Alan Sabrosky was supposed to discuss his recent article Germany Renewed, A Case for Disunion. But ten minutes into the show, he got offended and bailed out. He had asserted that the vast majority (like 88%) of sex crime perpetrators in Europe, and specifically the UK, are immigrants. I challenged his numbers, saying that the majority of sex criminals in the UK are white. All of the evidence I’ve seen, including anti-immigration folks’ best attempts to massage/torture the numbers, bears this out.
It had been Alan’s idea to do a two hour show. Suddenly I was facing 110 minutes without a guest. Fortunately, Jonathan Revusky, who has written several articles debunking anti-immigrant “Muslim rape army” propaganda, happened to be available. Watch the first hour video above. The audio file above is the second hour with Jonathan Revusky.
The transcript begins:
Welcome, this is the special live edition of Truth Jihad Audiovisual. I've been doing this podcast previously in purely radio form for almost 20 years now. It's been a long time and I don't know if I'm getting any better at it or not. But speaking of people who've been at it for a long time, how about Alan Sabrosky? I brought Alan Sabrosky on the show back in 2010 or so. He's a former Head of Strategic Studies at the U S Army War College. Alan was willing to go on record saying that he had talked with his colleagues at that war college and made it clear to them that 9/11 was an Israeli Mossad operation, period. And so I got him on the show and it made big headlines. Even Alex Jones covered it. Alex was doing that kind of thing back in the day.
Now Alan has a new article out. It's called Germany Renewed, A Case for Disunion. And it goes into the future of Germany and Europe and such. And so we're gonna talk about that as well as about some of the other stuff that's going on in the world. Some of the same stories we talk about on False Flag Weekly News, which is coming up tomorrow. And then I have the sad news that this might be Alan's last First Friday appearance He is not doing so well vision wise. And so we'll we'll see how that goes. But that's the plan so far.
So, hey, Alan, it's great to have you back. We're going to be on for two full hours. And we'll be praying for your vision to get better so you can come back again after that. But, you know, it's all it's in Allah's hands, isn't it?
Well, I hate to wear the glasses also, but it's going to be necessary this time. And just so you know, I couldn't read the list that you gave me. The screen was just a blur. So picking the topics for the first hour, as you wish.
Okay, sounds good. I think we should probably start out with your new article. I managed to draw a whole lot of comments by trolling the comments section on your article at the Unz Review. Did you see that, by the way?
No, I didn't. I never read comments on my own work. I never see videos of myself. I never do any of that. Never have. The only exception to that was the 2011 Press TV one with the autograph. Susan Madara, I think her name was. And that was one which apparently got a fair amount of traction out there. And I finally decided to watch it. And other than the fact that I was about 50 pounds heavier than I am now I can see why it got got some attention.
Yeah, that was a classic. I do mess with comment sections a little bit. I kind of skim and occasionally participate just to encourage people, because that does draw people… And then also there's sort of a community thing. I try to keep abreast of the comments at my Substack because it's kind of a community of people interested in my work.
But in any case, I trolled those people under your article at the Unz Review by basically insulting the pussy Germans and saying that the only hope for Germany is Islam and maybe we should deport all the white Germans to the South Pole. I said it. more cleverly than that, of course. And it's obviously a joke, the deportation part. But my point was basically that I think the people who are calling for forced deportations of people based on their ethnicity are really…that's just stupid and evil. Like that video that you shared in that article, of a bunch of blonde, blue-eyed Hitler-style Nordic Germans all having a great time deporting all of the dark-skinned immigrants was—at one level it's kind of funny, almost like Trump's “finish the genocide and build a Riviera” video. But it's also kind of disgusting that there actually are people who want to do ethnic cleansing in today's world.
Well, one of the things that's different, Kevin, there were some tears coming into my eyes and just the eyes tear when I'm looking at a screen, even with glasses on.
So it wasn't the thought of ethnic cleansing that was making you tear.
Oh, no, no. I'm fully 100% with the Romans on that. The Carthaginian solution is sometimes the only one.
Wait, wait, wait. The Romans invited everybody of all ethnicities into their empire and they only exterminated the people that wouldn't join.
They invited everyone into their empire, but not as citizens until the last two centuries. But anyway, one of the things that comes up very quickly on it, if one looks at migrant data for Europe and for America—I actually looked at the data over the past week. It took me a week to do it very slowly, you know, taking a page at a time and then stopping. And I was astonished at the numbers. And I'm going to get into the ethnic cleansing bit. In Europe in 2013, and this is data from the European Commission, European Union in 2013, just under 10% of the population of Europe were non European migrants. That meant in the numbers would have been about 72 to 73 million people.
Does that mean people born somewhere else?
