Veteran librarian Jeff Brown has created a free online Living Library on Judaism. Warning: Not all of its contents are favorable to Jews! May be illegal in some jurisdictions! Consume with caution!
False Flag Weekly News co-host Cat McGuire, who recently published “America Is a Gentile Nation,” joins Jeff and me to discuss the project.
Jeff Brown: I think for a lot of us, the epiphany was October 7th, the Al-Aqsa flood. And seeing the just grotesque, heinous, criminal slaughter of likely hundreds of thousands of people and turning genocide into a TV show. And at that point, people started sending me stuff. And there's a Muslim guy, I won't say who he is, but he has been contacting me for the last few years. And he had been sending me stuff about Mohammed and Allah and everything else, but then he started sending me stuff about Judaism after October 7th.
And then the other big thing that really opened my eyes was was Twitter-X. And now that Elon bought it…for 10 years I had quit using it, because they completely shut me down. Anbd then all of a sudden I start seeing all these tweets about Judaism and Jews and everything else. And I was just like, what the hell is this? And I'm a veteran librarian at heart. And so I just started saving this stuff and I start putting it in files. And this thing just has a life of its own. It just took off. I've been working on it for six months. It's 150 pages long. And I've transcribed as many of the videos as I can. I've transcribed all of the videos so that if anybody wants to copy that text and use it, they can, and also translate any of the text into any other language that they want. It's massive.
And it's just so... It's sick. It's sick. It's a sick religion. And I'm just stunned at what I have learned. And it saddens me. And it disgusts me. And it's actually been pretty... I mean, I've had some sleepless nights about this thinking... You mean you can have sex with a three-year-old girl? Really? I mean, this is just so psychopathic and just so demented and satanic and demonic. And they admit it. They admit it. They're proud of it. “Yeah, we worship Satan.” There's all these Jews that say they worship Satan.
I've got all that. But what really took me to the next level: I realized, well, hell, they've taken over the West. They control the West. The West is occupied and colonized. They have Weimerized it like they Weimerized Germany back in the 30s. And you wonder why Hitler was so popular. It is just total Weimerization. And I think it's over for the West. The maggots are in the political muscle and the termites are in the wood, and…It's over. I mean, they control the White House. There's more Israeli flags in the U.S. Congress than there are American flags.
And so they've just taken over. The judgeships, state houses. I don't know what you all think, but that's my conclusion, that the West is finished. I mean, they will do to the West what they did to Germany in the 30s.
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