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Dr. Peter McCullough on Slow Death of the “Safe & Effective” Myth
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Dr. Peter McCullough on Slow Death of the “Safe & Effective” Myth

Bonus: At the end of the show, he speaks out about the mass slaughter in Gaza and the real meaning of "antisemitism"

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Dr. Peter McCullough, author of Courage to Face Covid-19 and CEO of The Wellness Companyreturns to Truth Jihad Radio to update us on current research on whether those mRNA vaccines were really “safe and effective.” We’ll start out by discussing Dr. McCullough’s new article “Association Between COVID-19 Vaccination and Development of Alzheimer’s Disease.” It seems a Korean study just found “an increased incidence of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) in vaccinated individuals, particularly those receiving mRNA vaccines, within three months post-vaccination.” (Maybe Biden shouldn’t have gotten boosted before that debate…)

I wrote to Dr. McCullough: “If the vaccines were remotely ‘safe and effective’ we would expect the vaxxed to be doing significantly better than the unvaxxed. If the opposite is the case, as this study suggests, something is obviously badly wrong. The same problem seems to be cropping up in other vaxxed-vs.-unvaxxed comparisons. If you could offer an overview for my audience, that would be great.”

Coincidentally, on the day of our interview, the New York Times published what may be its most upfront acknowledgment of vaccine injuries yet: “Darrell Currie’s life-changing illness: ‘It felt like a bomb went off in my brain.’” From the NYT:

As he has gone deeper into the investigation and more tests have been done, the belief his illness is related to the virus or the subsequent three vaccines he took has grown stronger.

“After the first vaccine I got terrible tinnitus in my ears within 12 hours, so it was definitely a side-effect,” he says. “I went to see my GP and they said there weren’t any (known side-effects) at the time, as it was so new. The media were some of the first to get the vaccines as we were allowed to travel and work. I questioned whether I should take another but I did, as I had to work.

“This is possibly the start of the story. After the second and third vaccines I had weird feelings — pins and needles up my arms, across my face, it felt like my tongue was vibrating, my jaw was hardly moving and I had headaches. Now doctors say those are signs of mild allergic reactions.

“Did the Covid vaccines potentially affect my immune system and so, when I then got Covid, could my body not react? Was it immune failure, attacking itself? A lot of doctors I am seeing now feel that is what happened.”

Currie has waited to speak about his suffering partly because he was concerned about the tone of the conversation around Covid vaccines and the attention it could attract.

Here is an uncharitable interpretation of “waiting to speak out due to concerns about tone etc.”

Will the New York Times eventually apologize to people like Peter McCullough, who has been highlighting vaccine risks ever since the rollout? Don’t hold your breath.

Selection from my interview with Peter McCullough:

Thanks for having me, and it's great to join.

Yeah, great to have you back. It's been, I think, like a year and a half or something. And during that time, I think your position on these COVID issues has been confirmed by more and more information, scientific studies and other things. The truth about COVID now is leaking out even into the mainstream. The “safe and effective” thing, which we were all skeptical of from the get-go (is on its last legs). You had more information than I did, but even I was skeptical enough to not get vaxxed. It was experimental, new technology they couldn't possibly have tested properly. There were a lot of reasons to want to wait and be in the control group. And I'm so glad I did, partly because I listened to people like you.

Now we look back at the “safe and effective” rhetoric from the COVID era, and we have studies coming in like this Korean one that you just wrote about showing links between COVID-vaccination and the development of Alzheimer's. Peter, correct me if I'm wrong here, but if these vaccines are safe and effective, they should be mitigating COVID infections, meaning that the harms associated from COVID infections should be less. And therefore, if you run this vaxxed-versus-unvaxxed study, you should find that the vaxxed people should be doing better. They should have less Alzheimer's, less cognitive impairment. But in fact, it looks like the opposite is the case. That's really concerning. Is the mainstream going to have to face up to this, and if so, when?

The mainstream media—there is a tsunami of adverse data reports that are coming in. Remember, at the time the mainstream media proclaimed the vaccines were safe and effective, when they were released December 10th, 2020, there was only one month for the primary series to be administered—this was Pfizer—and two months of observation. No one knew at month four or five or six what was going to happen. No one could have known.

