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Truth Jihad Radio
Rafiq (Robert Sean Lewis) on Atan the Revolutionary

Rafiq (Robert Sean Lewis) on Atan the Revolutionary


Rafiq (Robert Sean Lewis) discusses his new novel Atan the Revolutionary, featuring a protagonist with an Inuit shaman spirit ally who helps him push back against the bankster-dominated Deep State. Atan the Revolutionary begins with grippingly convincing descriptions of an Inuit settlement in Northern Canada, then moves on to British Columbia, New York, Mexico, India, and Washington DC—a journey through spiritual and political landscapes shaped by the clash between indigenous wisdom and the evil of the world-devouring wetikos.

Atan the Revolutionary explores the hidden spiritual battles behind the daily headlines, showcasing the author’s preference for indigenous immanence over cosmopolitan transcendence.

Relevant quote:

“A pledge to defund the federal government?”
“Yeah, defund the feds and you defund the military.”
“It won’t work.”
“Why not?”
“Because people are cowards. They’re terrified of the IRS kicking in their door. Or the FBI. You haven’t seen what goes on now. They won’t do it.”
“Then we have to make them fearless.” “How do you do that?”
“You wake them up to spirit.”

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