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MAGA Morphs Into “Bearded Belly Dancers for Genocide”
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MAGA Morphs Into “Bearded Belly Dancers for Genocide”

Cat McGuire lights up False Flag Weekly News...and lights into the Trump Regime

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Kevin Barrett: Welcome to False Flag Weekly News, the weekly news show that can't take a week off because there's too much craziness happening that we would miss. I'm Kevin Barrett with Cat McGuire. Good to have you back, Cat.

Cat McGuire: Hey, always good to be here. There's so much to say. Can't wait to get into it.

Yeah, it's gotten so extreme that I can't write satire much anymore. If Trump’s “bearded belly dancers for genocide” video was satire, it was actually fairly brilliant, although in very bad taste. Some people say my satire is in bad taste, but this video of Trump's, of the

bearded belly dancer beach, bleached baby bones beneath,

which is my tip of the hat to the old Anglo-Saxon poets who used to use a lot of alliteration…what can you say about this stuff? Maybe it's superfluous to even bring it up.

Okay, so let's get there…let's talk about the Trump-Vance-Zelinsky brawl in the White House.

Of course, that video is a satire, as the little warning sign says, but you don't have to exaggerate that much to do satire anymore. So, Cat, what do we make of this?

Yeah, I thought they were just a hair's breadth away from going at fisticuffs there. It was verbal fisticuffs, two on one. I think it was an ambush, a planned ambush. Even the press was kind of in on it. Trump set it up in terms of Zelensky’s suit: “Where's your get up? Where's your theatrical costume?” He said “you're still wearing your costume!” Because it's past. It's over.

He's he's he got a better camo outfit on. But even a reporter ribbed him for it: “why don't you have a suit?” That game's over.

I thought Trump was going to say, “why don't you go back to piano playing?”

That would have been a good one. But in a way, the poor guy—you sort of said it in your article—was being given mixed messages. Because here's Trump saying “peace, peace, I want peace.” And yet almost immediately after Zelensky was kicked out of the White House, the Trump administration approved an emergency arms sale to Israel of over $3 billion that included 35,000 plus bombs, thousands of warheads and armed bulldozers. Even the Biden administration had restricted some of this. And even I think what they call the Moab bombs, the 21,000 mother of all bombs. And he completely bypassed congressional review. He claimed it was an emergency for U.S. security. No, it was an emergency for Miriam Adelson that she's going to start reneging on her payment, demanding it back. And so what a liar and a hypocrite. What's Zelensky supposed to think? Wait, where's mine that I've been getting all this time? And oh, “he's for peace.” Yes, some peace.

My article pointed out that obviously Zelensky didn't start the war. The mainstream was right about that, if very little else. It was the U.S., of course, that started the war. And it's a war on Europe as well as on Russia, the purpose being to keep the U.S. number one, keep the dollar number one, force the Europeans to stop buying cheap Russian gas for their industry, make their industry go broke as they have to buy overpriced American LP gas. So, actually, Zelensky really deserves double-digit trillions in reparations from the U.S., and so does Putin, and so does most of the Middle East.

So Trump's nonsense about how “we're throwing our money around at everybody and we're getting such a bad deal” is just rank bullshit. So that's what makes this offensive to me. But on the other hand, I kind of like seeing the U.S. empire blowing itself up, which is really what Trump is doing. But the Israeli empire is inheriting it, so who knows whether that’s any better.

So how about the heroism news? Let's get to some positive news this week. Nasrallah's funeral, a million voices for Palestine, this article from Khalil Harb at the Cradle. I watched that here (in Morocco). We had it on TV all day long. It was amazing. Who knows how many people there were, many hundreds of thousands or a million and a half or whatever it was, a big chunk of Lebanon turned out. A lot of people came from other places. I probably should have tried to fly in from Morocco, actually.

Basically, everybody now knows the Resistance is right, that the only hope is armed resistance against the Zionists and by any means necessary. Here's Pepe Escobar's piece about it, which I thought was pretty good.

What was truly amazing was the numbers not counted in the West or acknowledged to be as great as it was. In recent decades, there's been no funeral of this scale relative to the population. Many years before, de Gaulle had a lot of people attending his funeral. But this is really rather unprecedented.

And of course the Israelis had to do their flyover. What they were going to do, threaten mass genocide again to people who came? It was just appalling.

And some people said, well, there were no heads of state, not a single head of state, even from Arab countries. Maybe they were afraid of some kind of assassination that wouldn't have been past Israel to do. But I like how Pepe said it doesn't matter if the president and premier of Lebanon didn't even attend the funeral ceremony, because they're just puppets anyway. So and the main point is that you didn't need any heads of state. The collective people was the voice. You didn't need to hear talking heads.

The heads of state in this region are all cowed, intimidated, bribed, and mostly threatened. So any help they give to the Resistance is kind of under the table. Everybody knows that Qatar and Turkey are massively helping Hamas, of course. And everybody knows that a certain number of the rich people all throughout the region are finding ways to get their money to the Resistance. And that will continue in spades, probably orders of magnitude more than it has in the past. So if you think it was impressive that Hamas was able to build those tunnels and amass those arms and defeat the Israelis in that little area that Israel, with all of its American arms and money, cannot even secure, well, just wait till you see what's next.

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