Think about this. How could they possibly say that they were safe and effective when there was no time to understand if they were safe and effective? And then before we knew what was going on, we were told that boosters were going be needed every six months. But there's been no studies of the cumulative effect of taking shot one and shot two, and then shots three and four and five. And currently the CDC is going to be recommending shot number 10 for people our age. But the cumulative toxicity of the shots has never been studied. It would be impossible to study in a prospective randomized fashion.

So you and I are in the 25% of Americans who did not take a shot. And the COVID States program has reported that. Rasmussen surveys and now adjusted CDC data are all cohesive. Thank goodness 25% did not take a shot. And we fared fine through COVID. A paper from Cleveland Clinic by Shwetha and colleagues showed that we actually did better through COVID than the vaccinated.

Let me quickly ask about that, because usually there's a healthy vaccinee bias, since normally people concerned about their health tend to be more educated and they get more propagandized. So they go out and get lots of vaccines. But they were already healthier. And so when you compare vaxxed to unvaxxed you have to adjust for the fact that the people who get vaxxed are baseline healthier. So you're saying that here the bad effects are so bad that they're actually overcoming that healthy vaccinee bias?

Yes, it's true. And in fact, the vaccinated were more likely to call me for early treatment. They were paranoid about COVID-19. So think about this: the vaccinated, when they got vaccines, were healthier than the unvaccinated. They were more likely to seek early treatment. Many of them already had COVID before. We have a paper by Daniels and colleagues from the NCAA. Young people, 60% of college kids, already had COVID in 2020. And then on top of that, when the vaccines rolled out, the virus was much milder. It quickly mutated to milder forms.

So the vaccinated were more likely to seek early treatment, and already had natural immunity. The vaccinated should have looked better. But in most studies that have fairly ascertained vaccine stats, they look worse. In the Cleveland Clinic study, they got more and more COVID. Data from the Office of National Statistics in Scotland showed that the vaccinated had higher rates of hospitalization and death than the unvaccinated.

No randomized trials have ever shown a hospitalization or mortality benefit with the vaccines. Yet the official statement from COVID select committee member, Brad Wenstrip, the chair, as well as Anthony Fauci, is that the vaccines saved millions of lives. I can tell you as an epidemiologist and a clinician, it's impossible for the vaccines to have saved millions of lives. In fact, it's just the opposite. The vaccine has cost the lives of millions of people across the globe.

And how about the comparative mortality studies of vaxxed and unvaxxed overall, the overall mortality? You would think that that would be a good way of ascertaining whether there was anything serious going on one way or the other. What are some of the studies there and what are they showing?

It's not looking good. Dennis Rancourt from Montreal Epidemiologist about a year ago published an estimate, an ecological analysis, that a million people had lost their lives due to the vaccine. Now we have data coming in from Mostert in the Netherlands, Alessandria from Italy, and now Buchender in Germany, all showing that as the vaccines rolled out in 2021 and 2022, instead of mortality getting better with vaccination and the culling effect of the infection, it got worse.

We haven't seen the 2023 data, but this is terrible.

Immediately, there should be a merging of the vaccine administration data and the mortality data in these countries that have, complete reporting. But not a single country on Earth will merge the vaccine records with the death records. That should tell you something.

Discussion about this episode

"...normally people concerned about their health tend to be more educated and they get more propagandized. So they go out and get lots of vaccines. But they were already healthier. And so when you compare vaxxed to unvaxxed you have to adjust for the fact that the people who get vaxxed are baseline healthier."

This is a stretch, even contradictory. People who are better educated do not make for easy prey to vaccine propaganda. I have been a determined antivaxer all my life. The only vaccine I ever took was for smallpox when I was 7 or 8, under a mandatory government inoculation program in India.

As is common among my generation of Indians, I have run through the gamut of infections. Aside from scores of bouts with the common flu, I have come down with malaria, filaria, dengue, elephantiasis, bronchitis, mumps, chicken pox, jaundice and whatnot. After each recovery, I felt my autoimmune system was more resilient from the learning. Aside from creaking joints at the age of 75, I have managed to maintain a pretty decent resistance to infectious diseases without running to the hospital to take the latest must take vaccination for any of it.

I am among those 25% who were suspicious about the ready to go Covid vax that appeared out of nowhere within months of the official launch of the worldwide hoax. I am a skeptic because I am better educated and informed. Not the other way around. Whether I am healthier than those who dutifully took all sorts of vaccines in their lives is arguable, but I feel each infection I came down with strengthened, not weakened, my body resistance. In fact, I would argue the 75% who rushed to comply with propaganda and government coercion on the Covid vax were the less educated and informed, with weaker autoimmune systems.

