As one wag has opined, U$ politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex.

If the orange troll hadn't been born into wealth he'd be hustling stuffed animals on a carnival midway somewhere in Albania or moving defective used cars in small town Indiana. If he's accomplished one thing, it's to move my hatred away from Obama, Big Mike and Cankles Clinton. Choosing between Trump and the DEI rep the Dems coughed up is like choosing to leave this mortal coil, via a firing squad or hanging in the public square. Meanwhile, the genocides and destruction continue unabated on two continents. Come November, I'm writing in Putin. Thank Jebus for the restraint shown by the Russians and Iranians.

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Good comment! While you are writing in Putin, maybe I'll write in Yahya Sinwar.

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I'm sick of losing. Need a sure thing winner. Meyer Lansky.

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Does it even need to be discussed? Already in 2017 many did their due dilligence with Trump, with exposés or just a bit of thinking setting aside the emotional need for a "white hat".

He's painfully obvious as controlled opposition. The script from the famous shutdown of a CNN reporter to a fake assassination attempt was written in advance and his unwavering support for Israel is one of the more flagrant clues.

It is insane that 7 years ago this is still a thing. Man, this world sure is fckn depressing.

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It Never Fails - I’m On Board Right Up To The Point Of Jones INSANE Rant About Miracles

I really like Jones, but holy hell, man. It’s just stupid, that is, it’s stupid-insane how very smart individuals like Jones can say stupid things like, ‘Trump turned his head because God intervened.’ Really? Then followed by Kevin’s more logical response, ‘But what about 9/11, which must have been multiple, crazy miracles, if not an inside job.’ Exactly.

For anyone to insist “God turned Trump’s head to spare him,” but allowed the shooter to climb onto a hot roof of a building filled with cops in the first place, then “allowed” the shooter to pull off eight rounds before the two professional sniper cops watching the whole event finally decide to “murder” him—not to mention allowed the other poor soul in the stands to be murdered—is bloody insane. So very stupid; not lacking knowledge, but understanding logic sense—while at the same time—accepts the nonsense of miracles of a bi-polar, satanic version of God who created people, knows their future and kills some while allowing others to be spared?

For the true believers of this kind of crazy-making “belief” structure of life & God,” I’ve heard it all under the threat & actions of torture and I’m so not impressed with “your” sick version of a very sick, satanic god.

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Well, I don't think Mike's view is quite THAT crazy. From a theistic perspective, God (a loving conscious oneness exploding fractally into the reality we experience) imbues creation with free will, and creation sometimes chooses evil and sometimes chooses good (that's what freedom means, after all). As creation works itself out using the freedom that God gave it, occasionally situations arise in which God for whatever reason seems to choose to directly intervene, rather than just let things take their course. So theoretically the Trump shooting COULD have been the product of various free human actions and interactions, up to the point that God made Trump turn his head. But I very much doubt that that was the case. To me it looks like a kayfabe "miracle" scripted by someone like Ari Emmanuel.

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You’re a good soul, Kevin.

Okay, but still, I just cannot wrap my head around the extreme craziness of a Good God that knows ALL, including our future; a God with infinite knowledge and foresight that made humans, evil and Satan all at the same time, then sits back in judgement over ignorant fools set upon each other to war, and with the power to intervene to save only a select few fools driven nuts over the meaning of God, life or whatever—individuals who will never have the ability to “understand” the mind of God, but behave like evil gods while murdering those they call evil.

In my own mind, God may exist and perhaps even created ALL, but left people with an abundance and the ability to understand the mysteries of life over time, and then some. A God who perhaps created an abundance for humans with human minds to enable them to thrive in peace and ALWAYS prevent war. When I think of God, I think of Mother Nature. Sea turtles, for instance, who lay eggs, then by chance, DNA and strength some survive to continue the life cycle. A creative, but imperfect God that never looks back to watch over or intervene. Mother Nature and all life is God to me, and those who insist they understand God with a punitive process to insist are mad charlatans.

