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RIP Francis Boyle: "The Whole Concept of the Rule of Law Has Been a Joke Since 9/11/2001"
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RIP Francis Boyle: "The Whole Concept of the Rule of Law Has Been a Joke Since 9/11/2001"

International law professor Francis Boyle passed away last Thursday, January 30. I will miss his pugnacious, fiery outrage at the palpable injustices and absurdities that metastasized during his lifetime and killed the American Republic and whatever ideals it may once have represented.

In 2013 Boyle prosecuted Israel for genocide before the Kuala Lumpur Tribunals. In early 2020 he forcefully argued that COVID-19 was obviously a bioweapon, and participated in webinar I helped organize along with Ron Unz, Meryl Nass, and others. (Boyle, like yours truly, was fingered as a “COVID conspiracy theory super-spreader” by the Zio-NATO front group Atlantic Council.) Then in mid-2022 Boyle appeared on my radio show promoting his book arguing that COVID vaccine mandates violated the Nuremburg Code.

In short, Francis Boyle was on the right side, or the mostly-right side, of several of the biggest issues that most academicians shy away from. And none of those issues were bigger than 9/11. National Medal of Science winner Lynn Margulis said more than once that science ended on September 11, 2001. At the end of this short interview, Boyle says something similar about the rule of law.

May God bless Francis Boyle and shower him with His mercy.


Transcript from Dec. 26 2018 Interview

Kevin Barrett: Francis Boyle is an international law professor at the University of Illinois. And he's also a great human rights voice. He has been trying to shame the University of Chicago into dissociating itself from Gina Haspel, the torture queen. Let's talk a little bit about why they should do that. Francis, I take it you're not proud to be an alumnus of the same institution as Gina Haspel.

Francis Boyle: Thanks, Kevin. Let me... Straighten the record out. I was not trying to shame the University of Illinois at Chicago because they're shameless. The merger between the University of Illinois at Chicago and John Marshall Law School had to be approved by the American Bar Association, which is the accrediting agency. And last February, the culprits at the University of Illinois in Chicago signed on to become a CIA signature university, which is appalling.

I grew up in Chicago. I remember Mayor Dick Daley put University of Illinois at Chicago there. And, we can criticize Daley all you want, but he came from a working class background and he wanted to have an affordable public education in the city of Chicago for working class kids like he was. Necause at that point in time, all the colleges in Chicago were private and cost a lot of money. So it's done great things for educating the youth of Chicago, working class youth, youth of color, et cetera.

So last February, the administration up there decided to become a CIA signature university, so that the CIA could operate freely on campus and recruit these kids to become CIA assets and agents. It's despicable.

What exactly is a CIA signature university?

They're in cahoots with the CIA. You can have a look at their Web page. They do everything. They give the CIA free access to campus. They can run courses and they can come in and recruit students as agents and assets. They're thoroughly penetrated now by the CIA.

Just to clarify, is this a program that other universities have as well, an official program called being a CIA signature university?

That's correct. And the University of Illinois at Chicago administrators there who should be fired did this knowing full well that bloody Gina Haspel was the acting director and going to be the director of the CIA. And that was all over the news media and it made no difference to them. So, you know, this is completely unethical and reprehensible. Well, there was nothing I could do about that, but the University of Illinois and Chicago wanted to acquire John Marshall law school, which is in downtown Chicago. I know John Marshall quite well. My dad was a lawyer and put me to work downtown there at the age of nine at the clerk at his law firm. And actually, I always had a high opinion of John Marshall. And indeed, the last time the University of Illinois at Chicago and John Marshall talked about a merger, I was asked by two different people up there if I would be willing to transfer my tenure to John Marshall Law School as part of the University of Illinois, which I agreed to do because they have a public interest orientation. And they are also there, again, to provide legal education to poor minorities, et cetera. Basically, anyone who wants to become a lawyer can go there and see if they can make it. So I did.

And what happened this time is the University of Illinois at Chicago, a CIA signature university, then is going to give the CIA and bloody Gina Haspel their own law school. So when I found that out, I launched a campaign to convince the American Bar Association not to approve the the merger, which they had to approve.