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Vaccine skepticism is greater among the least educated and the most educated, with vaccine conformity being greatest in the middle of the educational spectrum. But those are just averages.

Likewise, on the average, healthier people tend to get vaccinated slightly more than less healthy people. This is well-known and acknowledged by experts of all persuasions. But there are of course lots of very healthy anti-vaxxers (like us) and unhealthy pro-vaxxers.

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Being more health conscious doesn't necessarily mean being more healthy. I have come across health nuts and hypochondriacs who ironically were always coming down with something or another. Likewise the aversion of the less educated may not be specific to vaccines as such but to any form of medical treatment at large. I have faced this constantly with a succession of domestic helpers over the years. I shall grasp your olive branch though. Mid level education seems closely correlated to conformity with authority. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing after all.

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In the United States at least...vaxxine madness really got going with the so-called POLIO EPIDEMIC occurring in the 1950's. I remember this time well because that was when I was growing up. The small town where my family lived had numerous fields of broad leaf tobacco farms and these plants were being sprayed heavily during certain times of the year...especially in early summer. Anyway, as it turns out,SOME-- not all of these sprays-- had components that caused demyelination of the spinal cord and thus came the dreaded polio There were horrifying cases of polio in my grade school and I remember they poor children wore these elaborate systems of straps and braces that kept them upright. So sad....

Here is a book which discusses this topic

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Anyway, I remember the school systems there held big events in which parents brought in their kids and we ate sugar cubes with the important "vaccine" dyed red for visibility on top of each cube. They wanted to make sure every child received the "vaccine"....causing us to believe it was contagious and caused NOT BY PESTICIDES but by some horrible invisible "virus"

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I guess. And along the way he spoke against another huge medical scandal, the trans stuff which is half transhumanist cult, half corporate scam.

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Good interview. I appreciated your nuance on the issue of efficacy. Skepticism is great, but denying *any* efficacy of *any* vaccine is taking it too far. It may well be that the Covid vaccines helped some people avoid severe Covid — even possibly getting Covid — but that they’re not safe enough to warrant a mass roll-out or, of course, any kind of mandate.

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Thanks for your interview !!!

I really do not understand all the controversy about "safe and effective" ...

It's the governments and global health entities who are touting the slogan; from THEIR point of view

- they ARE safe because no global mass-outcry, no mobs charging the health ministry or vaxx-producer's head-quarters with pitch-forks, no backlash in MSM, no single-handed murders of CEOs or other involved perpetrators ... and

- they ARE getting more and more effective as to latest studies and statistics. Deagle forecasts show hundreds of millions of deaths and badly damaged folks in the next years.

The next plandemic is going to be rolled-out soon because the current figures and timeline are not sufficient for their plans ...

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Maybe it'll be called the "Transdemic!" God help us all, we're all gonna die!

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"They" can name it as they want, only the culling-figures count ...

God will not help us, he left this little spot in the universe a long time ago ...

DE-centralize, build autonomous community, use your middle-finger(s) as often as possible and ask anybody which part of the word "NO' is not well enough understood !!!

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do you think "they" will get away with this again?

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....and again, and again, and again ...

Who's gonna hold them accountable ??? ...

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In regards the TRANS DELUSION....In my experience, people get more stirred up and threatened by discussions and perceived actions that threaten the vital business of sexuality, child rearing and the religious rituals surrounding these. Sexuality that does not further the Darwinian goals of species (and by extension--racial and cultural) survival is seen as threatening, disgusting, perverse and possibly criminal. This plays into our "territorial" needs for a home, hearth and some kind of food raising or gathering- and also "community" where we are valued as members even we are aging.... or at least that is a theory.

TRANS people glorify their sexuality as a "good" outside of species and/or cultural or ethnic survival. Although this is in actuality not a threat to anyone right still seems-- at best weird. A man came into the changing room at a gym I go to and caused an enormous outcry. This well muscled and athletic person was obviously male, while claiming to be "female".

And I have to admit...I felt uncomfortable and slightly violated though I am old now and not at all a sexual attraction to either sex, gender trans/gay or whatever.