I don’t judge or speak for God, religion or those who practice, Kevin. Never have. And I reject all forms of torture, prisons and murder over the issue of God; a tool to make bad people good; corrected.

Let people be to live the lives they choose as individuals with individual human minds without slavers driving slaves to bogus war—both of which need the other to exist.

Another definition that MUST be changed: Evil, with humans in judgement of others, then building inhumane prisons and war machines to “fix” it?

I say, “Close the prisons, call those who cut in line, cheat or murder (“crazy” to certain degrees), and if so crazy they are a real danger to others, put them in humane university-run mental institutions, but with the students in power (students, which all of us are, no matter our credentials) who thrive on knowledge and fair competition, and humans will always do the right thing. If we keep calling people evil like judgmental, satanic [g]ods, humanity and our world is doomed.”

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I got my first notion of God from my Unitarian grandmother talking about "Mother Nature." I think the biggest problem with the way we think of God is Old Testament Yahwism, which Guyenot critiques in From Yahweh to Zion.

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That Yahweh is "God the Father" for E M J. Go ask him. And basically anyone else who considers the Old Testament the word of God.

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I don't see any way around that conclusion.

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For sure.

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All of this evil exists as a result of the fall. God will intervene if enough people respond to the open invite to amend their ways; their lives and turn back to Him. No great demand; just try and amend one's life within the frail human existence. He does not expect perfection given He knows our frailties. Just to try which is more than a great many even do. If that were to occur, He would act on our behalf. Until then; we're on our own.

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Have you read Genesis? Evil clearly pre-exists the fall. "And he (GOD) said: Behold Adam is become as one of us, knowing good and evil: now, therefore, lest perhaps he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever."

The use of the plural "US" refers definitely to the serpent--evil--which tricked Eve into disobeying God with what turned out to be a Lie: "No, you shall not die the death." The evil Sperpent is not only the first liar, he clearly pre-exists man as God says "Adam is become as one of us"


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Nice reference, Anthony the Douay Rheims. I use that site. Were you referring to the fall of Satan and his minions regards evil? I was referring to the fall of Adam and so, perhaps, we might have not been on the same page.

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If you vote Dem or Rep you are an accessory to mass murder. Worse than Jack the Ripper, Jeffrey Dahmer, Harold Shipman, John Wayne Gacy, H.H. Holmes, Pedro Lopez and Ted Bundy combined.

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At least for president. But I can't help it, I feel compelled to vote against Adam Schiff in California.

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Aren’t we forgetting Kamel Toe Harris & her support for Genocide Joe & the Dumbocrap policy of wiping out the Palestinians, assassinating Iranians, occupying Syria & Iraq, & flooding the US with millions of illegal aliens?

They fit the definition of Anti-Christ treasonous subhumans

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Her husband is Jewish and supposedly after 10/7 did a tour of the "Holy Holocaust" sites. He supposedly found the shoes very disturbing. I can understand, every time I walk into a shoe store , my first thoughts are a Holocaust has happened here, the proof is everywhere.

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Every time you wear shoes you are symbolically invoking the Holocaust. I propose a new holiday called National Holocaust Forgetfulness Day, during which we all go barefoot.

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Can't sandals be used? I wonder if Hobbits are all Holocaust deniers?

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I know, have you been to Sketchers lately?

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Mr Springman. I have an epithet to add that I heard from Max Blumenthal: Instead of "wiping out the Palestinians" call it Operation Infinite Genocide.

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So true, so true. Yet if you confront your state governor or Congressional traitor, you will find that they have forsaken the US in favor of our finest Middle East al-LIE. It's now in the open, they are getting more and more proud of their turncoat status. I write my senator in Congress, a scoundrel called Chris Murphy, and in return I receive a form letter in solemn prose that he is doing God's work, if only God could be his equal, of course. Naturally, no deity can measure up to Murphy. Soon, we will get "it" up the keester and I bet his Highness will flash the biggest grin ever recorded.

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We should also remember ZioBeast control of the US media. Americans know only what the Zebrews want them to know

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