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US Army Hero Scott Bennett: Martyred by the Usual Suspects?
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US Army Hero Scott Bennett: Martyred by the Usual Suspects?

Tribute to a fallen truth warrior

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Shortly before yesterday’s False Flag Weekly News broadcast I saw Press TV’s article confirming the sad and shocking news of the death of my friend and colleague Scott Bennett. The article hints that Scott may have been murdered by Ukrainian kill list types and their neocon American masters due to his report to Congress on US-sponsored Ukrainian war crimes:

Bennett also reported facing “death threats and threats of violence” from the Ukrainian government, military personnel, and media during his investigation. He also received similar threats from American and NATO “elements and agents” backing Kiev’s cause. He published his findings on Telegram, asserting that he was not “suicidal in any way.” “If anything happens to me, it will be in order to try and bury this report.” 

Scott also exposed Ukrainian war crimes in his film “Frontline Diary of an American Officer.” He was a regular guest on both RT and Press TV, as well as my radio show, pushing back against the dishonorable, criminal, sometimes even treasonous behavior of the people running the government he had naively served as a patriotic, God-fearing US Army officer.

Scott’s book The Shell Game describes his journey from conventional-minded Army officer specializing in psychological operations, to the martyrdom-worthy truth-and-justice hero he became. The catalyst of that momentous shift in outlook was discovering that his boss at Booz Allen Hamilton, Rabbi Dov Zakheim—the comptroller of the Pentagon on 9/11 and owner of a company that may have manufactured the remote-hijacking equipment used that day—was complicit in funding and fabricating the very terrorism that he was pretending to be fighting. After attempting to go through legal channels to present evidence of the criminal actions of Zakheim and others, Scott was framed by the criminals on absurdly bogus charges and imprisoned for two years. While in prison he met Bradley Birkenfeld, another whistleblower well-versed on the issue of who was really behind “Islamic terrorism.” By the time he got out of prison Scott, a sincere Christian, was ready to launch his “truth crusade” which in many ways paralleled my own truth jihad.

While I agree with Press TV and RT suggestions that Scott was likely martyred due to his Ukrainian war crimes report, it’s also possible that that report was merely the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. Specifically, Scott undoubtedly angered plenty of powerful people by exposing the real terrorists behind 9/11. Let’s not forget that RT founder Mikhail Lesin was murdered in a Washington DC motel room in 2016 in a coup aimed at stopping that network from spreading 9/11 truth. RT’s 2013 TruthSeeker program 9/11 and Operation Gladio, in which I feature, was basically erased from the internet by the NSA, illustrating USG’s all-out war on 9/11 truth. Lesin’s murder terrorized RT into abandoning its coverage of the subject.

In spring 2018, Scott Bennett was instrumental in an effort by a group of former US military, intelligence, and diplomatic personnel to convince the Iranian government to mount a “9/11 truth defense” to a civil lawsuit alleging Iranian complicity in the attacks on New York and Washington. As I wrote in the aftermath of that conference, which triggered a massive panic and crackdown on the New Horizon NGO by the neocon-Zionist perps:

Giraldi, Springmann, Bennett, and Michael Maloof were invited and attended (the special conference in Mashhad, Iran). On the final day of that Conference, Bennett and others spearheaded an attempt to convince the Iranian government to bring 9/11 truth into an American federal courtroom…When the May 2018 New Horizon conference in Mashhad nearly persuaded the Iranian government to throw its full support behind a major 9/11 truth initiative—one that could have led to discovery proceedings forcing suspected 9/11 perpetrators like Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and others to testify under oath— the neoconservative element of the Establishment must have panicked.

I suspect that New Horizon founder Nader Talebzadeh, who like Scott Bennett succumbed at a relatively early age to an oddly-timed “fatal illness,” was killed in part because the Mashhad conference had nearly succeeded in blowing 9/11 wide open. The utter panic that gripped Israel and its US agents in the wake of the Mashhad conference suggests that what these people fear most is the possibility that 9/11 truth could gain the full backing of one or more sovereign governments and then be adjudicated in a bona fide courtroom. In the wake of the Gaza genocide, and the ICC/ICJ proceedings against Netanyahu and co., the possibility that the genocide perps, who are also the 9/11 perps, will one day face a degree of formal justice, looms large enough to be worth pursuing. If and when that finally happens, it will be a fitting monument to Scott Bennett and other fallen truth warriors.