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I’ll have to disagree with you. The trans stuff is dangerous particularly to young people who are now getting swept up into an ideology convincing them that changing their gender and taking cross-sex hormones and removing healthy body parts will fix their problems. Big pharma and big medicine are making a killing off these new patients-for-life.

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I would be sad and worried if any of my children or grandchildren "identified" as TRANS as youngsters--so in that regard you are right. ....This designation IS DANGEROUS for the health, sanity, and long term goals of the young. Some old guy flapping around in a our Secretary of Health and Human Services is--RICHARD LEVINE...aka RACHEL -- at best pathetic. I agree with your basic assessment. However, I think the more appalled and disgusted we become...the more "they" enjoy our discomfort. This gives them a sense of power and freedom which may be lacking in their personal lives. It's a distraction from brutal genocide, and also the huge devastation being wrought by deadly "vaccines". How would I feel if some middle-aged married man suddenly discovered his "true sexual" identity. I suppose loathing would be a term I might use. Homosexuality has always been with us. I don't have a grudge against these people. But the obligations to children and to community are paramount over "sexual identity"....And what happens with these deluded creatures suddenly "discover" they are NOT ghomosexual or trans or what have you. It's kinda boring.

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I think you're right. Remember this started with the homosexual group Act Up. They would invade a restaurant and parade around the table of people they wanted to shame. So making people uncomfortable is part of the plan, for the people with gender disforea and their homosexual and radical feminists friends. And that gives them power, they shouldn't have.

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Some theorists believe "they" are murdering human beings not for some fictitious but semi believable reason like "GLOBAL WARMING" or "OVER POPULATION". or "TERRITORIAL RIGHTS ..but for the joy being able to take lives. Is this possible?

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To continue - I was disappointed he wouldn’t take sides on Palestine though I suppose it was a political decision. Who today would say it would have been best not to take sides during WWII, and just say that all lives matter? I also think his characterization of Ottoman rule of Palestine was very unfair. Glad he acknowledged some of the horrors and media hypocrisy.

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I thought he discreetly "took sides" against the genocide. But I agree that his remark about the Ottomans was unfair. That was the only dumb/uninformed thing he said during the whole hour, so his batting average was pretty good ; - )

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Whereas war and the chaos surrounding war are always tragic, horrifying and involve many innocent people--"taking sides" is counter productive. As he himself pointed out...Dr. McCullough is a doctor. That is his life calling. "taking sides" only further agitates the conflict. Perhaps I am wrong because I do not know the culture or the people at all....but it seems that the United States could use its (still) immense power and wealth to incentivize negotiations. That this is not being done is a dire signal that the powers that be perhaps believe that a war is their best bet for survival now that their "elite" crimes such as child trafficking and organ harvesting and adrenochrome extraction. are visible to all. Adrenochrome is not a new substance and has been associated with child sacrifice in many ancient cultures. Is it too much of a stress to believe the "elites" are still at it and that is where all the "milk carton" kids went? I don't know....just random speculating on a rainy day. Ethan Gutmann wrote a book called "Bloody Harvest" about how organ harvesters hang around war zones and swoop in to get the eyes and kidneys etc. He asserts that in China political prisoners are put into prisons and fed well until their various parts are "harvested"... in special hospitals somewhere like in Japan.

The Slaughter: Mass Killings, Organ Harvesting, and China's Secret Solution to Its Dissident Problem Hardcover – Illustrated, August 12, 2014

by Ethan Gutmann (Author)

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You're right again. This is why I wrote about Cy Vance, protecting pedophiles, like Epstein and Weinstein, while framing Pedro Hernandez for allegedly killing the first milk carton kid, Eton Patz. Tell me if this doesn't sounds real suspicious?

""This isn't the only time Cy Vance disregarded sexual assault charges against someone who was influential. Vance looked the other way when his office first became aware of the sexual assaults being committed by Harvey Weinstein, right there under his nose in Cy Vance's jurisdiction. And Vance claims it had nothing to do with those campaign contributions he got from Weinstein's lawyers.

We learned in 2018 that Cy Vance's Office went to court to get Jeff Epstein's status as a wealthy predatory registered sex offender reduced to the lowest level, even though Epstein had already been convicted of raping a fourteen-year-old girl from Florida. It's revealing that this very young girl was referred to by Vance's Office in court documents as a "prostitute".

