Regular “first Friday of the month” guest Dr. Alan Sabrosky, upon learning that Iraq just banned transgenderism, prostitution, and homosexuality, emailed me: “Maybe all whites should convert to Islam? Then we might well be protected from these (and other) predators. Christianity (with the partial exception of Russian/Eastern/Greek) Orthodox hasn’t done squat for Western Culture over the past century or so, at a minimum.”
Me: “Not a bad idea. Or they could try to help a Christianity-friendly school of Islam take power. Muslims are required to protect Christians and their churches and monasteries.Under Muslim rule, Christians might become Christian again.”
Does “Doc” Sabrosky, former Head of Strategic Studies at the US Army War College, really think that white folks should consider mass-converting to Islam? Or was he just trolling me? Tune in and find out.
I’m broadcasting from the rooftop studio here in beautiful Morocco, where I finally got my residency card this morning, and where I've been doing my broadcasts ever since July, and will continue to do so, inshallah. Today we have another great show lined up.
In the second hour, Michael Lindsey comes on for the first time. He’ll be talking about the need for pro-natality religion to save people in general and the people of the secular developed countries, including white people, in particular. However, he doesn't agree with the Malcolm Collins argument for a designer religion that would be designed to convince high IQ white people to breed like rabbits. Michael Lindsey thinks that's a pretty crazy idea, as do I.
In the first hour, we're going to talk about some related issues. If you're not in favor of a designer religion to get people breeding, how about an old-fashioned religion, some old-time religion…like how about Islam? Dr. Alan Sabrosky, the former head of strategic studies at the U.S. Army War College, has said some pretty provocative things, and the latest is one of the most provocative: He suggested that white people should all mass convert to Islam. This was in response to hearing that Iraq had banned homosexuality, transgenderism, and prostitution. Dr. Alan Sabrosky, are you serious or are you just trolling me?
I was a little bit serious and a little bit trolling. Actually, it was something that occurred to me as a result of a conversation with someone else a few days ago. I didn't publish anything on it, but probably after today, I won't be able to anyway. It was that organized Christian religion, with the partial exception of the Orthodox churches…whether it's evangelical Protestantism or (liberal) Protestant denominations or the Vatican, really haven't done much at all to protect Europeans and people of European heritage from the onslaught that they're facing from the left. They really haven't. I made a joking comment to someone that it was sort of interesting to look at Ireland, where neither the IRA nor the Irish Catholic Church has done much at all to protect the Irish from the great replacement and the woke world that's being thrust upon them by the left.
And I said, considering that, why not consider an alternative?
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