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Dave Gahary on Alex Jones' Infowars Being Sold to The Onion
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Dave Gahary on Alex Jones' Infowars Being Sold to The Onion

Dave was sued by the same cast of characters...

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Dave Gahary, publisher of Moon Rock Books, was sued by the same people who sued Alex Jones. Gahary settled by agreeing to withdraw Nobody Died at Sandy Hook from circulation.

Below is an edited transcript of the interview, which makes a reference to my satire of the “Onion Buys Infowars” story.

Kevin Barrett: Alex Jones was front page news today, as they (the Sandy Hookers who sued him) allegedly sold Infowars to The Onion. You, being the publisher of Moonrock Books, got harassed and sued by these same people. What are your thoughts about this witch burning, this show trial, of Infowars?

Dave Gahary: It's surreal, of course, that here we have the legacy regime media complicit in crimes throughout the world, responsible for the slaughter and murder of millions of innocent people, primarily now in Muslim countries. And then you have...somebody questioning events, which I thought we were allowed to do in America, not only being sued, but companies being taken over and dismantled and sold for scrap. And in this particular case, to The Onion, a satirical "news outlet." It's almost like they want to send the message to Jones and all of his followers that

"you're not safe at all. You think you have the First Amendment, but look at what we can do. Look at what we did do to Alex Jones. Look what we did to his empire. A joke of an outlet called The Onion took it over with one of these gun control fanatic entities. And we're kicking him out and we're taking it over.

So it's absolutely nuts what happened.

Kevin Barrett: I often say these days that satire writes itself and I just take dictation. I don't even have to write satire anymore. And this is one of those self-satirizing things.

This whole situation with The Onion supposedly taking over Infowars reminds me of what happened with Popular Mechanics and 9/11 truth. Shortly before Popular Mechanics came out with what became the standard go-to debunking of the 9/11 truth movement, that magazine was taken over in a hostile takeover by Jewish Zionist neocons. I forget the details, but there was a coup d'etat at Popular Mechanics. And they overthrew the management, brought in these Mossad sayanim types, basically. And then, lo and behold, like a few months later, out comes this whole issue devoted to debunking the 9/11 truth movement. And it was really shoddy, low-level debunking. It cherry-picked the worst assertions that you could ever find in the truth movement, attacked straw men, and avoided all of the strong points made by the truth movement. It was extremely distorted, obviously mendacious, very, very weak. Anybody with critical thinking skills who compared the source material of the 9/11 truth movement, such as the books of David Ray Griffin, to the Popular Mechanics debunking, could easily see that Griffin was right and the debunking was just garbage. But still, it was out there and it was being pointed to by all of the usual suspects in the mainstream media.

So that takeover of Popular Mechanics in advance of its publicity stunt fake debunking of 9/11 truth reminds me of the way that The Onion was just taken over by these people like the new ownership...As Max Blumenthal posted on Twitter:

"The Onion was bought earlier this year by Jeff Lawson, a major Kamala donor and tech billionaire who hawks 'AI solutions.' This week, Lawson made headlines when he purchased Alex Jones's 'Infowars' in a fire sale.....To lead the Onion's parent company, which has subsumed 'Infowars,' Lawson has appointed a CEO with no background in comedy or business. He is Ben Collins, a former 'disinformation and extremism' reporter for NBC News, and one of the most recognizable faces of the Censorship Industrial Complex that sprouted up during the Trump era to hound alt-media figures like Jones. Collins has spent his short career pumping out a consistent stream of attacks on targets of the national security state and centrist political establishment, while spreading no shortage of misinformation along the way. Now, behind the brand of a once-edgy satire mag, Collins promises, 'we're gonna go after like every facet of alternative media that is trying to get you addicted to stupid stuff.' His top targets, he says, will be 'podcasters and TikTok influencers who have some really curious ideas of the world.' Now, though Collins doesn't explain which stupid stuff or curious ideas he finds so objectionable, his agenda is fairly clear and deadly serious."