Maybe the Injustice Department and the FBI should investigate Cyrus Vance and Alvin Bragg. Of course, that's a joke, because it will never happen since we know the DOJ and the FBI tried to cover up Epstein's business of trafficking young girls to wealthy men, like Trump and Clinton.

But seriously, does Cy Vance really know who kidnapped Etan Patz, like maybe some wealthy, gay pedophile from Brooklyn who likes pink jelly beans? We know from examining the evidence, it certainly wasn't Pedro Hernandez. Here's the proof.

Vance went after Pedro Hernandez, a severely mentally ill Hispanic man, who told everyone he regularly saw angels and demons. It took Vance two times, but he finally got the jury of bigots he needed, and he convicted Mr. Hernandez, despite having absolutely no physical evidence.

Etan Patz was the first missing kid to appear on the side of a milk carton, and he happen to live in Pedro's neighborhood, but the two probably never met. Pedro had cut an article out of the newspaper about Patz disappearance, and put it in a shoe box, with some other odds and ends. Sometime before his divorce, his wife went through the shoe box and found the article, and that's all the evidence that Vance needed.

Meanwhile, Pedro joined this church of Christian zealots. They told him they needed him to confess all of his sins and cleanse his soul,, no matter how horrific. What would be better then confessing to this front page murder, he thought, so he made the mistake of telling them he had killed Etan Patz, the original milk carton kid.

Pedro claimed Etan came into the store where he was working and asked for a soda. He had a dollar and wanted to buy a soda on the way to school, according to someone who saw him the morning he disappeared.

Pedro said he convinced the boy, despite having a dollar in his pocket, to walk downstairs with him and get a free soda. Then, for no reason Pedro claimed to have suffocated Eton. And according to Pedro's bullshit confession to the police, he put the boy in a box and left him out back by the trash.

Apparently no one saw him leave the box, or later found a box, by the dumpster, despite that this was a fairly busy Seven-Eleven with people coming and going. And according to Vance, nobody checked or found the box, even the trash people, who apparently picked it up and put it in the truck, but apparently didn't remember doing it. So there was absolutely no physical evidence that the boy was ever in the store that morning or was even dead.

Apparently, it didn't matter to the jury, they had his crazed confession, and his wife's testimony about finding the article in the shoe box, and according to Vance, that's all these twelve bigots needed to convict this "crazy Latino".

If he had killed the first child ever shown on a milk carton, wouldn't you think he would have cut out every article, or at least a few of them to admire his work rather than only one article? Oh, but we're supposed to believe Pedro's too smart to do something like that?

And we're supposed to believe in New York City, where dozens of people, if not hundreds, walked bye that dumpster that day, and absolutely no one decided to open this extremely large box that was suspiciously sitting there in the alley next to the dumpster of a Seven-Eleven?

Or is this just another "cripple" being framed by a Jewish-controlled persecutor, in Third America?

We know it wasn't a jury of Pedro's peers, who would have understood his odd behavior and bullshit confession. In fact, a jury of Pedro's peers with disabilities would have recognized the dishonesty of this zealot persecutor who desperately needed to solve this infamous crime, and what's easier than framing a "cripple?".""

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This whole story of Epstein and the young kidnapped girls is dark. That Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell used these girls to compromise powerful people is another loathsome angle of political life as we know it. I do not doubt these things occur and are still occurring. Youth and innocence are alluring to the old and debauched. Not a new plot line that these girls were used as bait to bribe politicians.

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Here is a review of the book--

"The inside story of China's organtransplant business and its macabre connection with internment camps and killing fields for arrested dissidents, especially the adherents of Falun Gong.Mass murder is alive and well. That is the stark conclusion of this comprehensive investigation into the Chinese state's secret program to get rid of political dissidents while profiting from the sale of their organs--in many cases to Western recipients. Based on interviews with top-ranking police officials and Chinese doctors who have killed prisoners on the operating table, veteran China analyst Ethan Gutmann has produced a riveting insider's account--culminating in a death toll that will shock the world."

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So to sum up what I tried to say above....The harvesting of viable healthy organs from young "donors" is a very lucrative business venture and is presently pursued with great zeal by the Chinese. They focus on the Falon Gong religious community because these individuals have exceptionally clean living habits in which alcohol, smoking and drugs and extra marital sex are severely forbidden for believers--. Thus their organs are exceptionally clean and undamaged compared to drinkers and opium smokers. That is one point that the book BLOODY HARVEST made. Some very top hospitals in the United States and Israel and other countries routinely sent carriers over via airplanes to retrieve these "harvested organs" taken from the dissident population. One particularly gruesome aspect of this practice is that the doctors often do not use anesthetics while removing organs from the still living dissidents because that would damage the blood and the organs. These are the kind of people we are dealing with in China. This practice is legal there.

