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Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai on "Booby F*ing Kennedy!"
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Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai on "Booby F*ing Kennedy!"

I hate to admit it, but Dr. Shiva may have a point

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I interviewed 2024 presidential candidate Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai on October 2. Five days later, the United Palestinian Resistance (not just Hamas) staged the concentration camp breakout of the century. The fallout has been keeping me busy. That’s why Dr. Shiva’s interview, which he broadcast live, sat in my archives for a month. I decided to post it today, along with excerpts from a recent “Booby F*ing Kennedy” interview, as a belated admission that Dr. Shiva may have a point.

Kevin Barrett: So where do we even start about what's wrong with America and how to fix it?

Dr. Shiva: I think we should start with white liberalism, okay? Because white liberals, particularly the white liberal intelligentsia, are the reason that you have the destruction of America taking place. Because they have been the people, been the apologists and the promoters of what I call the not-so-obvious establishment, thinking that someone from above is going to come save us. That strata of people have historically promoted scumbags who have been the wings, who have been the fringes of the establishment. So, Jesse Jackson, right? Or Bernie Sanders. Or now, booby-fucking-Kennedy. And I use this vitriol against these people because I don't come from them, Kevin. And I was very fortunate to get all their education and their knowledge. I came from below. Very, very few people will know the journey I've walked through, the shoes that I've walked in, as a low-caste, what they called an untouchable in India, the journey that I had to go through, my parents had to go through to come to the United States. And every microsecond of my life has been fighting these guys. And the real enemy in my struggle has always been the quote unquote, and I want to put double quotes around it, the “white liberals.” Now the white liberals represent a multiracial aristocracy of liberalism who claim they want to help people of color, who claim they want to help poor people. But what they do is they want to keep people in bondage in their nice little cages. And as long as you stay bounded in those cages, they promote you and they advance you. But when you step out of that cage, they become very, very angry.

The current moron that they're promoting is Boobie F*king Kennedy, who comes from that white liberal establishment, speaks all the words of anti-establishment, but is fully entrenched in the establishment. A couple of decades ago they used Bernie Sanders. And I was calling out Bernie Sanders back in 2002, okay? Because of the experience I'd gone through with Jesse Jackson. And we called out Trump.

The establishment typically has these fringe people act like they're anti-establishment, but they exist as the wolves and the foxes to shepherd people back into the arms of the establishment.

Now what's happened is people have awoken to the Uniparty. So now, because of our movement for truth, freedom, health, and my candidacy, Boobie Fk Kennedy—and my prediction (is that) he may hook up with someone like Tulsi Gabbard—are going to position themselves again like the Bernie or the Trump of the quote-unquote “anti-establishment” movement, to try to hijack the real revolution of what we've been doing.

And that is the purpose of Bobby Kennedy. And his entire family can be thought of as a grifter network. And they're essentially—no one should feel any sympathy for these people. They're like mob bosses. “Oh, he was shot by the CIA.” Well, look, all these government agencies take sides on which crime boss that they want to support from time to time. So taking sides on any of these crime families is absolutely just stupid.

“Booby F*king Kennedy” Spouts Genocidal Inanities About Occupied Palestine


23:30 …insanity going on on campus. False narrative about entire history of Israel. I’m shocked to see. My kids are well educated and most of their friends are Jewish and even with their Jewish friends there is an ignorance about the history of Israel and they all adopt this narrative that Israel is a white oppressor nation that was dropped down on these indigenous Palestinians and have been dominating them and stealing land. And is an apartheid state and engages in ethnic cleansing. We all hear this stuff. I think one of my jobs is to make the moral case for Israel and I think it is an easy case to make.

I was talking in an interview with the YPO group. There’s a really good speech that was done by Prince Bandar and I urge you all to get ahold of. It was done in 2020. At that point Prince Bandar and I met. I spent yesterday the day before yesterday I spent the day with Prince Bandar’s successor’s Prince Turki in Washington. He’s the Saudi prince who took over the intelligence agencies and also is the ambassador to the United States.

We talked a lot about the history of Palestine. They are very pro Palestinian. They are also very sanguine about the history is. And they understand, and Bandar says -- this is where I think people have to understand because everybody’s made it this binary narrative that it’s the Israelis against the Palestinians. And Israel is therefore guilty of all the things that are wrong with Gaza. That Gaza is an open air prison because Israel made it an open air prison. Nobody understands the history of Gaza.

Israel in 2005 handed Gaza, they didn’t want Gaza. They tried to give it to the Egyptians in ’73. Egypt wouldn’t take it. No one complained exactly when Gaza for 20 years Gaza was part of Egypt. Nobody wanted a Palestinian state then.

26:30 When Sharon gave it independence, at that time Shimon Perez said we want to help Gaza, we want to turn it into the Singapore of the West. We want to pay to develop the port of Gaza so that they can be the greatest port in the Caribbean [sic]. Israel donated 3000 greenhouses to make Gaza self-sufficient in food. Gaza became the greatest recipient of any people in the world. Instead Hamas came in there in 2006, threw the Palestinian Authority people, knee capped them and threw them from the roofs and said, We don’t want anything from Israel. Anything from Israel is dirty and they smashed all the greenhouses. They rejected the money for the port. They’ve taken almost every penny they’ve gotten they’ve used it to buy weapons instead of making things better for their people.

