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Is America Undead?
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Is America Undead?

Or "back alive in 2025"? I say Trump is just another zio-zombie dotard. Cat McGuire disagrees.

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The 2024-2025 chronodometer turnover was…portentious, and not in a good way. America’s leading national monuments were struck by lightning on New Year’s Eve, almost as if God were trying to tell us something. Meanwhile, an ominous, officially-unexplained pestilential fog, not unlike the Airborne Toxic Event in White Noise, settled over the land. As the putrid AI-generated nano-fog thickened and HAARP lighting flashed, Jabba the Muslim, previously known as Jabba the Hut before his transition, wreaked Allah’s vengeance on the degenerate revelers of Bourbon Street, New Orleans—while a more nebulously coded arch-villain, a supersoldier whistleblower worried that the Chinese are invading America with UFOs (presumably to extend their chain of intergalactic Egg Foo Young restaurants and force us all to eat with antigravity chopsticks) set his Tesla a-fizzle in front of Trump Tower Las Vegas.

What does it all mean? As for the fog, the lighting, and the super-soldier, your guess is as good as mine. But the Jabba the Muslim incident was considerably less mysterious. The transparently false flag nature of that event was underlined when the FBI set up bomb-making chemicals and equipment in the dead suspect’s apartment, opened a Qur’an to verse 9.111, vacated the completely unsecured “crime scene” and allowed a fluent-in-Hebrew New York Post propagandist to waltz around filming “evidence of Islamic terrorism.” Anyone who can’t figure out that this was yet another Israeli-orchestrated anti-Islam PR stunt—like the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, 9/11, the 2002 Bali hotel bombing, the 2004 Madrid train bombings, the 2005 London bombings, the 2008 Mumbai attacks, the 2009 Fort Hood shooting, the 2010 CIA-employed underwear bomber scare, the 2012 Bengazi attack, the 2013 “Lee Rigby beheading,” the 2014 “James Foley beheading,” the 2015 Charlie Hebdo PR stunt, the November 2015 Paris attacks, the 2016 attacks in Brussels, Orlando, and Nice, and the 2017 Manchester Arena “bombing”—needs to read my books. For a concise introduction, check out chapter 5, “Pre- and Post-9/11 False Flags” in my free online book We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo.

The return of transparently bogus “Islamic terrorism” augurs ill for the New Year. It suggests that POA, the Party of Antichrist, otherwise known as the Greater Israel Genocide Project or GIGP (pronounced “gig-pee”) is once again running amok after being mostly missing-in-action, at least in terms of anti-Islam false flags, since the mid-to-late 2010s. The upshot: Genocidal Israel is apparently preparing to drag Uncle Sam into another big war against Muslims. That’s presumably why PR assets like Jabba the Muslim and his publicist, Jennie Taer, are being activated.

What’s Trump’s role? Most likely POA/GIGP expects him to rubber-stamp expanded war on Iran, annexation of the West Bank, and Yahweh knows what else. Trump’s real “inauguration” was not the upcoming travesty on January 20, but the symbolic coronation of the dying-and-reviving god-king in the obviously fake kayfabe “ear nick” on July 13.

So I don’t see the swapping out of one White House dotard for another as anything to celebrate. (Trump’s 78, three years older than Brezhnev when he died, so the gerontocracy isn’t quite dead yet.) But Cat McGuire argues that the end of the Biden era deserves a toast, especially since Trump’s election symbolizes the death of woke. Alright, Cat, let’s argue!

Transcript selections

Kevin Barrett: Welcome to False Flag Weekly News, the weekly news show that tells the truth, the way too obvious ones that the mainstream doesn't seem to want to face, and even some of the less obvious ones too. I'm Kevin Barrett with Cat McGuire. Hey, welcome back to the show, Cat. Happy 2025.

Cat McGuire: Yes, happy 2025 to you, too. It came in with a bang, that's for sure.