And the ABA…I've been a member there since 1977, when I was first licensed to practice law. And their motto is American Bar Association, defending liberty, pursuing justice. So I sent numerous communications up there, other law professors and lawyers did too, about all the terrible atrocities the CIA committed around the world. And at that time, we were also getting all this publicity about everything bloody Gina Haspel was up to. And I just found out earlier this week that the ABA had approved this merger. So, fine. Now the American Bar Association owns bloody Gina Haspel and the CIA and all their atrocities. And as I said in my communication to them that I sent you, all their crimes now are going to be on your souls for the rest of eternity. And so be it. But it's an absolute disgrace.

And I am a native Chicagoan, too. So I'm a lawyer. I'm an ABA member. I'm a law professor, part of the University of Illinois system, but down here in Champaign, not in Chicago. And so the CIA will get their tentacles into an accredited law school. And I can assure you all the terribly destructive, evil things the CIA will do to a law school once they get their tentacles in there. We had a previous dean of this law school, Hurricane Heidi Heard, and her consort, Mikey Moore, and Moore publicly admitted he worked for the CIA and the Mossad. And they did terrible, destructive damage to this law school that is still going on today, including torture-mongering, drone strikes, publicly advocating them…one scandal after another.

So I'm very sorry that this is going to happen to John Marshall Law School. My dad did not go to an elite law school like I did (Harvard). He went to Loyola Law School, but a lot of his friends were from Loyola Law School, DePaul Law School, John Marshall Law School. And so I knew some of these people. And this is a disgrace. I did what I could. But there it is.

Well, it's ironic, isn't it? The CIA is well known for flaunting the rule of law. It's barred from by its charter from operating domestically. And yet it operates domestically on a pretty massive scale.

It's not flaunting. It's perverting the rule of law and the United States Constitution. And you are correct here. They operate here in the United States, too. I gave all these facts to the lawyers at the American Bar Association and on their legal education committee and staff. As of now, I'm still the senior law professor at the University of Illinois System. And they had all the facts and they did it anyway.

William Blum just passed away. He was one of the great scholars of the misdeeds of the CIA. His book, Killing Hope, talked about the American Holocaust. He didn't estimate how many millions of people were murdered by CIA and military interventions since World War II. But Chomsky and Volchek estimate that's about 55 to 60 million people. So these are pretty off the scale kind of crimes. And it's interesting to me that there aren't more people in the legal profession who are concerned about this the way you are.

It just shows you the perversion of the legal profession after September 11, 2001, with so many lawyers and law professors buying into the bogus war on terrorism, as the American Bar Association just did in licensing the CIA signature university to get their own law school. And they're going to turn out lawyers, large numbers of lawyers, justifying war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, drone strikes, et cetera, and becoming war criminals in their own right. So that's really what's at stake here.

Indeed. And before I let you go, do you have any comments on the efforts of the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Justice? They've got a grand jury petition filed in the Southern District of New York, and they just got an indication that a grand jury will be seated. The government or the court says it will follow the law, presumably meaning it will seat a grand jury to investigate the possible controlled demolition of the World Trade Center skyscrapers. Have you been following that?

I read about it. Yeah, I think that's a major step forward. nIf you read Senator Graham's 28 pages, it's clear the so-called hijackers were cooperating under the management of the FBI. So maybe a grand jury will get to the bottom of this. So I think that is a major issue. But I'm sure you know, Kevin, there'll be all sorts of attempts made to sabotage this all up and down. But I commend the lawyers that have gotten this far.

It occurs to me if we accept the official nonsense about 9/11, the whole concept of the rule of law starts to seem like a joke.

The whole concept of the rule of law has been a joke since 9/11/2001 anyway, because you've just seen so many lawyers and law professors and law schools buy into the paradigm of this completely bogus war against terrorism, which is really an attempt by the United States to use this as a pretext and excuse to go out and steal as much oil and gas as they can from the Muslim world.

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