So a shout out to Max Blumenthal, one of the Jewish voices of truth out there. I wish there were more. It's obvious this is all orchestrated. Somebody's writing the script for this, right?

Dave Gahary: It's the usual suspects who are writing the script, who always have been writing the script. And I guess it's always been the issue is that there's just not enough folks who are aware of the stuff that we are aware of. And we need the numbers so we can reach that critical mass and affect real change.

We're going in the right direction. It's all surreal, as you pointed out with them taking over Popular Pechanics and now The Onion. They've planned this for a while and this is the way they do things and they've got unlimited capital to do whatever they want. And we're just spectators. We might go to the polls and pull the lever for Trump and think we're gonna get something, but all we're getting is the most neoconned administration in the history of the country. We (truth tellers) probably will come under attack by this administration because of what we do.

Kevin Barrett: An interesting aspect of this is that the big crackdown on free speech that we see looming right now is going to be aimed at least as much against the left as against the right. And that'll be kind of a new one for at least in the past couple of decades. Because they're going to go after the Palestine supporters. And who are the Palestine supporters? Well, some of us who are not particularly on the left are supporters of Palestine. But probably the majority of the Palestine supporters are actually on the political left. They're mostly young people. They're millennials and whatever it is that's younger than millennials. They're young people who look at social media and they actually see the pictures of this horrendous genocide that the Zionist butchers are committing in occupied Palestine. And they learn about the issue unfiltered, not through the Zionist controlled mainstream media. And so then they get really upset and they go out and protest this genocide.

This genocide is very much the sort of thing that the Nazi Holocaust would have been if it had actually happened the way that we're told. Only maybe uglier. At least if the Nazis had really gassed six million Jews, which obviously they didn't, gassing people would at least be a relatively humane way to put them out of their misery.

But what the Zionists are doing to people in Gaza is just vastly more brutal. Most of these people are being killed, these families are being killed as the women and children are slowly being crushed to death beneath their own homes. And that's a very, very slow lingering death. When it's not a death, when they manage to dig the person out, they typically have to amputate limbs and the person is typically badly disabled for life.

And then the deliberate cruelty of the Zionist snipers who put two bullets through the heart or one right through the head, one right through the heart of these little children and infants. They go hunting them. They rape as a national pastime, a sport, where the lead rectal rapist in the top prison in Israel becomes a national hero. And they have right to rape riots, because after this little lame attempt to try to give a little wrist slap to these people who brutally rape prisoners for fun, the whole country then rallies in support of the right to rape.

So the cruelty and evil of the Zionists is off the charts compared to the Nazis who gassed six million Jews, if Nazis had actually gassed million Jews, which obviously they freaking didn't, folks. I mean, come on, guys.

Dave Gahary: Or even if they gassed one Jew.

Kevin Barrett: Right. I don't think they even gassed one. The evidence for gassing is just a joke. But the evidence for having a lot of Jews being killed is obvious. There were whole communities decimated at places like Odessa, lined up and shot with machine guns and thrown into ditches and plowed into ditches. The oppression of the Warsaw Ghetto was horrendous. Lots of innocent Jews suffered horribly because they were Jews, because there was a racist German government that had designated Jews as an enemy group for some perhaps valid reasons and others not so valid. And that government had a racist ideology. So I'm not like trying to lionize the German government or anything like that. But just the historical facts are so different from this myth of the six million gassed Jews in the total extermination plan that's become a new world religion...and people who question that world religion from places like Europe are likely to go to jail for heresy.

Dave Gahary: And not just Europe. As a matter of fact, I was just on a call before you reached out to me with a Canadian political prisoner who has been behind bars since February of last year with no trial, no hearing, because he made a video critical of Jews.

So it's outside of Europe. And that's what I was saying. I think that's coming here to the United States as well with this Trump administration.

