
Top Ten "Life Hacks" for a Better 2025

I know that's not a red-pilled headline, but at least I'm not making cat videos...yet

Help! Genocidal Zionist Stripe deplatformed me so I can’t get paid through Substack. Here is the monthly workaround for January 2025: http://spot.fund/51krmzsc Better yet, offer a monthly or annual donation HERE.

Life Hacks for 2025

1. Invest wisely in your Substacks. Which ones are consistently putting out good stuff? Which are the most courageous and/or have the most integrity and/or can occasionally offer comic relief? And which of those are run by non-super-famous people who could actually use your help? Plugs: I’m impressed by the consistency and quality of Oliver Boyd-Barrett, no relation, and greatly appreciate the work of Laurent Guyenot, Linh Dinh, Laura, Jonathan Cook, and various others I apologize for leaving out.

But there is only one Substack, that I know of, that publishes almost daily, offers all its content free to everybody, and does not accept money through evil, genocidal Stripe. (Hint hint.)

2. Don’t doomscroll—watch False Flag Weekly News instead! Why waste time subjecting yourself to random blasts of depressing chaos? We do that so you don’t have to! Watch FFWN for one hour each week and you’ll understand what’s really going on and how bad it really is and why you’re better off doing fun and/or productive things throughout the rest of the week.

3. Feed your cat sardines. But make sure your cat is willing to share them with you. That way you’ll get the nutritional benefit of fish oil, protein, calcium, and other good things. And you’ll also have a happy, healthy cat. Here in Morocco fresh sardines are about 50 cents a pound, and you can get a big plate of them roasted for under $2. But wherever you are, whether or not you even have a cat, canned sardines are a nutritional bargain and taste alright with green onions and cream cheese. (This has been a public service message from the Moroccan Sardine Council and its spokesfeline, Muse the Cat.)

4. Speaking of nutrition…If you can stand to lose a few pounds like I can, try eating just one meal a day. Here’s what’s been working for me: Instead of breakfast, I sip blended green tea with coconut oil on and off throughout the morning and early afternoon. For some reason (ketosis?) that satisfies my hunger. I take my only daily meal circa mid to late afternoon. This approach is much cheaper and healthier than Ozempic. If it works for me, subjected to much temptation by a wife who is an amazing cook, it can work for anybody.

5. Develop an exercise habit. Ideally it should be something you like doing. (Having lost a few pounds I can now run miles on the beach and then swim off the sweat.)

6. Do deep relaxation meditation, preferably while focusing on what we theists call God, though I realize people from other traditions and backgrounds call He/She/It various things in various languages. When I do the five-times-daily salat prayer, I focus hard on God and get into a state that’s almost like falling asleep. (Fortunately I haven’t yet collapsed into complete unconsciousness during the Friday congregational prayer.) And I also have put together a 20 minute binaural beat mediation tape featuring a recorded chant of the 99 names of God. Email me at truthjihad(at)gmail if you want to try it.

7. Hang out, watch people, converse. Linh Dinh spends his life in cafés doing that, and he’s still going strong despite many decades of ignoring the kind of advice I just gave you about nutrition and exercise and meditation.

8. Cultivate spontaneity. After my wife yelled at me that I was a typical control-freak Westerner, I realized she was right, loosened up, and bought us both one way tickets to a foreign land. We will have to get back by bus, train, ferry, hitchhiking, swimming…whatever, whenever. If we end up stranded in some weird unforeseeable situation or place, it will serve us both right. Especially her.

9. Deny the Holocaust. Scientific studies show that Holocaust deniers are happier, healthier, and better looking than non-deniers. Holocaust denial can help you lose weight (especially the oppressive weight of imposed ideologies) and help you find real friends (by alienating all your fake friends so you’ll know who the real ones are). What’s more, Chinese astrology tells us that Holocaust denial is especially auspicious in years named after reptiles, such as this year, the Year of the Dragon, and next year, the Year of the Wood Snake. So don’t delay—deny the Holocaust today!

10) If you are a Zionist, maybe even if you aren’t, grow a freaking sense of humor! It works wonders against self-importance, narcissism, fanaticism, and other ills that are characteristic of, but not limited to, Zionists. It can also help you endure the world’s insanity. So if you’re sitting in a cubicle in Tel Aviv being paid to read this, it would behoove you to fall out of your chair and roll around on the ground laughing at yourself.

Okay, those are my top ten life hacks for 2025. If you don’t want me to start writing this kind of schlock for a living, or—even worse—become a maker of cat videos, then PLEASE support this wonderful but Stripe-deplatformed Substack!

Once again: Here is the monthly workaround for January 2025: http://spot.fund/51krmzsc Better yet, offer a monthly or annual donation HERE.