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E. Michael Jones and I opened this week’s False Flag Weekly News with a discussion of Trump’s cabinet nominations, including the good (RFK Jr. , Tulsi Gabbard, and possibly Matt Gaetz), the bad (Kristi Noem, Chris Wright, Doug Burgum) and the ugly ( Mike Waltz, Mike Huckabee, Howard Lutnick, Marco Rubio).
Actually, Trump’s foreign policy team is beyond ugly. It is a World War III cabinet. But among all of those horrid nominees, one name stands out as the most hideous…indeed, so far beyond ugly that blocking confirmation is a matter of existential urgency. That name is Pete Hegseth.
Who the hell is Hegseth? That’s a milder version of the question military and foreign policy professionals were asking when word of the nomination leaked:
“Who the f—k is this guy?” said a defense industry lobbyist who was granted anonymity to offer candid views. The lobbyist said they had hoped for “someone who actually has an extensive background in defense. That would be a good start.”
Hegseth is a genocidal Fox News blatherer with no relevant experience. He is best known for his enthusiastic support for war criminals and war crimes. During Trump’s first term, Hegseth successfully lobbied Trump to pardon some of the most horrific war criminals in US and indeed world history: Murderers of the children and elderly and helpless prisoners, rapist scumbags who kick in doors and slaughter entire families after violating the girls and women…these are Hegseth’s heroes, and his raison d’etre for public service.
While he devotes himself to helping child-rapists and mass murderers evade justice, Hegseth pursues a larger and more ambitious project: Setting off a nuclear World War III that would kill the majority of Earth’s population. He is one of the most fanatical members of an Armageddonite cult that seeks to unleash global nuclear war by blowing up the Al-Aqsa Mosque and building a Blood Sacrifice Temple in its place.
According to Armageddonite Christians, the war thus unleashed will kill all Jews and most of the rest of the world’s people, excluding only themselves. In some versions, familiar from Jack Chick’s “rapture” comic books, the cultists will be “beamed up” by Jesus while everyone else suffers horrific deaths.
Jewish eschatologists beg to differ. According to the messianic millenarian fanatics in Netanyahu’s cabinet, starting World War III by blowing up Al-Aqsa will lead to the destruction and subjugation of all non-Jews, otherwise known as “goyim,” who are considered subhuman beasts worthy only of extermination and enslavement. The Jewish Messiah, known to Christians and Muslims as the Antichrist or Dajjal, will then rule the world unopposed from the “rebuilt” blood sacrifice temple.
Crazy cults that yearn for the end of the world are a dime a dozen. Despite their ubiquity throughout thousands of years of history, the world has stubbornly refused to end on schedule. But putting those cultists in charge of the world’s biggest military, which possesses thousands of nuclear weapons that could destroy human civilization many times over, could grease the skids for a self-fulfilling prophecy.
According to middle of the road pundit Daniel McAdams:
President-elect Donald Trump’s designated Secretary of Defense is a certifiable lunatic. A cultist in the manner of Manson. Literally someone who needs to be in a mental hospital. Who craves an apocalyptic war to end all of mankind so that his twisted understanding of God will come down and slaughter all (including Jews) who do not convert to his cult’s beliefs. This is a truly dangerous person. This is the person running our military machine. The madmen have taken the asylum.
Mike Whitney asks:
If, for example, Hegseth was ordered to stop the delivery of all bombs and lethal weaponry to Israel while ceasefire negotiations with Hamas took place, would a Christian Zionist like Hegseth obey such an order or act according to his own deeply-felt religious convictions?
Hegseth advocates all-out war with Iran (entailing thousands of dead US service members, Mideast oil exports ended leading to global economic implosion, and ultimately World War III with Russia and China):
“What better time than now to say ‘we’re starting the clock, you’ve got a week, you’ve got X amount of time before we start taking out your energy production facilities. We take out key infrastructure, we take out your missile sites, we take out nuclear developments, we take out port capabilities.’” Trump appoints pro-Israel, Iran hawk Pete Hegseth for secretary of defense
Can sane people take back the asylum, or at least enough of it to postpone Armageddon, by torpedoing the nomination of Pete Hegseth? Can #NoHegseth save the world? Let’s ask E. Michael Jones. Below is a lightly-edited transcript of our discussion.
E. Michael Jones: Once again, we're confronted with bait and switch. This was an anti-war vote (for) Donald Trump. And then the people he appoints are the exact opposite.
