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"Israel" Pummeled by Iran, Hezbollah

"Israel" Pummeled by Iran, Hezbollah

More than a dozen Zionist invaders dead on first day of fighting, says Resistance

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Iranian missiles have destroyed numerous military targets in Occupied Palestine including the F35 base that launched the murder of Hassan Nasrallah, while numerous Israeli soldiers have already died in Lebanon.

Satellite images of an aircraft hangar at a key Israeli military airbase for US-made F-35 fighter jets show a large hole in the roof after Iran launched a massive barrage of ballistic missiles against the occupying regime’s bases.

Iran on Tuesday evening launched some 200 ballistic missiles toward the Zionist entity’s military and intelligence bases in a retaliatory attack, dubbed Operation True Promise II, which set off sirens all over the occupied Palestinian territories and sending Israelis to underground shelters.

According to Iranian media, Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian says Tehran will definitely give a “stronger and more crushing” response to Israel if it commits the “slightest” mistake.

Among the ballistic missiles that were used in the operation were Ghadr and Emad, as well as the latest Fattah hypersonic missiles, with 90 percent of the missiles hitting their intended targets.

Zionist media are reporting that eight Israeli soldiers were killed in Lebanon Wednesday, worrying Israeli leaders and already sparking reappraisals of war plans. Lebanese sources report much higher casualty numbers among the Israeli invaders.

The IDF and Israeli political echelons do not want to get stuck in a protracted operation that could boost Hezbollah, after it suffered several significant blows,” said Michael Horowitz, head of intelligence at Le Beck, a risk consultancy. “But that’s easier said than done.” (WaPo)

Al-Rudwan, Hezbollah’s elite military unit, was reported to have defeated the Zionist invaders in a stand-up battle.

Al-Jazeera is reporting that the Israeli invasion of Lebanon has already stalled, and that the Zionists are taking out their frustration by bombing Beirut. “The sources added that the Resistance fighters are attacking the front line of the invading forces as well as the IOF supply lines and gatherings within the occupied Palestinian territories.”

Meanwhile, according to al-Manar, “Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) have claimed responsibility for a drone operation targeting Tel Aviv, known to its residents as Yafa. Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the spokesperson for the YAF, announced that multiple drones successfully struck important targets within the city without interception from Israeli defense systems.”

Partial Transcript of the Interview Posted Above

I'd like to get your perspective on the increased Israeli aggression and the indiscriminate bombing campaign that we're seeing right now taking place in Lebanon.

Well, Israel is a state of terror. They're the leaders in developing terrorism in the modern world, as Thomas Suarez wrote in his brilliant book, State of Terror, now available on Amazon for $400 per copy, because apparently the Zionists tried to buy them all up.

This indiscriminate attack on civilians in Lebanon parallels the similarly indiscriminate attacks on civilians throughout occupied Palestine. And it reflects the fact that the Zionist grand strategy, and indeed the whole raison d'etre of the Zionist project is to eliminate the people of the region. They have to be eliminated in order to allow for the endless expansion of this messianic, millenarian, psychotic, so-called religious entity, which is what so-called Israel actually is.

It's not a normal state. It's not the secular nationalist state that Theodor Herzl supposedly created at the end of the 19th century. It's a centuries-old messianic millenarian project. And that's why Israel, even under its most supposedly secular leadership, has never declared its borders, because it wants to keep expanding and stealing more and more territory.

And that's what it's trying to do now. It's trying to find a way to accelerate its genocide of the Palestinians and get rid of as many Palestinians as possible, whether by mass murder or by expulsion, and then to similarly eliminate Lebanese people by mass murder and expulsion and try to steal the land, at least up to the Litani River.

Of course, they would love to take all of Lebanon. They would like to take most of Iraq, Syria, big parts of Egypt, all the way to the Nile. They believe that God gave them this land, and they're in this psychotic messianic millenarian frenzy of genocidal expansion at this moment. But the Axis of Resistance, despite these attacks on its leadership, is still strong.

The Zionists have miscalculated by believing that by murdering leaders that they should be negotiating with, that that is somehow going to be to their military advantage. Any such gains are only short term. And indeed, the forces that are opposing this Zionist Antichrist consist of people who are not afraid to die and in fact welcome death in a good cause, in the cause of God.