With Scott Bennett and friends in Iran

Transcript of my interview with Scott Bennett in the wake of the 2018 Mashhad conference

Welcome to Truth Jihad Radio. I'm Kevin Barrett, talking to all sorts of interesting people, telling you what's really going on in the world. And today I thought I'd get back with my old friend Scott Bennett. We were together in Mashhad, Iran, a couple of months ago. Scott was a key person in the process that led to the letter to the Iranian government signed by 70 or 80 9/11 truth people saying that they'll stand up and defend Iran in a court of law if Iran appeals the ridiculous case in that federal court in New York, in which Iran was ordered to pay billions of dollars in reparations for 9/11, which obviously Iran had nothing to do with.

So we want Iran to turn the tables and go after the real 9/11 perps who are more associated with the American and Israeli governments, not necessarily in that order. And anyway, Scott Bennett was a key guy in getting this initiative going. And it may lead to unforeseen places. We're hearing rumors right now of Iran going after the real 9/11 perps in an Iranian courtroom, and maybe bringing over some 9/11 experts to testify. That would be interesting.

It all goes back to something that happened when I wasn't there, and Scott Bennett was. This was in Meshad, Iran. So, Scott, tell us about how this idea came about.

Well, Kevin, it's an honor to be with you, my friend. And I was so blessed to be with you in Iran. And it was an incredible, incredible conference with incredible people. I mean, such talent and good hearts from Phil Giraldi to Michael Maloof to Peter Van Buren to J. Michael Springmann. We had a real diplomats team of Americans there that were standing up for America and the Constitution and were sick and tired of the corruption and just all of the death and misery and violence that has been spread since 9/11. I was so honored to see all of these men go to Iran and defy the State Department's propaganda that "it's a dangerous country, it's a hateful country, it's a violent country, it's throwing people off rooftops."

All of that was false. It was propaganda. The Iranians are the most calm, mild-mannered, gentle, respectful, wise people on the face of the earth. And I really, really loved my experience there. And to be with you there made it even better because I love how you think. I love what you represent. And you're a paragon of strength and fearlessness that I admire because you started a lot of this and stood up and laid the foundation a decade ago or more.

And I found out much later after I was shanghaied by the government, in my military capacity, that all of this (9/11 and the "war on terror") was a fraud. And it made perfect sense, the 9-11 attacks (were a false flag). So we had been discovering this over the last few years, myself and some other people in the military, and we were becoming more and more convinced.

And to answer the question quickly, what started all of what we're seeing now – was several months ago we started really praying and thinking: 9/11 is the American shoulder that's been put out of joint. It is the greatest wound and act of violence against the American people in the history of the country. It's also the greatest act of violence in the history of civilization as far as I'm concerned. And you know exactly why it's been the most damaging.

Psychological violence.

Yes, psychological violence. It's stolen our rights, stolen our liberties, stolen and destroyed our hope for a peaceful, tranquil life, which is what America is supposed to be about. That's what government is supposed to secure. And it has put us on this tyrant's police state global domination juggernaut in the name of defeating terrorism, which has been all propaganda and largely put out by the Israeli Zionist propaganda machine, and the neocons in Washington, from the George W. Bush administration on.

So we were praying how the real 9/11 story is eventually going to be out and released and the American military are going to discover it. What would be fascinating is if Iran—because they (the real 9/11 perps) been accusing Iran and bringing lawsuits in the past—wouldn't it be nice if Iran stood up and really came to the fight and said, "no, we're not going to back down. We're going to fight you on this."

And that was about four months ago. We (a group of American ex-military and intelligence people) were talking four or five or six months ago. And then when we went to this conference a little over a month ago. We were talking about this indirectly and things were being discussed. I went to Tehran with Michael Malouf and Phil Giraldi. Phil Guaraldi was a CIA counterterrorism guy. Michael Malouf was a Pentagon official.

He worked closely with Wolfowitz, right?

Yeah, yeah, he did.

So he was fairly high up, and he was an important member of that very neocon crew who were the real suspects. And so having him come over to our side is quite a defection from the other side, quite a victory for us.