Kevin Barrett: Yeah, and they're talking about deportations, because they have this idea that some of those Palestine supporters might be foreign. And then the next thing you know, they'll stage a false flag like this November 7 false flag in Amsterdam that I was talking about in the first hour. I'm sure you noticed that what actually happened in Amsterdam on November 7th was that these soccer hooligans from Israel flew in with Mossad agents in control of the whole operation. After the game the Israelis went out and rioted and attacked people and brutalized people and started fights. And when the Amsterdam natives fought back this was then portrayed in the media as a horrible pogram against the poor innocent Jews.

They'll do something like that in America. And then they'll use that as an excuse to demonize anybody who supports Palestine and who opposes the genocide of Palestine. And they might start deporting people. Apparently now in Holland, the Islamophobic party that's controlled from Tel Aviv wants to start deporting people, even citizens, people whose grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents came to Holland, because they're the wrong race. Because it's a race of people who, by and large, don't support the genocide, they're going to push this law through about starting to deport these people.

And you can almost see that happening in America. And you can almost see the Jewish Zionist controllers of America, the same people that control Holland, moving towards these kinds of racist provocations to whip up white Americans against the "brown-skinned, evil American Muslims who don't like genocide, and let's start deporting them."

So we're really entering a totally Judeo-fascist situation. In fact, that comparison is kind of an insult to fascism...

…And I think it's interesting that the same sort of Jewish power configuration that was involved in opening up America's borders through its support for revising the Immigration Act of 1965 is now looks like it's making a U-turn and it's going to start supporting deportations.

In the first hour, Alexander Wolfheze and I were talking about the situation in Holland where the Dutch government, which is now under control of a radical anti-Islam Party that's totally controlled from Tel Aviv, is talking about deporting Dutch people. And the reason for that is that the young native Dutch people are actually learning from the young ethnic people, mostly ethnic Moroccans and to some extent Algerians and Turks. And these young people, the ethnic Moroccans and Turks and so on, they know about what's really going on in Gaza. And they also have a much more skeptical view of history. Here in Morocco, nobody really believes the Holocaust narrative, or at least they didn't when I was here in my Fulbright year and I asked all these professors. The subject came up once and I got curious: "Really? Does everybody think that here?" And sure enough, everybody here in Morocco is reading Roger Garaudy, the great French communist intellectual who then converted to Islam and wrote books on the Holocaust and suffered some consequences for it. He was a total best-selling celebrity here in Morocco. So Moroccans have a different political culture. They know about Zionism. They know Zionism and Israel are genocidal from the get-go. They know about the horrendous immorality of that whole movement and its supporters, the lies that they throw around without any compunctions.

So they all know that. And so they end up going to school in Holland. Apparently it's a big scandal that the kids in high school in Holland now are not going along with the programming. They don't buy the Holocaust BS that they're having shoved down their throats in history class. They don't believe the BS they're being told about the genocide and a lot of other things as well.

So now I think that the Jewish power establishment is moving towards shifting from its open borders ideology, which was designed to create a society that Jews could rule much more easily because they would be the only cohesive ethnicity—with their expertise in ethnic nepotism, they could rule the place easily if they could water down the majority ethnic population by bringing in all these other groups, as Kevin MacDonald has written.

But now I think they've discovered that, oops, that didn't work so well. We brought in all these people who actually are onto our game, and they're telling the natives. So you better ship them back home.

Dave Gahary: That's right. Or they didn't just discover it, but they knew that it was gonna happen all along. And as typical of the Jewish power structure, they make sure they cover both sides of the equation. So now you've got these alleged right wing Jews who are now in favor of pushing back against what the alleged left wing Jews did. It's kind of like voting Democrat or Republican...It's just a show. It's the contributors who decide what policy will be, not the electorate. That's why they continually vote against the best interests of the country or any individual. But these Jews now who are overseeing the reaction to allowing unfettered immigration, who now will go, see, I told you, we need to get these people out now. But the people who are in your think tank, those same people are the ones who just a couple of years ago said, bring them in. Now you're saying, get them out. So I think it's just the ongoing Jewish power structure game that we're seeing now go into effect. So yeah, Kev, nothing changes, right? I mean, it's a different day, but they're operating from the same playbook...