Born outside of Europe. And you can't really use the term legal and illegal and the rest of that because if, as in the case of Germany or the US during the Biden administration, an administration is facilitating the entry of people into the country, even if it's not following the immigration laws that they have, are they really illegal? And I would say probably not, if they've been legitimized by the by the administrations, by the governments. But in 2023, 2024 data is not yet finalized. In 2023, there was nearly 20%, which including the descendants—I'm using the European Union's rules on this—including the descendants of those initially of non European origin, You're talking about 160 to 170 million people. It goes from a low—and this is of the major countries. I didn't look at Slovakia and Slovenia and some of the smaller ones—it goes from a low of just over 9% for Italy to a high of 30% for Germany. These are the numbers.
Okay, now by descendants, though: Does that mean that like if somebody has like two Moroccan grandparents or great grandparents or whatever, does that get counted?
I don't know. I don't know what they were talking about was migrants and the children of migrants. And I don't know if they went into what one migrant marries one European. I didn't get into that. But this was just these…the European Union didn't provide it.
I would stick with (first generation) migrants because somebody who's born in Germany grows up as a German, speaking German. going to German schools and so on….why even worry about children of migrants?
Well, he's a German citizen, but he's not German ethnically.
Well, what does that mean? Ethnicity is an illusion. It's all in your head unless you're talking about genetics.
Well, it's not in your head or in my head or in anyone else's head. Some of the other data I got…And this is why that focus on what you call ethnic cleansing is there in Sweden. And these numbers come from 2023, Sweden. 18% of the population is classified as migrants that 18% commits 75% of the murders and 84% of the rapes. If you go to Germany. The abuse of children. This is from 2022 in Germany, the abuse of children, and that goes from anywhere from physical abuse to rape, to murder, to murder, to gang rape of children. 93% of those committing it are non-European origin. In Austria. 2020 data. Gang rapes. 88% non-European origin. And the numbers are like that all across Europe, even Britain, Oxfordshire. The police, surprisingly enough, they arrested the 24 leaders of grooming gangs. All 24 were Pakistanis. And by the way, the ones that are leading the rape and gang rape and abuse of children tend to be Afghans. Get the first one, Somalis. And yes, all three of these are Muslim. But I would argue that the Pakistanis, Afghans and Somalis doing this are not doing this because they're Muslim. They're doing this because they're Pakistanis, Afghans and Somalis.
So wait a minute, Alan, I did look at some debunkings of the grooming gang thing that showed that actually of the people arrested for essentially pimping and trafficking, which is what the grooming gangs were, the majority of them were actually white or native British.
Well, I don't know where you're reading that. I would suspect it might be from a Pakistani grooming gang, but that's not what the numbers are.
I challenge you to check it out. I guarantee you it isn't like 100%. It's actually... And I'm pretty sure that I remember that the actual links to the statistics of people prosecuted for the crimes relating to sexual related crimes, the majority of them were actually native British. And so there's been all of this attention directed towards these Pakistani gangs because a bunch of racists are fanatically obsessing on the racist aspect of that. And then they ignore the majority of the people being arrested for similar crimes who are not Pakistani.
Alan, come on! Well, that's going to be a long show if Alan Sabrosky doesn't want to come back. We're supposed to do two hours. Maybe I should send him the link and then he'll come back if if I could convince him that this is correct. And then while I'm doing that, I can try to find the link. And let's see. Sex crimes prosecutions. UK by ethnicity. Just Google that. OK, a 2020 report by the Center of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse said that the ethnic background of offenders was recorded in 71% of the cases, of which, quote, “the vast majority were white, 89%.” 6% were Asian, 3% were black, 1% were from mixed ethnic backgrounds, and 1% were from other ethnic backgrounds. (Here is a recent article showing similar numbers.)
Okay, so 89% of sex offenders in which the ethnicity was recorded in the UK were white, 89%, while six were Asian, and some percentage of that 6% was Pakistani.
I did read a piece at the Unz Review trying to debunk this, and his debunking failed completely. He was basically trying to get that 90 percent number down as low as he could, possibly by trying to focus on specific types of sex crimes. And in any case, it still ended up that he couldn't get it not be a majority (of sex crime perpetrators in the UK being white). So what he ended up doing was he said, well, OK, so even if 89% of the people arrested or charged with sex crimes are white, it should be higher than that. In terms of the percentage by population, you have to adjust your numbers so that proportionally the sex crimes are being committed at a somewhat higher rate by these minority ethnicities, etc, etc, etc.
So, OK, whatever. But still. Alan is so upset to hear the truth about this that he hung up. Because he's been exposed to all of this propaganda bullshit and has been lapping it up…
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