Yeah, and it shows men when they – there's a saturation point where they wake up. They come out of the darkness. They finally have had enough of the poison. Whatever it may be, they have a transformation. The caterpillar comes out a butterfly, whatever the analogy is, and Michael Maloof had one, and I had one, and Phil had one, and many others did. And when we went down to Tehran to give a press conference about a lot of the material that we're talking about, we were approached by some...well, we were on state TV. We were meeting with diplomatic officials. We were meeting with a lot of interesting people, some of whom probably want to remain anonymous because of the Mossad targeting them.

But we met with some very interesting people including some Iranian intelligence people that had called us up to a hotel room and sat down with us and said: "We have been accused of this 9/11 attack we had nothing to do with. We are we are brainstorming how we might go back into the American courts and fight this, how we might defend ourselves. And what we might say besides that we had nothing to do with it."

So wait a minute. These were Iranian government people? Not the New Horizon conference people like Nader Talebzadeh who was the chair of New Horizon.

Yeah, these were other people. I'll just call them other people. These were Iranian senior level other people. And they didn't want to show their credentials or their ID or anything like that. So we know what kind of other people do that. I've done it myself.

And it was a very quiet conversation. And it was nothing about penetrating or requesting information on the United States at all, but rather this 9/11 issue. What I had said was: We've been talking about this for months. We've been talking about how Iran has been falsely accused of the 9/11 attacks and what it needs to do is go back into the American court. So what you're saying is the same thing we've been talking about for months. And you are absolutely right in believing that you have a right and a duty to defend yourself. And not only that, Americans from every corner that know about 9/11 would ride alongside you and come into court and present their evidence,= present their documents, present their videos, present their scientific analysis from the Pentagon, from the Twin Towers, from Pennsylvania, from Building 7—every aspect, every element from the structural steel to the avionics of plane trajectories and all of the scientific and architects and engineers sort of stuff. These people would come to Iran's side and testify as expert witnesses.

And they were quite blown away to see that and think that. I think they had been given a very negative impression of the United States, and I certainly can understand why. But when they met us and heard us, they said, aren't you afraid of testifying? Aren't you afraid of being killed for testifying?

I've heard that a lot over there, too.

Yeah. And I said, I frankly, Kevin, I said, no, I'm not because I took an oath to my country. I took an oath to defend and support the Constitution as a military officer. And what was done on 9/11 was a violent attack against my country. And I swore an oath to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And domestic enemies have done this to the United States, not Iran. I know that for a fact. So I cannot stand by and allow a lie and propaganda continue to be used against the American people because it's an act of warfare. It's an act of psychological warfare and information operations.

So I think they were impressed that we were not about this cowboyish America, this we're going to dominate the world attitude. We represented an entirely different frame of mind. So when we said that, we really, I think, gave them confidence that truth was going to break out, and you were going to have an enormous amount of Americans standing with Iran, not for the sake of Iran, not because they liked Iran or they didn't like Iran, but because they loved their country more. They loved the truth more. And they hated the lie of 9/11. And they hated everybody who has contributed to the lie of 9/11, from the media to the Bush administration, Wolfowitz and Pearl and Condoleezza Rice and Rumsfeld and all of these people, Dove Zakheim, the comptroller at the Pentagon, who was my boss at Booz Allen Hamilton, and his son, Roger Zakheim. who was at the Pentagon and then the House Armed Services Committee. Dov Zakhan then became the terrorist financing guy in charge of Booz Allen Hamilton's money operations.

So there are a lot of pieces of the puzzle that we could bring that the Iranians could go to court and file a defensive action, and they could introduce it a variety of ways. They could introduce it as a request to rehear based on newly discovered evidence that there had been fraud perpetrated on the court. And any time the court is told that a case they've heard is fraudulent, that there's been a deception on the court, then they immediately have to reexamine it because it's like saying this witness who claimed to have been murdered has been found alive, and therefore there's no way that you can blame his death on us because he's alive.

They would have to make the legal argument that if they were going to say a fraud was perpetrated on the court, they would have to claim that the lawsuit itself against Iran was fraudulent, meaning that the people bringing that lawsuit knowingly misrepresented things. And that actually might be a little harder than proving that the official story is a lie, which is actually quite easy.