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Anything's possible, but I trust Falon Gong even less than I trust the Chinese government. The oligarchs who run the US are already in the middle of WW3 against China - COVID was a bioattack that successfully shrank the economic growth differential - so watch out for war propaganda.

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I remember hearing Amy Goodman from Democracy Now repeat a lie Fauce told, saying that there was no such thing as natural immunity. That's bullshit!

She's does a good job on the Palestinian problem, but she is so bias on issues such as Queer and trannie rights, radical feminist rights, and like all neo-liberals, Covid. Always promoting the vaccines, like she's getting some kind of kick back from the Pharma Jews...and probably is-

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She lost my patronage long ago. So Don Wolfe--who do you think was lying--Fauci or Amy Goodman... As to getting kickback from Pharma...true probably. The so-called liberal left seem more like a pack of whiners and delusional do-gooders. Like the "GLOBAL WARMING" bs that drove the Gretas into hysteria everywhere. There is no "climate emergency" As to "natural immunity"-- I heard a talk by Sucharit Bhakdi in which he described how marvelously flexible and powerful our immune systems are. I could hear the awe in his voice.

In the real world there has always been a "world war" throughout history. And I am not talking about a war involving troops, bombs, espionage, or the CIA. This war was discussed long ago in a book that western civilization holds as sacred. In the begining of the cosmos there was a rebellion of the angelic beings led by the most beautiful angel ever created--Satan...

Satan wanted to set himself on a throne and rule in place of God...and a third of the angelic beings succumbed to the blandishments of Satan. Human beings are a test. We are God's creation as an answer to Satan and God does not make "mistakes". On the other hand God gave us the freedom to ruin ourselves and the entire planet because we are created in God's image and thus have free will. I believe that story holds water from what I can see. We can each choose good embodied in constantly striving to know truth and serve others or we can serve Satan who is insanely jealous and wants to destroy the divine creation and our amazing planet whose beauty and majesty are plainly discernible to all. Satan is the "father of lies" and detests humanity because as we all know in a deep way--we are God's children. Bill Gates-- by funding a program meddling with our divine genetic heritage has--like Satan--pitted himself against God along with his "mad scientists" that he employed. Nothing good can come from the mRNA injections. The more they fiddle with our genome, the worse it will get for all of us. It is a demonic enterprise from the beginning. Destroying our immune systems may be only the beginning of this horrifying endeavor of reckless alteration. It is said that there are dozens of genes in the human DNA which seem to serve no function. Maybe they are there because we have capacities and abilities not yet developed.

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We know Fauci was getting kick backs to promote the vaccine. Amy Goodman may have gotten something from the Deep State, but who knows. She's a queer and a Jew, and a radical feminist, so I don't trust her. Saying that, we know she has done a good job reporting on Gaza and the West Bank,if nothing else.

That's interesting, about these secret genes. What are they there for? Maybe someday we'll find out, if we live that long...

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"She's a queer and a Jew and a radical feminist" think you are detestable.

Which of those appellations are the worst? So you-- presumably are NOT "queer"--whatever that means..and you are Not "Jewish"is judaism not a religion or is it a race?...and NOT "radical feminist"--Get help please. My guess is you are a straight male bigot with a deep loathing for any woman with half a brain as well as for homosexuals as a generality and an antisemite. In other words a bigot and a bully.

On the other hand, you are at least partially correct about Fauci...but I am afraid it goes much deeper than that. Fauci is a documented criminally insane murder. He murdered thousands during the fake AIDS epidemic with an extremely toxic drug known as AZT ....He also is well known for poisoning orphans using tubes installed into the abdomens. Now his horrifying covid "vaccine" causing an avalanche of cancer and auto immune disorders. He has always enjoyed inflicting suffering and death on those under his "care"...starting with horrific animal experiments involving hundreds of dogs. Given his sadistic enjoyment of the suffering of other beings...this new horrifying avalanche of "adverse events" must give him infinite pleasure. He is not just a criminal...he is a fiend.

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