Well, I don't know if you'd call that Tesla truck blowing up a bang or a fizzle, but it came in with something or other. So here's our slide of the week (posted above). And I know you said you’re not sure this joke is that obvious. So let me explain the joke to everybody. OK, so Jimmy Carter dies right as the year ends and Trump's coming in. And that symbolizes that we had a 150 IQ president who tried to be rational and moral and totally failed. And now we have a guy who's probably two digits at best, maybe one, a walking human zombie. Rational and moral are not words that could even be possibly used. And so there's a certain sense in which Carter to Trump at the turn of this year symbolizes what's happened to America.

I think I did understand that. I think it was more I was hoping that wasn't it.

You disagree.

Yes. Trump is the zombie psychopath? After four years of the Biden zombie psychopaths who have been utterly incompetent? At least with Trump...I'm not like a big Trump fan, but at least we have some rationality back. It may not be Carter's moralism, but at least they're rational. They're 100 times better than the Democrats. America dodged a bullet when Trump came to be president. So to present him as the Zio...well, yeah, they're all Zio-zombies. We're still in a zombie administration.

I'll grant you that 100-year-old Jimmy Carter, even after he'd been in hospice for two years—they were trying to kill him, but he wouldn't die—he still had way more brain cells firing than Joe Biden has for the past 15 years. I'll admit that. But Carter at 100 also had more than Trump has ever had in his entire life. So, yeah, I guess I'm less sanguine about the prospects as I see it. If anything, it's even worse now than it was under Biden. And I know how bad it was under Biden.

It's all just gone way, way, way downhill since Carter (1976-1980). And Carter was horrible. I wrote in Bonzo for president in my first-ever presidential vote, because both Carter and Reagan were horrible. But here we are.

I liked Ken Klippenstein's "Happy Last Year: Why 2024 was a good year for America" because it was kind of against the grain. He thought 2024 was a great year. How's that?! Well... "We had all those people posting publicly under their own names that they were happy that the health insurance CEO got shot." Okay. And "college students kept coming out for Gaza even after the consequences got serious." Yeah, I'm with you on that, Ken. And then finally, "gerontocracy is teetering on the verge of collapse as Leonid Brezhnev, I mean, Joe Biden and the rest of these geezers start falling over.” It was a non-obvious, smart New Year's piece. Way to go, Ken.

Well, he was finding the silver lining under the dark cloud that we've been living in for the last at least four years since COVID started. It's gotten so terribly worse. But he missed one of my favorite mass rebellions, and that is the refusal to vote for Kamala. We were being hectored over and over again by celebrities. Obama famously was trying to shame black men. And they knew not to even bring up the transgender agenda that they so support, because definitely Americans were not buying that. So I kind of like that we gave them the finger when they tried to push Kamala down our throats.

Absolutely. If they really wanted to push the woke agenda a little further, they should have had Obama and Kamala—and their names rhyme, so this already is going to work—they should have had like a double transgender thing where they take Obama's male genitalia and paste them on to Kamala and then vice versa, the female genitalia from her on to Obama. And then they give them both a race change operation to boot. Now you’d have the ultimate woke ticket...though I guess making them white is not so woke.

Well, I was long saying that the biggest woke ticket would be Big Mike. I was sure that they were going to put her (Michelle Obama) up. Biden really double-crossed them when they forced him down. He double-crossed them by saying, OK, then we'll all support Kamala.

Why couldn't they back down from that and still have a primary?

They probably could have, but somehow I guess they didn't think they were able to. But I wouldn't doubt that Michelle would have been put up as a candidate if they had had a primary.

Well, I won that argument because I said there's no way they're going to nominate Michelle and they didn't.

We didn't have a chance to see, Kevin. We had no chance to see because they all capitulated to Kamala just like that. And that was the losing ticket. They probably got orders from on high: "You have to go with Kamala. It's time for Trump to go in because Trump will be a better puppet."

So how about the symbolic moment when US landmarks were all hit by lightning on New Year's Eve? It'd be better if the US leaders were all hit by lightning on New Year's Eve, but this is the next best thing, I guess.

