
The Beginning and the End

Plus: Zio-American Empire vs. China, 9/11 planes, Israel and JFK-9/11, and more

Now that the Evil Empire is about to ban TikTok—or force its sale to Zionists—I guess I should try to post some videos there as an act of solidarity.

Unfortunately, the last time I tried to post a video on Tik-Tok, it was quickly taken down by censors. That puzzled me, until I heard Glen Greenwald explain why TikTok also censors his attempts to criticize the American Empire. Greenwald says TikTok outsources censorship to the same CIA (Mossad) cabal that silences and shadowbans us on US-Zionist social media. Why? Because Tik-Tok needs access to the lucrative US market. So the current “ban-TikTok” frenzy is probably a shakedown attempt to gain even more censorship power. Maybe they need it to deal with the surge of pro-Palestine content.

So...What can I post on TikTok that won’t get banned? Maybe a cat video?

Before I give up and start making cat videos full-time, I think I’ll try resistance-through-hyperconformity and indulge in some brutal self-censorship. Just as an author of a subversive book might publish an empty book cover to avoid offending the censors—just the front cover and back covers without any content—I decided to publish “The Beginning and the End of This Week’s False Flag Weekly News” for the benefit of TikTok and YouTube.

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That way people who don’t want to know what’s happening in the world can watch the silly beginning and the silly ending, without actually having to encounter any dangerous perspectives on the week’s 30 biggest news stories. And hopefully the censors will appreciate the fact that I’ve deliberately disemboweled my own broadcast in a pathetically obsequious attempt to appease them. (Good thing they’re too dumb to understand irony.)

Meanwhile, if you want to watch the full, uncensored False Flag Weekly News, last week’s is here, and next week’s is shaping up like this:

FFWN Special! Cat McGuire Asks Jeff Brown about “Zio-American Empire vs. China”

Watch Saturday after 1 pm Eastern HERE

This week, instead of the regular weekly news roundup, False Flag Weekly News presents a special edition on “The Zio-American Empire vs. China” featuring China skeptic Cat McGuire questioning bullish-on-China Jeff Brown. I’ve already posted Cat’s questions for Jeff.

And finally, don’t miss today’s live radio show:

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at KevinBarrett.Substack.com

First hour: Retired Air Force officer and commercial airline pilot Glen Stanish reflects on the history of the 9/11 truth movement. Was a consensus ever reached about how the illusion of hijacked-then-crashed planes was manufactured? Were the crashed planes ever identified based on their dozens of virtually-indestructible parts with serial numbers and replacement date codes? If not, why not? Whatever happened to Glen’s friend Christopher Bollyn, author of Solving 9/11, which implicates Israel as the author of 9/11? Could the Gaza genocide have been avoided if the truth about Israel’s responsibility for 9/11 had been successfully forced into the mainstream?

Second hour: Journalist Rick Sterling discusses his new article “Olympic Doping Case, Global Politics and the Sacrificing of Kamila Valieva: Here is how the West robbed and abused the best figure skater in the world, Kamila Valieva, while provoking the war in Ukraine.” His conclusion: “it is likely that US secret services intentionally created this situation to prevent Russian achievements at the Beijing Olympics and ‘unbalance’ the adversary.” We’ll also discuss his previous article “From Dallas to Gaza: How JFK’s Assassination Was Good for Zionist Israel.

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