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This week a German report compared rising antisemitism to a “tsunami” and an “explosion.” (They couldn’t call it an “explosive tsunami” because the Russian navy owns the copyright on that.)
Simultaneously, US Health and Human Services Director Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launched a public health campaign against antisemitism, calling it a “deadly and virulent pestilence” that is “comparable to history’s most deadly plagues.” Rumor has it that Pfizer and Moderna will soon roll out an mRNA vaccine against antisemitism, RFK Jr. will add it to the CDC’s recommended schedule, and Trump will issue an executive order making it mandatory. (Check out my satire…)
All this hyperventilating about antisemitism is transpiring in the midst of a genocide targeting semites—namely the Palestinians, who speak a semitic language and whose ancestors have been speaking semitic languages for untold millennia. The perpetrator of the genocide is the Jewish State, founded and run by ashkenazi Jews whose ancestors were speakers of Germanic languages belonging to the Indo-European language family. The Jews who founded Israel are odiously fake “semites.”
Yet all of the hysteria around antisemitism ignores the genuinely semitic genocide victims. It turns a blind eye to the tens of thousands of semitic women and children condemned to slow, agonizing deaths beneath the rubble of what used to be their homes. Instead, it obsesses over alleged wrongs being done to (non-semitic) Jews, the genocide perpetrators. What wrongs? Well, people have been hurting the Jews’ feelings by speaking out against the genocide.
In one of the most egregious cases, a Brooklyn Jew named CJ Chellin experienced horrific oppression at a comedy club. What Chellin went through was infinitely worse than spending 48 hours dying of crushed vertebrae and bleeding internal organs in the rubble of your house that the Jews blew up so they could steal your land.
Listen to the tearjerking recitation:
CJ Chellin of Williamsburg, Brooklyn was having a wonderful day in Brooklyn on Friday. She and her husband went to an exciting fundraiser at her son’s school before deciding to finish off a fun day at a local comedy club. She had no idea she would end the night in tears after a comedian on stage — Mike Recine — performed a set of jokes culminating with one personal “attack,” Chellin explained. (The jokes) included a routine that focused on Jewish people and the Israel—Hamas war in the Middle East.
“He starts with how Jews must find ‘Free Palestine’ really confusing because we love free stuff,” Chellin, who is Jewish, as is her husband, said. “Then he said, ‘I don’t know about you, but a Palestinian has never kept my security deposit.’” (After a few more jokes like that) “I was getting visibly upset,” she said, explaining that she and Scott got up to leave the show, even after paying around $50 for both tickets. “I’m almost crying at this point. It’s very sensitive. I’ve dealt with a lot of antisemitism over the last 508-or-so days.”
Recine did not let them leave without getting out some more words, asking if she was upset as the audience cheered on his inquisition. After responding that she was, in fact, upset, Chellin claims Recine said something along the lines of, “Why don’t you go kill some more babies?,” as the audience laughed. She then broke down in tears and exited the club with Scott, still upset, she said.
Watch the hilarity beginning around the 30:40 mark of the False Flag Weekly News video posted above.
Another horrific antisemitic—I mean, anti-genocide-perp—incident this week occurred when Joe Rogan hosted an “antisemitic conspiracy theorist” on his podcast. Rogan
“faced backlash on Wednesday for hosting a friendly discussion with Ian Carroll, a self-described journalist with a sizable following who has frequently spread antisemitic conspiracy theories — claiming that ‘Israel did 9/11’ and that the U.S. is controlled by a ‘Zionist mafia’…”
The fact that those “theories” are obviously true just makes it that much worse.
The Jewish Insider subheadline reads: “Experts say Rogan’s recent platforming of Ian Carroll is the latest sign of the normalization of antisemitism in popular discourse.” Those experts may be onto something. But what they’re calling “antisemitism” is really pro-semitism. It’s being driven by people who notice that the semites being genocided in Palestine are human beings. The so-called “antisemites” are in fact defending semites against non-semites who are mass-murdering them.
When the Jews (meaning the tribal entity including but not limited to the so-called state of Israel) somehow get away with committing live-streamed genocide for more than 500 days, people not only object, but also start asking how those Jews became powerful and arrogant enough to do such a thing. They notice that not only do Jews dominate US Mideast policy, but they also self-admittedly are “running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government.” And let’s not even get started on organized crime.
Even before the Jewish billionaires began purging American universities of anti-genocide voices by withholding those universities’ funding, Jews had already taken over America’s elite universities via ethnic nepotism. But nobody in academia is allowed to talk about that.
The Jewish supremacist ADL, an organized crime outfit masquerading as a civil rights organization, has long been terrorizing anyone who notices, much less criticizes, Jewish power. It forced America’s richest man, Elon Musk, to kneel down and kiss kosher tush. If Elon Musk, who seemed poised to become the contemporary equivalent of Henry Ford, lacks the money and power to resist the dictates of the tribal Jewish elite and its billionaire ringleaders, what hope remains for lesser mortals?
The answer, of course, is that if enough lesser mortals wake up, the genocidal tribe will get its comeuppance, as it has so often throughout history. And people are indeed waking up. An “anti-antisemitism tsunami” is building, triggered by the Gaza genocide earthquake. That tsunami of anger against the people genociding the Palestinian semites is speeding through oceans of public opinion, most of its power hidden beneath a superficially placid surface. When it finally slams into the eastern Mediterranean shore and rises to its full height—an event that will coincide with the US finally becoming unwilling (or more likely unable) to prop up the genocide perpetrators—it will wash the Zionist Entity away to the hell from whence it came.
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