Well, it was pretty striking as lightnings are wont to be. The symbolism was just so profound. I mean, it was just in everybody's face. This is primordial. Everybody knows that lightning symbolizes like clarity and destruction and transformation and instantaneous change, all of these big, huge, spiritual, emotional, intellectual breakthroughs across all human cultures So this was like a screaming message: the US Capitol, the Washington Monument, the Empire State Building, and the One World Trade Center. I mean, it was just epic, almost biblical.

I'm surprised the Trade Center didn't just collapse into its own footprint at free fall acceleration and then Larry Silverstein asks for a trillion, zillion, quadrillion dollars in insurance money. Anyway, I like the line in the RT story "with some commenters suggesting it could be a symbolic sign." I guess you're among those commenters, Cat.

OK, so more symbolic signs of a new year. How about the New Year's terror attack in New Orleans? This one is not exactly funny, but it's almost darkly humorous how absurd the story is. They're back to their absurd Muslim terror stories after taking several years off. So some guy runs down a lot of people on Bourbon Street in New Orleans on New Year's Eve. And who's the guy who did it? Shamsuddin Jabba? Shamsuddin Jabba has been like hanging around with the special, you know, whatever, the U.S. military for a lot of his adult life. And his name is Jabba. (Accidentally-on-purpose MSM misprint of Jabbar.) Okay, there he is. This proves that it was him. We got his mug shot. I mean, they're not even trying to be very subtle, are they, Cat?

No, not at all. They even had the word sham in his name somehow or other. But when these big events happen, we know from 9/11 that there are multiple purposes that are served. And I believe this New Orleans big event was an MKUltra distraction. They used it for multiple purposes, but one of the main ones was to provoke another war for Israel. So there were all these clues of a false flag that many people are getting now. There was the Zionist reporter who basically gave a massage stage set tour of the killer's home. Jenny Taer, yeah. She went on a terror. Now there she is going on a terror at the alleged killer's home.

So right after this mass killing the FBI goes and spends an hour or whatever and they leave and they leave the door open for her. So she just walks through the door and she does a little two-minute video, a two-minute anti-Islam video. And they left a Quran open to a passage about martyrdom. Well, what passage about martyrdom was it? It was 9.111. And so the FBI went into this apartment and apparently brought a Koran and opened it to verse 9.111 and left it there. And then they left the door open and asked the PR person from the New York Post, which is, of course, owned by Bibi Netanyahu's friends, to walk in and do an Islamophobic video. I mean, how unsubtle can you possibly get?

Right. And she was barely a reporter. I mean, this is a big story. And they just let any old reporter go in yoga pants. And so I looked her up on LinkedIn. She's fluent in Hebrew.

That shocks me. That absolutely shocks me, Cat.

Yeah, she has all these Zionist connections. Of course, they would get their “man” in there.

Right. So they obviously did it. The state of Israel just murdered all these people in New Orleans and laughed about it. They're laughing at us. What's wrong with Americans?

Well, besides getting this all gung ho to do more 9/11 type wars for Israel, I think the guy was an MK Ultra Patsy, so that's nothing too new. But I also think what happened in New Orleans was meant to confuse and distract. And just as there were multiple scenes of action with 9/11 in Washington, Pennsylvania, and New York, there were a lot of other things going on, other killings, other massacres and stuff. But clearly it was meant to confuse with what was happening in Las Vegas, because there in Las Vegas...both of them rented from the same obscure car company, for both the New Orleans and the Las Vegas events. Both had connections to, I believe it was Fort Bragg, military connections. So there were these comparisons to make it look like it was all of a set piece. But so I think New Orleans was just set up to definitely stoke for wars with Israel, but also to distract and confuse with Vegas, which is a huge super story beyond what we are being told. I don't know if you want to where we're going next, if you're going to talk about that now, but I have a lot to say about Vegas.

I have a somewhat different perspective here because I'm not 100 percent sure of what is going on with Vegas, but I am 100 percent sure of what's going on in New Orleans. I mean, they didn't make it subtle. They picked Jabba the Muslim and brought the PR person in with a set piece of evidence with the mise-en-scene all perfectly done. It was like they were tipping us off. That was "revelation of the method." And we know why they're doing that, because, number one, Islam is the biggest threat to the greater Israel project. Number two, Islam is the greatest threat to usury and the bankster empire, because Islam bans usury. And so the war on Islam must continue, obviously. You can't miss that with New Orleans.