And so killing individuals simply increases the resolution and the determination and indeed the kind of spiritual intensity of those fighters who are resisting this kind of evil. And so this fight is already more than the Zionists bargained for. They were hit with a very powerful salvo of Iranian missiles, up to 90% of which hit their targets, very much like in the previous similar Iranian targeting of the Zionist entity in retaliation for this series of murders and acts of aggression and genocide.

And Iran showed that it is capable of penetrating the so-called Iron Dome and hitting the targets that it wants to hit. So far, Iran has been very restrained in hitting only the kind of military targets that will not lead to massive civilian casualties, but it has warned that the next time will be different.

So the Zionist entity is currently in a dilemma. Under this irrational leadership of Netanyahu and the messianic millenarian extremists around him, they've embarked on a course that they can't really turn back from. They're condemned to continue until finally it's going to reach the point that either maybe we get some kind of third world war, or they have to decisively back down, which would be a stinging defeat that very likely will mean the end of the Zionist entity.

So it hasn't surprised me that Hezbollah has been so active and successful in defending Lebanon, in killing a substantial number of the Zionist aggressors who are currently invading Lebanon, And I think that that is going to continue, and we're going to see that this war will end up being a vastly bigger disaster for Israel than the failed invasions of Lebanon in the past, including the most recent one in 2006.

Right. And about the assassination of resistance commanders and leaders, let's talk a little bit about that. That has been a futile attempt that has been carried out by the Israelis in the past. And it's been shown that eliminating leaders and commanders and individuals of the resistance will not defeat the resistance itself. Talk to us more about that issue as the spirit of the resistance in the words of many of the guests that we've spoken to here on Press TV is indefatigable and undefeatable.

Well, the Zionists have a long history of assassinations. They've very likely assassinated far more people than any other nation on Earth, which is astounding when you recognize that the Jewish population of Israel is only something like 7 million people. It's a very tiny little country, and yet they've managed to go all over the world assassinating so many people. And much of the time they've gotten away with it, but that's been largely because these assassinations were deniable, and also they were targeting entities that don't have the kind of religious spirit that their current enemies have. In the past they targeted enemies that maybe don't welcome martyrdom. And also they've disguised their assassinations and attributed them to their enemies in many cases.

Two of the most famous assassinations carried out by the State of Israel under a false flag were the murders of John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy. Just months before the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963, David Ben-Gurion, who is often credited as the founder of the modern state of Israel, resigned in order to oversee the preparations for that assassination. He worked through the Mossad's liaison with the CIA, James Jesus Angleton, as well as Israel’s organized crime assets, led by the head of all organized crime globally and especially in the Western Hemisphere, Meyer Lansky, and his underlings.

Those were the people who murdered President John F. Kennedy in order to preserve Israel's nuclear weapons program as explained in the book Final Judgment by Michael Collins Piper, and also in various books by Laurent Guyenot, the French historian.

That assassination, of course, would have meant the end of Israel if the American people had known who was behind it. And indeed, Golda Meir said, according to a direct eyewitness, according to Alan Hart, the former lead BBC correspondent for that region—Golda Meir said,"'Oy vey, if we get caught!’” That was her reaction to Israel's murder of President John F. Kennedy in order to preserve its nuclear program, which Kennedy had been absolutely dedicated to shutting down.

But they didn't get caught.

Back to the resistance.

Right. So they can run around the world killing people. There are so many more examples—the letter bombs to Truman and to Winston Churchill and on and on and on. Sometimes it (the murder attempt) works, sometimes it doesn't. But they've disguised it in many cases.

But n ow they're openly assassinating leaders of the resistance, which is basically the religious resistance now. And the resistance has become religious in part because Israel murdered the leaders of the secular resistance, the Palestinian Liberation Organization and its allies, as explained in the book by Ronan Bergman, Rise and Kill First. So now they've got this religious-based resistance that's spread out all across the region and is indeed beloved by a very large proportion of the world's Muslim population and across the global south. And this religious resistance is not afraid of martyrdom. Indeed, they embrace martyrdom. And the martyrdom of a leader of the religious resistance simply adds to the fighting spirit and the dedication and the absolute willingness to lay down one's life in the most effective possible fight against the evil entity that has been martyring their leaders.

So this is a huge miscalculation by the Zionists. They imagine that their enemies are like themselves, basically psychopaths who are just playing chess and trying to take over the opponent's pieces. They don't understand that these are human beings, and that when they martyr human beings who are fighting for the religious resistance, they are stoking the spirit of the religious resistance, which will rise up and fight five times or ten times or times as hard and as effectively.

So that's the mistake they're making.

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