Apparently, the Deep State is only blocking my Internet access, nobody elses.

For example, this link is playing last week's FFWN and not the Cat McQuire special from this week, March 22nd.

Shortly aftger last week's FFWN with J. Mike begins, it jumps to the last two stories about eating snakes and getting brain worms.

This is happening, now that after seven weeks my lanline has finally been fixed by New American Century Link. You may remember, CL took over for Quest, after Quest refused to let the government spooks spy on their customers.

Of course, it could have been my comment earlier this week. I simply asked the question, in light of the allegations made against Hamas, why do they call it a "rape kit," when it only proves there was sexual contact. It doesn't prove rape, unless the person being tested is a miner.

It's about prejudicing the jury against the accused, the same way the dirty lying Zionist media prejudices the public with propaganda about Hamas committing sexual assault and cutting off the head of Jewish babies, after they roast them in the oven...

You can say I'm paranoid Kevin, but somebody is definitely messing with my Internet and electronics, like they mess with most of your shows on Friday.

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Kennedy was killed by thee bullets: two from the front, one from the rear. X-ray-shots were tampered with to conceal this fact ... Cui bono ??

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