But when you go to Las Vegas, it gets a little weird. It's kind of hard to tell what's going on. And Michael Hoffman, I thought, had an interesting piece sort of connecting the dots of the two. And basically his thesis is that the Greater Israel Project people who are doing all of this...basically it's Project Antichrist. The people who are planning to have the Antichrist, that would be the Jewish Messiah, rule the world from a rebuilt so-called blood sacrifice temple in occupied Jerusalem. So those people are literally in league with the devil. They have contact with demons. They summon up demons to help them do their dirty work. And the people who summon up demons have these obsessions with numerology and symbolism and so on. And so you can find all that symbolism and numerology if you look around at these events. That's how he connected the two. What do you think of that analysis?

I agree with all of that to a certain extent. But it really doesn't explain why New Orleans and Las Vegas are connected. I think that bigger picture is there. But I think New Orleans was put in to serve the second purpose of distracting from Las Vegas, because Las Vegas is a huge, huge, huge, much bigger story than anything else. And they had to have something to distract from what was actually happening. It's not just another unhinged kind of killing. It's not really about Musk and Trump.

This is the Tesla vehicle blowing up into flames at the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas. So that's the image. Here's a tweet about it. It was an Elon Tesla Cybertruck that exploded outside Trump Tower in Las Vegas. Is this a metaphor? Talk about a rhetorical question. The tweeter, Suleiman Ahmad, got banned. I guess he's a little too pro-Gaza.

The military man who is the supposed victim in the car—his name is Matt. And Newsweek posted a manifesto that blames China for the drone flap and repents of war. Newsweek doesn't get it. Almost nobody gets it. This is a huge story that Las Vegas was meant to be just another unhinged killing. And the connection to New Orleans was purposeful to distract.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. What's the purpose of Las Vegas? I still don't understand. I know about the manifesto. The official story is that the super soldier who did this was, number one, unhappy about having slaughtered many civilians in Afghanistan, and number two, trying to get out a message that the UFO drone flap on the East Coast was run by China. But the official story is that he's crazy or unhinged or a guy, a PTSD vet. And so the official story would be that this "China did the drones" thing is crazy. Therefore, obviously, this is not mobilizing the American people against China because nobody believes this guy. So what is the point of doing it?

A lot of people are really confused because last night this new bit of information was released about the Green Beret soldier. He's a extraordinary whistleblower. This isn't a manifesto. This is whistleblowing from somebody who his family said was a big Trump supporter, very patriotic, and who was highly skilled with explosives. So if he really wanted to do damage, he could have done it in a whole different way.

What this enormous story really connects to is the drones, the MH370 missing plane from 2014, and zero point energy, which is a sophisticated new technology that has been hidden from the public for years that deals with orbs and plasma and that we've been seeing with the drones. And this whistleblower, Matthew Livelsberger, is a highly experienced special forces guy who is actually adept with working with direct energy drones. And what he's trying to do is warn the country, not so much about China, but what his prior messages before he got blown up or supposedly got blown up—who knows, the DNA didn't match the person who was in the car—is he sent these emails that were shown on the Sean Ryan show, which people might want to watch, where he claims both the US and China have zero point energy technology, which is earth shattering, humanity shattering, new technology.

The person to be following—most people don't know him, though Tulsi Gabbard knows about him and is following him—is Ashton Forbes. He's the world expert on what happened with the MH370 Malaysia flight that got lost, got shot down, who knows where. He's figured that out and went above and beyond and totally understands zero point energy and has been following it. And now finally, after years of following zero point energy, following military links (here is) an actual whistleblower talking about these new technologies, connecting it with the drones that we've been seeing.

