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Dr. E. Michael Jones and I forged our own Catholic-Muslim alliance back in February 2013, when we first met in person at the Hollywoodism conference in Tehran. I had convinced the Iranian organizers to invite Dr. Jones, who has a legitimate claim to being America’s leading Catholic intellectual.
During that conference, on the ride back to Tehran from Qom, E. Michael Jones prophesied a future Catholic-Muslim alliance. I opined that Pope Benedict wasn’t ready for it. Dr. Jones responded: “He won’t be Pope forever.” An hour or so later, as we entered the lobby of our hotel, we were surprised to see big screen TVs interrupting their regular programming with shock headlines: “Pope resigns! First time since 1415!”
Though part of Dr. Jones’ prophecy was realized with uncanny rapidity, we’re still waiting for the new Pope, Francis, to declare an official Catholic-Muslim alliance against the Zionist Antichrist. If I tell Mike “Francis isn’t ready for it” and Mike says “he won’t be Pope forever,” will Francis follow Benedict’s example and quickly resign? It might be worth a try. (From EMJ’s lips to God’s ear!) But since the Zionists and their freemasonic friends, sexual and otherwise, seem to hold sway in the Vatican, I wouldn’t put much faith in the next Pope, whoever he is, declaring an anti-Antichrist alliance.
Although E. Michael Jones and I agree on most things, we disagree on the TQ (Trump Question). A congenital optimist, Mike holds out hope that Trump was, on July 13, saved from an assassin’s bullet by a divine miracle—sparking a change of heart that may, insha’allah, lead Trump to do God’s work. I, on the other hand, am a “Trump pessimist.” While I acknowledge the occasional reality of divine miracles—after all, I studied them while preparing my Ph.D. dissertation on medieval and modern Moroccan miracle stories—I think the July 13 “Trump shooting,” which would indeed have required multiple miracles to have happened as advertised, has a more mundane explanation, like the Medjugorje fake miracles that Dr. Jones has ably debunked. Watch Dr. Jones and I argue about Trump and the “assassination attempt” starting at about 33:30 of the video posted above.
Based on his past record, Donald J. Trump strikes me as pretty much the last person on Earth who will ever participate in an anti-Antichrist alliance. Indeed, as Professor Anthony Hall reminds us, there were reasonably credible reports that, at the behest of his daughter Ivanka and her Kosher Nostra kingpin husband Jared Kushner, Trump converted to the messianic-millenarian Chabad Lubovich sect of Judaism in 2017. That sect is pulling out all the stops to bring on a “Jewish messiah” who will rule the world from a blood sacrifice temple in Jerusalem. That “messiah” would be the person Christians and Muslims call the Antichrist.
Trump’s over-the-top support for the genocide of Gaza burnishes his pro-Antichrist credentials.
My new American Free Press piece pictured above (subscribe to read the whole thing) begins by considering various positive sides of Trump’s campaign, including the participation of RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, before turning to the elephant in the room:
If Trump is fully committed to solving (America’s existential) problems, and turns smart people like Kennedy loose on them, he might wind up on Mount Rushmore. But Trump’s campaign (like RFK Jr.’s rhetoric) is still hobbled by a YUUUUUGE negative: his over-the-top support for Israel.
Trump recently angered veterans when he gave megadonor Miriam Adelson, a de facto agent of Israel, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Trump put his Zionist foot in his mouth by saying that the civilian Medal of Freedom is “actually better” than the Medal of Honor, which is only given to soldiers who are “either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets, or they’re dead.” Speaking of Miriam Adelson, a hideous crone whose even uglier husband Sheldon ruined the lives of countless gambling-addicted Americans, and was rumored to be an organized crime kingpin and mass murderer, Trump said: “She gets it and she’s a healthy beautiful woman and they’re rated equal but she got the Presidential Medal of Freedom.”
Miriam Adelson has reportedly offered Trump $100 million in return for a promise to greenlight “finishing the job” of the complete genocide of Palestine. That places both of them among the worst war criminals in all of history.
As he solicits colossal sums from mobsters in return for genocide endorsements, Trump continues to promise the Jewish lobby that he will be its biggest-ever slave (like he was during his first term, when he pushed through the “Satan Accords” of “abnormalization” that triggered the current war and genocide). Everywhere he goes, or at least everywhere where there is at least one rich Jew in the audience, Trump blathers about anti-Semitism and the horrors of the Holocaust. On August 17, Trump told Fox and Friends: “If you see what’s happening with Israel and Jewish people right now there has never been a more dangerous time since the Holocaust if you happen to be Jewish in America.” The previous night, at the Jewish megadonor event with Adelson, Trump had gone even further, pledging to give Israel complete control over the entire US government. He said if he wins, “you will have the president,” adding that he would make sure Israel also gained complete control over Congress.
Promising to turn the whole US government over to a foreign power in return for money is the textbook definition of conspiracy to commit treason. Based on his own words, Trump ought to be arrested and charged. Though most high-level politicians of both parties—especially those who allow themselves to be filmed by Mossad agents like Jeffrey Epstein while they rape children—should also be brought up on treason charges, they are usually smart enough not to publicly announce plans to turn over the entire American government to the genocidal state of Israel. Along with treason, Trump should be charged with first-degree stupidity.
Most of the problems Trump and RFK Jr. want to solve stem from the Kosher Nostra’s stranglehold on America. Rather than treat the symptoms, we need to remove the cancer.
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