Yeah, and it comes to how to best introduce the lawsuit defense. That's what makes this situation very unique. Iran is not going to a court, filing a lawsuit against somebody. They're not knocking on a door asking to be heard. They are responding to an attack upon them that has been already made. Now, they may not have responded in a timely fashion or according to the U.S. calendar or whatever that may be, but I think that is all appealable. I think that can go right up to the Supreme Court. There's a docket case number, and as long as that case number is used, they can file a petition to the court saying, "we've discovered new evidence and other things that the court needs to hear." And then they can bring in the case that Iran didn't have anything to do with 9/11 and we can prove it. And the story that you're accusing Iran of is absolutely fraudulent. And we're going to call expert witnesses in to prove our point, to prove our defense.

Yeah, I think the newly discovered evidence argument could work in that Iran...would have a case that when they first heard about this—and who knows whether they even got any timely notification of it, and if they didn't, then that in itself would give them grounds for appeal. But assuming that they got some sort of notification ahead of time and decided not to go through with it because they didn't know what they could do effectively, then the newly discovered evidence would be when they learned that this 9/11 truth movement includes so many experts who have all sorts of information that exonerates them and that in fact points at a different culprit. And so they could easily argue that they really didn't learn that until we heard it—until this conference, basically.

That's right. That's one of the tacks that you can take is that this newly discovered evidence, which was the culmination of different experts and their materials, came to them after and late. And they were, you know, searching and researching and trying to acquire this. And now it's just fallen into their lap and people are contacting them saying, "All of this fraud and all of the different aspects of the attack were not true. It didn't happen as they say." So the court's description of the case against Iran, they're going to describe the 9/11 narrative a certain way. So the court's description of the 9/11 narrative is going to be fundamentally fraudulent.

So that's one of the things that can be brought in. And there's a lot of different ways to massage it, a lot of different tricky legal tactics, of course, and legal minds. We had a show with Barbara Honegger the other day, and I kept trying to stress this is—part of me always looks at this like a psychological warfare operation. This is about not necessarily expecting the U.S. courts to do anything noble or good or fair or or honorable or just for Iran. This is also, more importantly, a psychological flare into the sky, an announcement, a trumpeting that says Iran is standing up and calling this attack and the accusation against Iran absolutely false and fraudulent. And they're going to bring in all of the experts from Alan Sabrosky to yourself, Kevin, to Richard Gage, to Jim Fetzer, to Barbara Honegger, to Christopher Bollyn, to numerous other people, very well-documented experts, proofs and studies and research and evidence about every element.

And the Pentagon really is the significant one Barbara was talking about. You can correct me if there's anything I'm missing, but the Pentagon was an important one, and Barbara had raised the issue adamantly because it was the moment when war could be declared because it was an act of war against the Pentagon. And, of course, there was no plane or 757 that crashed into the Pentagon. I drove by the Pentagon the next day and saw just a blue tarp covering the hole. There were no plane parts. There were no skid marks. There were no marks on the grass. There's no way a plane of that size could have possibly hit the Pentagon and landed on the grass.

So there's a lot of this material that I think is going to be coming out, and this is a time to really encourage Iran to stand up and take this into the public courts because they're not only... liberating the American people they're liberating the world. People are afraid of the trauma of what will this do what will this do to our reputation, what will this do to

America. I think it would have nothing but a positive effect, because they're not no other country is looking to wage war on us, Kevin. Every every country is afraid and is defending themselves against us. That means we're going around the world looking for (trouble). We're the ones going around erecting bases and (engaging in) all sorts of militant activity and regime change, destabilization operations from Libya to Syria and elsewhere. We're the ones doing that. And it's harming us greatly. And it all started after 9/11.

There was some of that before 9/11 but it's gotten a lot worse. And now they're not even really pretending to be supporting any real U.S. interest. Now it's almost entirely about Israel's interest. The Cold War against Islam is totally about Israel strategically anyway. But in fact, I think that you're onto something with your suggestion that changing tack here, having the U.S. become an economic leader and a leader by example, resting on the principles that our founding fathers wrote into the Constitution, would actually be a way that we could do well by doing good. I think the United States actually could be a force for good in the world, not a force for evil in the world. And this (9/11 truth) is the kind of psychological shock it probably would take to radically change directions.

