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Richard Cook on Trumpian Restoration in Historical Context
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Richard Cook on Trumpian Restoration in Historical Context

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NASA whistleblower Richard Cook critiques Alexander Dugin on Trump’s revolution and notes Blinken/Biden’s blood-soaked legacy.

Transcript extract:

I spend a lot of time in the hinterlands. The flyover zone, you might say. I have very strong ties and contacts in Texas. And the anger

that has been building, particularly in the last four years with the Biden administration, and all that has happened in the United States with the woke culture, this anger is very palpable. And there are tens of millions of ordinary people in the United States whose sense of betrayal and disgust with the Democratic Party and its woke culture finally burst.

And it's not only that. I am very much in favor of the initial actions to close the border, to begin the deportations, and to declare the drug gangs terrorist organizations. That has been a long time coming as well. I have close contacts in the Department of Homeland Security. One of the lead people that I've talked to actually was down on the Texas border watching the Mexican Army escort drug gangs across the border. This is a very real phenomenon that has been corrupting American life now for quite a long time.

I also have spent a good bit of time in Montana the last few years. And you go on to an Indian reservation and you talk to people and you read the accounts of what's been going on out there, that they have been subject to an invasion of Mexican drug gangs. Some of these people drive in from California, chiefly, or in some cases, Washington State. They are picked up by the police with carloads of fentanyl and loaded guns that they then unload on the Indian reservations. And I even told somebody who was questioning me about this, “why don't you and I go out there and we'll go to a morgue and we'll see how many of the bodies in the morgue are of Indians who've died of fentanyl overdoses. And then we'll go to a federal district court where these drug gangs are on trial and we'll see what names they go by and we'll see what they bring in and then we'll see the prison sentences they get.” And if you do that and actually talk to the real people on the ground in this country, you realize the disaster that's been unfolding here for so long.

And quite honestly, the news about Ukraine, even the news about Israel, is kind of far away to the people who elected Trump. And what I have said is that Trump is riding a populist wave. Who knows what the guy really believes about a lot of things. You witness his impromptu press conference in the Oval Office, where he says “I think Spain is in BRICS, isn't it?” And you begin to question, who's this guy talking to?

Well, that's the S, right?

Where is he getting his information? So it's a complex situation. But I have written in one of my publications, the e-book I published with Global Research. The title is World War III is on and America Has Lost Already. The American Civil War has begun. And the only salvation for humanity is spiritual. But the Civil War is on. And the Civil War very much follows the pattern of the Republicans and the Democrats as we saw them back in 1860, with Trump playing the Lincoln role and Biden playing whatever role he played. Biden, Harris, whoever they are.

But the battle lines are the same, and what Trump is doing is he's recreating the American system that the Republicans were trying to create in 1860, and that the Republican presidents continued to create throughout most of the 19th century. And it's no accident that Trump has shown himself to be a big fan of William McKinley, because William McKinley was the last great Republican president, the last Republican president who believed in the American system, the American economic system. And a cornerstone of the American system was tariffs. The McKinley tariff, which actually was passed not when McKinley was president, but when he was in Congress before that, was the cornerstone of American economic policy all the way up to the start of the 20th century. And so it's no accident that Trump somewhere has in his entourage a speech writer who knows about William McKinley.

Didn't the banksters assassinate McKinley?

Yeah, they did. It was another one of these lone gunman things. And the guy who took over from McKinley was Theodore Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt was a British fifth columnist at the head of our government. The LaRouchies have documented this pretty well, and I have too in my book, Our Country Then and Now. And it was Theodore Roosevelt who opened the floodgates to the money trust and the Rothschild takeover of the banking system in America and produced the Federal Reserve system of 1913.

And so what Trump is doing is he's hearkening back to the pre-Federal Reserve days. He's criticizing the interest rates of the Federal Reserve. He wants the Federal Reserve rates to come down because as everybody knows, that's the only way you're gonna get economic growth in the United States. The high interest rates that were installed by the Federal Reserve during the Biden administration were largely to benefit British banking interests by restoring to them the flow of interest out of the United States into their own coffers after the Federal Reserve had cut rates almost to zero. Trump wants them to cut them almost to zero again, because that will lead to a cheap money situation that will feed American industry. It's part and parcel of the high tariff policy. They go together.

And so what we're seeing on the domestic front are these developments that are very much in line with very, very old, venerable Republican and Whig party doctrines. And the people who live in the flyover states, that is all the states between New York and California, love it. They see their jobs coming back again. They see communities that have been destroyed by unemployment and drugs having a chance once more to regenerate themselves. And this is the hope, this is the wave that this New York City boy is riding. I guess it corresponds with his instincts, I don't know.

But to these people, all of these, the Ukraine war makes no sense at all. And so Trump is going to bring that to a sharp end, we hope.

The situation in Israel is much more complicated. And it's much more complicated because the people in the heartland go to church, and so many of the Protestant ministers, and even Catholics in a lot of cases, are Christian Zionists. And the Christian Zionists have totally swallowed the line of greater Israel that goes back to the early 20th century, the Schofield Bible that you are familiar with and all that stuff. So they're conflicted. They're very, very conflicted on the Israel situation. And I think that's where the real danger lies.

Also, the military has been a primary employment source for people in the heartland ever since really going back to the Civil War for generations. And the government put all these military bases in the South. And that's the way the New South was built. It was built by federal money pouring in to the military bases and giving a decent job to thousands, maybe millions of young people in the South and Midwest who couldn't get work otherwise because all the factories were sent to China.

The South more than the Midwest. The Midwest is kind of the hole in the military spending donut.

Yeah, you're right. Way more in the South.

The military spending is on the coasts, all of the coasts: the East Coast, the West Coast and the South Coast. And right there in the middle and especially the upper Midwest, Wisconsin, where I'm from—that's called the hole in the military spending donut. Wisconsinites pay high taxes for military spending. It all gets spent somewhere else…

(Read the full transcript at my Substack by way of the “transcript” button above the video image to the right.)

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