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Mees Baaijen on “the Predators vs. the People”
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Mees Baaijen on “the Predators vs. the People”

Mees Baaijen introduces his new book The Predators vs. the People: The Big Picture of the 500-Year Secret War Against Humanity. He makes a case that a global mafia or “Glafia” has been riding the power of usury, a.k.a. exponentially-compounding interest, toward complete global domination. For an introduction to his thesis, check out his 2016 article “Who Are the Controllers?

Excerpts from The Predators vs. the People:

“In his explosive book Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3,000 Years (1986), Jewish scholar and survivor of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, Israel Shahak, describes classical Judaism as a totalitarian scheme to benefit a few very wealthy Jews ( shahak.html). From the second century until roughly the eighteenth, Jews were under the heel of their rabbis and wealthy leaders.”

“Apparently, Glafia wanted to conclude the colonization of Africa and Asia before their grand 20th century Eurasian offensive, because in 1884, a conference was held in Berlin to assign all uncolonized territories of Africa to the European powers. Bismarck led it, and we know that he was a Glafia pawn. By 1914, the ‘Scramble for Africa’ and colonization of the rest of the world’s ‘low hanging fruit’ was completed. By a ‘little coincidence’, in the same year, Glafia’s biggest operation, the subjugation of Eurasia’s 13 empires, the ‘high hanging fruit’, was started by its American-British-Zionist proxies: The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia. All the above-mentioned efforts of discovery, colonization and wars were crucial in bringing ALL LANDS under control of ‘normalized’ nation-states, a major goal in Glafia’s control project which was recently completed through the War on Terror. From then on, Glafia’s focus has been on ‘normalizing’ ALL PEOPLE, by a surveillance system detecting and deterring dissent, which means the development and implementation of a totalitarian digital control system, for which you and I haven’t been asked permission.”

Excerpt from the interview:

“My book rests on three pillars of evidence. First, the authors that have been labeled as conspiracy theorists, like Quigley and Sutton and later also McGregor and Preparata. If you go to Wikipedia, you will find the classical labels they put on these people that are anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists and so on.

“But I also discovered, and that's a new insight in my book, that there were very esteemed and respected historians saying the same thing, but in different terms. And when you are not aware of this project and you read their books, you don't see it. It's like an exoteric reading. After years of research, when you have become an insider and you read those works again, you see they were talking about the same thing. And I'm referring to several ones, but the most important are Fernand Braudel, who is seen as the most important French historians of the 20th century, and his student, Giovanni Arrighi. And there's also Charles Tilley, who is a historian and a sociologist, who have said the same thing, but in different terms.

“And then the third pillar is all the people who over centuries have warned against this group and their plans. I have like almost 200 very impacting quotes of people—ex-presidents, prime ministers, writers, artists, and so on, all saying the same thing: “This is a facade, behind it is a hidden group that wants control of the world.”

Meeuwis T. Baaijen (1952) was born and brought up in simple-life rural Holland, where he developed strong ties with nature. As a veterinarian and later also entrepreneur, he worked in 7 countries on 4 continents, which allowed him a direct experience with different cultures, political systems, languages, and above all, people. His international background served him well when he decided to dig deep into global history, to write his first book, The Predators (and its six translations). After 50 years as an atheist, this study convinced him that the Enlightenment was in fact an Endarkenment, to alienate us from Nature and the Universe, from which we derive our power to move mountains.

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