Well, I think you're right. I agree with that, because most of the American people think that way. The American people are not into this bloodthirsty world conquest domination activity. That's why they voted for Trump. I think, quite honestly, they were sick and tired of all of this. It got out of control. They were lied to in the beginning. Then people slowly started to learn it over a decade. And remember, people don't have time to watch the Internet and study it and talk with experts. They go to their job, they work eight hours a day, they come home, they play with their kids, they watch TV, they go to bed. And sadly, they watch the mainstream media or Fox News, and they get very distorted versions of this.

So the (truth movement) leadership in America has been researching and studying and slowly putting this puzzle together that shows that 9/11 was completely false. And their resentment, their hostility, their distrust (of their leadership) has been rising proportionally to their knowledge of the discovery of 9/11 being false. And a portion of the American people are waking up and I think pushing us closer to a civil war, a social unrest see the hostility and the delusion and the mania coming out of the government, wildly flailing around looking to continue hostility as if somehow it's a smokescreen. The more wars and chaos and militants exist, the more the establishment, the politicians, are protected.

The American people don't want that and they don't like that. That's why Trump was elected, because he seemed to represent the opposite of that.

He sure sounded like an America first candidate. A lot of people were hoping he'd be the second coming of Charles Lindbergh. Unfortunately, so far, some of the usual suspects still seem to have him somewhat hogtied. But everybody's still speculating about what could happen. Nothing's written in stone. He sure looks hostile to Iran, though. It looks like the anti-Iran people kind of have him and have had him on that issue for a long time.

Well, I'd like to think he could do a North Korea twist and turnabout. He does like to be dramatic. He likes to do these instant flips. Somehow it's entertaining. It's part of his wheel and deal personality.

So he's going to fly into Tehran and announce that 9/11 was a Zionist coup d'etat? Now, that would get him some publicity.

I don't think he'd go that far. I think that would be, you know, a bridge too far. He'd be (?) and something would happen. But, you know, he has to go in that direction, though, Kevin. Let's be clear. He has to go in that direction because it's the Saudi Arabians that seem to be the main problem ideologically in the world when they're pushing a Wahhabist extremist intolerance that is causing chaos. And I know...We're to blame for some of that, but we're also funding and financing and encouraging them.

But they've snookered Trump, totally. They got Trump over there and had him put his hands in the glowing orb alongside al-Sisi and bin Salman and pledge allegiance to their new world order, whatever it is they're doing. Trump's best buddies with the Saudis. And just because he had a problem pushing through a business deal in Qatar, he okayed the Saudis' de facto declaration of war on Qatar and their blockade of Qatar.

Trump with his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, the Kosher Nostra princeling—he's tied in with Netanyahu and the criminals over in Israel, too. So he would have to extricate himself from all of these kinds of ties, wouldn't he?

Well, a micro symbolism for what perhaps America needs to do and maybe is doing right now...You just saw last night some small socialist girl, female, in New York with a Spanish name, Cortez, Elena (Alexandria) Cortez something, overthrow a U.S. Democrat congressman in New York.

I love it. I hope these Sandernista types totally kick out the Hillary wing of the Democratic Party.

Look, it's the young people. The young people, I think, are the only hope. Not to say all young people are virtuous or intelligent. You don't get that when you look at them in Antifa. They're actually...knuckle-dragging maniacs in Antifa.

Antifa is a false flag. It's a classic false flag. They claim to be against fascism, but their whole method is organized on the principle of fascism, of utter collectivism, total hatred of some outside scapegoat. And then with these mass rabble rousing tactics and violence in the streets! I mean, this is textbook fascism.

And so they've created a fascist so-called anti-fascist group. It's almost humorous.

Yeah, well, it is. And I agree with your assessment of them 100 percent. And I'd like to see more of the young people come up and overthrow these delusional dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Nancy Pelosi or other types. And the young people don't want that anymore. They're the ones who have grown up with the web, grown up with YouTube, studying this stuff. So they have absorbed more of the material in YouTube, like 9/11 like a lot of these other revelations of truth that the mainstream media calls "conspiracy theories." No, they're truth!