Regarding that whole (Sandy Hook) I've explained to you before, the odds are that what I did had a lot to do with what happened to Alex. And I don't know Alex. I've never met him. I've never talked to him. But when Jim Fetzer told me about this former Florida state trooper, Wolfgang Halbig, who was visited by some homicide detectives in Florida and told that he should not question Sandy Hook anymore, I said, come on, Jim, that's ridiculous. That's impossible.

Of course, it wasn't too soon before that or after that, that he told me that the book Nobody Died at Sandy Hook was banned by Amazon. So when he told me that this fellow was questioned by some homicide detectives in Florida and told not to contact Connecticut, I asked to get his contact info. And I did get it from Jim. And I reached out to this fella Wolfgang Halbig and we did an interview.

And when I put that interview up on the American Free Press website—Wolfgang gave out his phone number in the interview—the night that it went up, he started to get calls from Europe. A lot of folks did not trust this whole Sandy Hook matter and the narrative that was being spun around it.

And so Wolfgang, that particular interview that I did with him, went viral. I had never had an interview go viral like that. And that came to the attention of Jones's organization. And then they started to interview Halbig. And then that's what the lawsuit was primarily based on, that Jones used Halbig, an "obviously insane guy," to promote this conspiracy theory that nobody died at Sandy Hook.

And that's what they used to take away Alex Jones' empire.

Kevin Barrett: I didn't follow closely, Dave, but I didn't really see evidence presented that Alex Jones himself actively asserted that nobody died or anything like that. Rather, he simply interviewed people like Wolfgang Halbig and was open to what they were saying. That's journalism, isn't it?

Dave Gahary: You're right. It used to be. But they used that Connecticut law to get him and to get all his assets.

So yeah, it used to be journalism. But now the lines are hardening. And I think we should be prepared for a lot of pushback. I don't know how it's going to affect you over there (in Morocco). But over here, I think Americans who think that they're shielded by the First Amendment should be prepared for somebody knocking on their door or something worse.

Kevin Barrett: Yeah, I agree. And I think in the big picture, one of the reasons for that is that we're in the middle of a stealth World War III. That is, this Zionist occupied U.S. empire is heading down the proverbial toilet bowl of history. (The dustbin of history is what the Marxists used to say.) But it seems that it's not going down without a fight. And, you know, if the U.S. empire were still sticking to its ideals, I'd be on fighting for it to maintain its integrity.

But unfortunately, it's quite the opposite. It no longer has any integrity and it's fighting for evil, decadence, depravity. And so, yeah, so we should expect anything at this point, I guess. And during wartime, they revoke all of the normal routines, the civilian protections for free speech and such. Eugene Debs had to run for president from a prison cell during World War I. And World War II also saw similar crackdowns on dissidents.

The majority of the American population had opposed entering World War II. In fact, it was like 80% prior to Pearl Harbor. But then when they orchestrated their false flag prearranged eight-point plan Pearl Harbor and stampeded everybody into jumping on board with this war psychosis. And suddenly all of the sane people, who had been the leaders of the anti-war movement, were all being intimidated and if necessary brutalized and imprisoned.

So, yeah, I don't think the First Amendment operates so much during wartime. I think we're already in stealth World War III, and they might announce it. Because things could get really bad if they actually go to war with Iran. Iran can take out all the American military bases in the region, sink all the American ships in the region, kill many thousands if not tens of thousands of Americans, and close the Straits of Hormuz, causing a complete collapse of the world economy.

And that's what Iran will do if it has to. They also probably already have nukes, and they're just waiting to announce it. And I hope they don't wait too long.

Dave Gahary: I think you're right. Yeah, this war cabinet is leading us into hell.

Kevin Barrett: And people who voted for Trump, I think, are going to have severe buyer's remorse.

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