Kevin Barrett: So let's talk about some of those appointments because they're completely insane. Where do we even start? Let's start with who's paying for the appointments. Howard Lutnick, the billionaire of unmentionable ethnicity, is basically paying Trump to choose who to put in the cabinet. "Follow the money."
There's one good appointment. We have RFK Jr. at Health and Human Services. I would almost have voted for that. But I don't vote for lesser evils because I just don't vote for evil. (Tulsi Gabbard isn’t bad either.)
And Matt Getz is another not such a terrible appointment, really. He had a wild war with Israel over sexual blackmail attempts. That's a pretty crazy story.
The New York Times tells us that "these people that Trump's appointing, they're not neocons. They're America first.” Michael Walsh, Marco Rubio, they're no longer neocons. Now they're America first.
Well, let's look at some of these other people. There's Elise Stefanik, who wants to crush every anti-genocide kid on any American campus. And we have Mike Huckabee, a Christian Zionist Antichrist supporter who can't wait to blow up the Al-Aqsa Mosque, rebuild the temple and install the Antichrist on the throne over the world as the U.S. Ambassador to Israel.
And then the worst of all, Pete Hegseth, not only the least qualified nominee for SecDef in American history, but he's insane. So the overall set of appointments here, starting with this the world about to end?
E. Michael Jones: Yes. The answer is yes. If Hegseth gets in, he will promote the creation of the Third Temple. If the Third Temple gets created, the Antichrist will arrive, and the Antichrist will usher in the End Times.
Now, I have never talked about this before. But when you have a guy like this, this is what you're talking about, because he believes that. This is a certifiable religious fanatic who will bring about the end of the world if you give him enough power to do it.
Now, we as Americans simply cannot tolerate this. We do not, as Americans, allow people to take over government and impose their religious views on the rest of us.
Now, of course, the Jews did exactly that with Roe versus Wade. They imposed the Jewish sacrament of abortion on the rest of us, okay?
But now it's getting even worse. We're getting closer and closer to the arrival of the Antichrist with Hegseth, and the Americans are going to have to say something about this...
And I'll tell you something else. I think that Trump reads Twitter now. He was created by Twitter. If it weren't for Twitter, that guy would have never become president in 2016.
So I think he's reading X. I think he immediately pulled back (from Lutnick's JP wish list of appointments) without deliberately or explicitly throwing Lutnick under the bus, which he should have done. He pulled back by appointing Robert Kennedy. I think that was the message behind the appointment of Robert Kennedy as head of health and human services.
So X is back. This is why I'm saying pushback is important right now. The pushback on Lutnik was great (if it got us Kennedy). But now, pushback on Hegseth is absolutely necessary. If it's on Twitter, I'm saying Trump reads it. I'm saying there is a moment here where I think our voice can be heard on Hagseth.
And to be honest with you, I think it is being heard right now because suddenly, oh, wait a minute, there's a sexual impropriety with Hegseth. I think this may be a manifestation of the adults coming in and saying, what, are you crazy? Are you absolutely crazy to appoint a lunatic like this with the military at his disposal? I think now is the moment.
Kevin Barrett: So you think we should go on Twitter and build a movement to torpedo Hegseth? And that should be possible politically, Mike, because the Democrats are probably very open to voting against somebody with these crazed, supposedly Christian, fundamentalist beliefs, somebody who wants to basically blow up the world so that Jesus can come back and save him and a couple of his friends and damn everybody else to hell. I don't think Democrats like that kind of guy. They'll all vote against him. So all you need is five or ten Republicans, right?
E. Michael Jones: I think that's absolutely right. We'll see what happens, but I think that there are five Republicans. That would be enough Republicans, especially if some type of sexual issue comes up, to vote against them and torpedo this and send a message to Donald Trump and say, you got a mandate from the American people that was purely negative. You're in office because nobody could stand the Biden administration and Biden's minyan and Kamala Harris and the whole politically correct bullshit that's been imposed on us for decades now.
That was a negative mandate. We are not endorsing you. We are telling you that the mandate is for America first. It is for peace.
And it's not you have no mandate to appoint religious fanatics, to put them in charge of America's foreign policy. That's precisely the problem that we have had for four years under the Biden administration. And the people in charge of the Biden, the Biden Jews, were mild compared to lunatics like Hegseth.
Kevin Barrett: Yeah, "Christians" like Hegseth actually make the Jews look pretty good.
Read the full transcript at my Substack. And for an opposing view, check out Moon of Alabama’s argument that Trump’s appointments don’t really matter because the US is in no position to escalate war on Russia, China, or Iran, as US military leaders know and will make clear to the likes of Hegseth.
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