
Supposedly he got pneumonia in Switzerland, in Geneva someplace and was hospitalized. And they had him on life support, these tubes coming out of him. This is the official story, by the way. What you get on Wikipedia is the official story, in essence. And what's interesting is you can read the official story and there are enough truthful elements in it that you can largely deduce the truth. Like, the claim is that Hawking is in Switzerland in order to visit CERN, the particle accelerator thing they have there somewhere near Geneva…
(Read the full transcript by clicking the “transcript” button above the video image at my Substack.)
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