27:30 And of course Israel is going to put up a fence. They have sent 30,000 rockets and mortars to Israel since 2006. There’s no country in the world that would put up with that, at civilian targets . Imagine if Cuba sent one missile at Miami. Imagine how long it would take us before we occupied the full island. It would take two days. Then they do this raid.

Americans can’t remember what happened to us on 911. We got hit and we immediately went over and found the guys who did it in Tora Bora. And of course Israel has an absolute right to go into Gaza. And they have a moral obligation to protect their people, like every country in the world has that moral obligation. The number one moral obligation.

I hope they won’t go into Gaza for a number of reasons. For one, I think it will be a terrible battle, more rubble I think like Stalingrad. Hamas fights dirty. It likes to make its civilians human shields. They’re going to have their fighters hanging out in the tunnels. The hostages aren’t going to be in the tunnels. There are worm holes all over the place and rabbit holes where they can come up and fight. It’s like Stalingrad. The more rubble there was the easier it was for the resistance to operate. So I think a lot of Israeli kids are going to die, potentially tends of thousands of them.

29:23 The publicity around the world is going to amplify all these anti-semitism voices that are happening all around the world. I think the saddest part was what Netanyahu did was allowing $1.5 million dollars to reach Hamas which really injured the moral case for Israel and makes it more trickier to have this pure case which I think we had before that. But also we’re on the brink of a nuclear war because Lebanon can come in. Syria can come in. Egypt already has 350,000 troops staged coming there threatening to Turkey, Sisi, saying he’s going to come in. And if that happens Iran and Russia will almost certainly come in and we can easily see sleepwalking into World War III.

The United States, the people running our government now -- Anthony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Avril Haines, Victoria Nuland – I don’t think any of them have a healthy fear of nuclear war. We also have a diminished armory. We’re fighting a two front war. It’s going to be tempting to go to the punchline, the end game because the Israeli army is not very equipped for a big war like it was ten years ago. They’ve been doing police actions. They haven’t been doing real fighting. Those Arab countries are now very very well armed. It is not the case that they are the same countries that were fighting in ’67 and ’73 and all these other wars. It is very different countries they are fighting now.

31:30 I am very worried. It literally keeps me up at night. If I were in the white House I would be reaching out to President Xi. I would reach out to Putin. I would reach out to these other countries and say, How do we not make this turn into a nuclear confrontation? The Russians have thousands more nuclear weapons than we do. They have much better nuclear weapons than we do. They have defensive weapons which we don’t have. They can shoot down our weapons. We have a hard time shooting down theirs. They have a defensive strategy, so they know how to shoot down our stuff. Russia only has one base around the world. They have one base in Syria. China has one and a half bases.

Also then you get a complication that if we are fighting this two-front war this is the perfect time for China to go into Taiwan and we cannot live without Taiwan. Taiwan makes the microprocessing chips that are necessary for every smart US weapon. Every missile has, all our weaponry need these TSMC microprocessing chips that are only made in Taiwan. It’s like the oil of the past, if China gets a hold of that resource, they’ll simply out-weapon us. And it’s a perfect time for them to go into Taiwan if we’re involved in a two-front war.

So I have all these scenarios going on in my head and thinking if I had that job, what would I be doing? I don’t think – I think the people in that job now are inept. And that is really scary.

I just want to say one last thing. Bandar’s speech, which I urge you to read, he talks about the fact that this long history going back to 1947 and into the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who was working with Hitler on the Final Solution! and that in ’37 they were offered a two-state solution, ’47 they were offered a two-state solution, ’67

they’re offered a two-state solution and all the Arab countries come up with the Three No's. No peace. No negotiation. No recognition. In ’84 they are again offered a two-state solution. And he goes through the . . . in 2001 the Taba Camp David Accords, Ehud Barak offers heartbreaking concessions, including complete return to the ’67 boundaries except for 3% of the West Bank and giving 3% of Israel land. Barak did not want to do it. No one in Israel did. Clinton twisted his arm, made him do it, but they offered it to them. Yasser Arafat walks away from that without a counteroffer. Six years later at Oslo Bandar is talking to him and he goes . . . his descriptions of Arafat are really interesting and insane. He goes through, he says to Arafat, the deal you got at Oslo is not near as good as the deal they offered you at Camp David in 2001, Clinton on his way out offered, and Arafat said “that deal was 10 times better than what we just signed.” Bandar says to him, “Why didn’t you take it.” And he said “Because my own people would have killed me if I did.”