It's absolutely earth shattering what's about to happen because it's new technology that is above and beyond nuclear energy. And now it's finally come to the fore by this whistleblower who is almost a hero. So if people really, really want to know what's going on with Las Vegas, it's not about Trump or New Orleans. It is about the new zero point technology. The U.S. and China are the only countries that have it right now. And Matthew Livelsberger is trying to let people know what is at stake here. But the best person to follow for that is Ashton Forbes. And he was on Clayton Morris's Redacted maybe six weeks ago, I guess. Candace Owens has interviewed him. He's about to become a household name because he is the expert on how our government and China are using zero point energy. So a great place to start is understanding that flight that got actually teleported, that sounds weird, using this zero-point energy, that flight MH-370.

There's a whole rabbit hole of zero-point energy we could go down, but we only have an hour to cover 35 stories. Nick Cook wrote a very good book on zero-point, The Hunt for Zero-Point. So I take that seriously. I'm not 100% sure it's true, but it's not a completely crazy theory by any means. But my question, Cat, is you're saying that this guy Livelsberger is a heroic whistleblower, seems like he would have been a fairly smart guy. Would he really believe that fizzling himself up in a Tesla outside of a Trump hotel in Las Vegas was going to get him taken seriously by the people that he needs to reach about this? That strikes me as unlikely. To me, it would be more likely that whatever is put in his mouth is distraction. Because he's basically discredited. The majority view of somebody who does something like this is usually going to be pretty negative unless there's a really obvious reason, like with the guys who burn themselves up for Gaza like Aaron Bushell. But here, 99% of the people, meaning the educated, important people that matter whose views need to be changed on these things, they're going to say, "this guy's obviously a nut. He's an ex-military guy who got PTSD and went crazy." And then number two, he's blaming China for the drones, which sounds highly dubious. So your theory doesn't make sense because he can't be a real whistleblower. Because the way he would have chosen to blow the whistle is completely insane and completely discredits anything he would have to say.

I don't think that was necessarily him in that car. They either actually killed him and put him in that car. He had been he had been followed from Colorado Springs to Las Vegas. He was trying to get to Mexico to find some kind of escape because he was doing whistleblowing. And I think they either were able to kill him and blew him up in that car, or he managed to escape as a bona fide whistleblower because he put out a whole other memo that's very White Hats oriented. I don't think he was actually really blaming China. There is far, far, far more to this story than "he went and blew himself up there to give a message." That's not really, I think, what happened at all.

I'm sure there's more to the story, but based on what we have so far, I can't make any sense of it.

Well, you haven't listened to the 45 minute Sean Ryan report. And you haven't listened to Ashton Forbes. I did all that last night. And more people are being open to it. And I'm really glad to hear Tulsi is following Ashton Forbes.

It's just that your scenarios...either way they don't make sense. Like he's a hero whistle blower who blew himself up to get attention. That doesn't make sense. You admit that. So now you say, well, actually somebody else blew him up. Why? If they're just trying to get rid of this guy and not draw attention to the message, why would they blow him up like that?

Because he was putting the message out. There's all kinds of details that in real time people right now are trying to put together because the messages that he sent to other people were not to be released until January 1st. So these new messages have just come out. We're getting what's in the press. One private soldier who is on the Sean Ryan show was revealing what Livelsberger had sent him via emails and texts, knowing that he was being tracked. So it's not fully brought together yet, but the one-dimensional story that we're meant to believe is not true. And the bigger story is that finally, what's coming out is...What really happened with the MH370 and zero point energy, what's really happening with the drones... a whole new direction for humanity is about ready to come out. Now, I know that sounds conspiracy level...

It sounds like Q cubed.

Well, once you follow all the information that's out there right now, just what's out there that just came out last night, so most people don't have it, then you start to put the pieces together.

The message, the whole story, is quite interesting, but there's no clear, coherent explanation of it. I'm not even sure that zero point exists. It's certainly possible it does. It's also possible that the U.S. strategic people have every reason to try to exaggerate their capabilities. So all this UFO crash retrieval, "we have fancy extreme technology" stuff is obviously exactly what they'd want to try to make the world believe, or at least have to worry about. So there's a huge motive to just invent stories like this. And whether or not they're true—maybe they are, maybe they're not,I don't know. Like I said, the Nick Cook book The Hunt for Zero Point is a good background primer.

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