And revelations of truth like about the USS Liberty...Nobody knows about the USS Liberty, Kevin. I never learned about it when I was in school. You have to be on the elite level of information digging to discover that. And that's a very sad thing in American life. Because the more Americans that learn about the USS Liberty...they would be shocked and horrified, and they distance themselves from Israel. Not because they don't like Jews, but because they don't like traitors who stab us in the back.

It's also a key case in understanding where we went wrong in our history, because it's tied in so intimately with the JFK assassination and the rise of Lyndon B. Johnson, the certified psychopath and organized crime Kosher-Nostra-from-Texas kind of guy, who was probably put in office in large part precisely to be there when Israel launched its war of aggression to steal all that territory in 1967. And then they put Johnson in there to do this insane act of treason, trying to murder hundreds of Americans on this unarmed spy ship. And he's on the record saying, "I want that goddamn ship on the bottom." To really understand where we went terminally wrong—it wasn't just 9/11. I think it was JFK. When they got away with murdering a decent president who was about to become a towering statesman and the greatest president of our time, and then replacing him with this psychopath Johnson, who's 100 times worse than Trump, than the biggest Trumpophobe's caricatural idea of Trump.

I think they're not entirely wrong. I'm not a big fan of Trump either.But Johnson makes Trump look like Mother Teresa. So things really went wrong there in the second half of the 1960s. And the USS Liberty case is a really important piece of the puzzle to help the country figure out where it went wrong.

You know, a great guy that you'd love to have on your show) is Jim Kerwin, who's done a lot of incredible artwork on that decade with Johnson, and he lived during that time, too. He's written a lot, and he captures the spirit of what you're describing.

That is the insanity that broke out in the 1960s with the youth generation just going nuts in a good way in certain respects, anti-Vietnam and pro-civil rights, but in bad ways in other respects. I think this was an exaggerated reaction to the sort of unconscious knowledge that JFK, the young guy, the new generation guy who had all these fresh new ideas and who was basically a good person, an idealist deep down inside, had just been shot in the face by hideous psychopathic gangsters representing an older generation.

And that generational murder of the son got through at a subconscious level to the young people. And they suddenly they realized that their fathers were out to get them, sending them over to Vietnam to die and all of that stuff. And so they went berserk.

So I think that that Kennedy killing is the key to the whole zeitgeist. But nobody puts that in the history books because, you know, that analysis is taboo. If I tried to write a mainstream history book with that analysis, it wouldn't get reviewed. It wouldn't get published. So we're living in this world of censorship.

I think you're right. You're describing a sociological meltdown, an emotional meltdown in the 1960s that masqueraded as free love and flowers and drugs. And I think all of that was an expression or a symptom of a deeper psychic pain or trauma that they all suffered when Kennedy died in 1963. I think all of the things that followed in the hippie generation were part of what you're describing. There was a major trauma and a rebellion, and there was justifiable rebellion against Vietnam. And all of the things that came out of that have been manifesting 25 years later as the destruction and the unraveling of America.

And I always come back to marriage and the family because I studied it intimately when I was at the Heritage Foundation. It was part of my PhD studies on all the sociological data relating to sexuality, family, marriage, criminality, society, political theory.

And I was delighted when I was in Iran. The number one question they kept having me answer and talk about ad nauseum in my live interviews, every hour or two, was on the marriage and the family and women and men and the sexual relationships and culture and what was going on in America. And because the Iranian people are very wholesome in their marriages and their families and their children and their sexual mores. They're a family values culture. And American mainstream media has to try to blame people.

Ramin Mazaheri, that press TV guy from Paris, wrote an essay about these things. He said "even if there were no Ayatollahs, our aunts and our mothers, our grandmothers, would be keeping us in line." But, yeah, the picture we're getting here is so distorted. So, anyway, thank you, Scott Bennett. It's always wonderful talking with you. And congratulations on being part of this potentially historical moment over in Mashhad, Iran, where you helped get the ball rolling with the Iranians fighting back and maybe helping out in terms of getting 9/11 truth out and getting our country back.

Amen. Thank you, Kevin. We'll continue to fight the good fight, my friend. It's an honor to be with you.

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