35:35 And he said that’s the problem, that the Palestinian leadership all talk to themselves of the fact that the only solution is the extermination of every Jew and the obliteration of Israel. Hamas in its Charter says negotiations are fruitless, anyone who engages in them should be killed, it’s a treachery to our, to Islam, to even negotiate. How do you have a negotiation partner. How do kids at Harvard. Here’s what I always say. If you want to stay calm, this is a good technique for staying calm if you are in an argument about Palestine – ask the person, What do the Palestinians want? What do they want? They want an extension of the governments they have which are apartheid governments. Jews have no right to run for office in Gaza or the West Bank. Nor Christians. Christians and Jews have no rights in those countries. You talk about brutal apartheid regimes, those countries are genocidal countries to their own populations.

So what do the Palestinians want? Do they want a democracy? No. There has never been any claim by a Palestinian that they want a democracy. They want two-state solution? What do they want? Nobody can answer that question. 37:00 Because the answer to it is they want to eliminate every Jew. And they want to obliterate Israel. And it’s been the same answer since 1922, since 1937, 1947. It’s always been consistent. Because we own the land. Islam the Koran makes it an offense against Allah to give up land that was once conquered by Islam. It was conquered by Islam, you know, during the Ottoman Empire and it’s a crime for them to give it up.

When Israel was created in 1948 there were 548,000 Jews in Israel and 390,000 Arabs. The way they divided it is they said we’re going to give all the parts of Palestine . . . first they gave most of Palestine away to the Palestinians in TransJordan and then they brought in a foreign government the Hashemites to run that. That is a real apartheid government, they’ve got a minority running that. They did the same thing in Syria with the Alawites. They’ve got Alawites running a Palestinian country. Nobody cares about that, as long as there aren’t Jews running it. And then they . . .

There’s no answer to that, in any case, the only thing they asked for . . . when they gave it away, they divided up the Peale Commission came in and asked the Grand Mufti, “Can you live with Jews?” And he said No. He said, “We’ll exterminate them.” He was very frank about it. They said the only thing we can do is have two states.
So we’ll take the parts of Palestine that are majority jewish and we’ll give those to the Jews and we’ll take the parts that are majority Arab and give it to the Arabs. They are both indigenous . . . The jews have been there continuously for 3700 years. The Arabs had mainly arrived in the 20th century because they were attracted by the economic development of the Jews. They were attracted by the British oil industry and that’s how most of them landed there. Look at their names. They’re Egyptian names. They’re Moroccan names. They’re not . . .

39:30 So they all arrived around the same time, the same time as the Zionist movement started. But there was a majority of each and that’s how they did it. And it was fair. And that’s what they did with the rest of the Ottoman Empire. They said we’re going to divide the Ottoman Empire now that there is no Ottoman Empire we’re going to divide it up and give it to the indigenous people. In Palestine there were two groups and they gave it to them.

Rubin – Isn’t it refreshing to hear a politician who actually knows history and dates and reality and geography. [audience cheers] Oh, there’s a politician who is telling the truth. And when you hear the truth you’re not contorting, you’re not twisting, it’s easy to hear the truth. And everything you just said there is true and unfortunately with the algorithms of TikTok and everything else they’ve brainwashed a generation not to believe any of that. Can you talk about why you think it matters. Israel may matter to some of these people who are Jewish but why does it matter to Americans?

40:50 Bobby: My philosophy with America is that we need to unravel the Empire. Sp we have 800 bases abroad. We pay more for our military than the next 10 nations combined. We can cut our military expenditure in half. It's now $1.3 trillion dollars if you include the national seucirty expenses, USAID, the national endowment for democracy. My uncle started them and I wil lend them because they are completely perverted what they have become. They don’t do anything good for our country. I’m going to cut our military budget substantially down to $500 billion which is the same that it was during the height of the Cold War when Eisenhower in ’71 was in there. We need to arm ourselves to the teeth at home. We can protect our borders make ourselves too expensive to ever invade and then protect the sea lanes, protect the neutral areas like the Arctic and make sure that we resources that are critical to us including the oil resources that are critical to the world, that we have a strike capacity to make sure we are able to protect those.

42:27 And Israel is critical. The reason it’s critical is because it is a bulwark for us in the MidEast. It’s almost like having an aircraft carrier in the MidEast. It’s our oldest ally and it’s been our ally for 75 years. It has been an incredible ally for us in terms of the technology exchange and building the Iron Dome which we paid a lot for has also taught us enormously about how to defend ourselves from missiles. Those military expenses, 75% of those are going to US companies under the agreement, under the MOU, But if you look at what’s happening in the MidEast now Iran is now -- the closest allies to Iran are Russia and China. Iran also controls all of Venezuela’s oil. Hezbollah is in Venezuela. They have propped up the Maduro regime and so they control that oil supply.

BRICS, Saudi Arabia is now joining BRICS, so those countries will control 90% of the oil in the world. If Isarel disappears, the vacuum in the MidEast which Israel is our ambassador, it’s our presence, it’s our beach head in the MidEast. It gives us ears and eyes in the MidEast. It gives us intelligence. It gives us the capacity to influence affairs in the MidEast. If Israel disappeared, Russia and China would be controlling the MidEast. And they control 90% of the world’s oil supply and that would be cataclysmic for US national security. So that’s the answer.

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