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Nick Kollerstrom on “Just Wars” in Ukraine and Palestine
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Nick Kollerstrom on “Just Wars” in Ukraine and Palestine

Nick Kollerstrom has appeared on this show many times to discuss his books on 9/11, 7/7, Charlie Hebdo, World War II revisionism, and most recently the “just war” in Ukraine. Let’s ask Nick: If Russia is fighting a just war against an aggressor who keeps pushing NATO’s borders and first-strike-oriented nuclear weapons systems ever closer to Moscow, what does that make the Palestinians’ war against the Zionist lunatics, those psychopathic killers intoxicated to the point of genocidal fury by the notion that the God they don’t believe in gave them Palestine 3000 years ago?

Excerpts from the interview:

(According to a certain strain of Jewish messianic millenarian thought) Jews are at war with all of the other tribes or nations, that is the Goyim, and that the Messiah will come and create paradise on earth by leading the Jews in conquest and absolute destruction of all of the other nations. This has led to a mentality amongst a certain element of the most powerful people of the Jewish communities that they (the one-world globalist movements) glom on to, whether it's (Trotskyist) communism or Zionism or Illuminism…(aiming) to basically destroy all the non-Jewish nations so that Israel will reign supreme and the Messiah will rule the world from Jerusalem. Anyway, that's my rant for the evening. What do you think?

I think it's important to see how, as Shlomo Sand has demonstrated in his book, The Invention of the Jewish People, the Palestinians are the actual nearest thing we have to the actual descendants of the Judean citizens—in other words, the ancient Jews…The concept that David once gained a great empire is complete fiction. All the research, very intensive, ever since the Jews got back to the Holy Land, excavating and looking desperately for any evidence of King Solomon — nothing whatsoever, not a peep. All the records in archives of kings and rulers around the Middle East or East Mediterranean and find no reference at all to Solomon. There's no trace of any evidence of Solomon's temple, of Solomon's gold, Solomon's arches, Solomon's horses. It's just a story. And it's a story based on what they might have experienced, memories of the glorious golden age of ancient Egypt. There really were temples in Egypt plated with gold, glittering in the sun, splendid temples, and they imagined Solomon's temple in that way. But there never was a Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, absolutely not. Jews can't build a third temple because the first one never existed.

So where does this myth come from then and this effort to rebuild the Temple which is the basis of the Jewish eschatology that's driving the most radical element among these genocidal settler-colonialists occupying Palestine?

In the second century BC or a bit earlier, national myths were being forged to hold the people together, to give them a sense of togetherness, and the script writers made a glorious past of this empire. People's memories were scrambled by various past events and nobody had a memory of what actually happened then so this glorious past was imagined. And I think in the same way, for example, Britons imagine that King Arthur was King of England, and it's very hard to admit that historical records don't actually confirm that.

The glorious Islamic mosque is on the Temple Mount which was a Roman fortress, the Tenth Legion, built by Hadrian and it's got nothing whatever to do with the Jews. There was never any Jewish temple on that Temple Mount which was built maybe first century BC for 10,000 Romans, the Tenth Legion, to keep law and order in Jerusalem, and I think historians need to stop fantasising about some Jewish Temple there.

Jewish Temples were never built on the highest part of a mountain, that just didn't happen, whereas Roman forts were always built on the highest part of any land. There is a site within the old walled city of Jerusalem where there would have been the original Temple, but because of what happened in 70 AD, Jews totally forgot where it was.

Now, what happened then? Well, that was the terrible massacre, the terrible war whereby Romans wiped out a million Jews and reduced Jerusalem to rubble. And you could hardly know that there was once a great city there. And so it was the most terrible thing. Jews must have really annoyed the Romans to make that happen. And after that, there was no trace of where the Temple was.

And by the way, that's what Jesus prophesied in the Bible, talking to his disciples, admiring this glorious Temple, which Hadrian had just done up and made it look really fine with white marble and everything And he said, “look, soon there'll be not one stone left on another. You won't be able to recognize the place.”

And that actually happened.

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