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Dr. Bruce Baird on Israeli Nukes

Dr. Bruce Baird on Israeli Nukes

Have the Zionists been committing nuclear terrorism for decades?

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Dr. Bruce Baird discusses Israel and its nuclear weapons, including allegations by Joe Vialls and others that the Zionists have used several low-yield low-radiation nukes in various false flags and deniable attacks beginning as early as the 1980s.

Extract from the interview:

We're at a moment in history when it's probably more timely than ever to talk about the Israeli nuclear program and the recklessness of the Zionists. We know how insanely over the top they are in so many ways,being the number one suspects in the Kennedy assassinations and 9/11, among so many other things. If there's any country on Earth that shouldn't be trusted with nuclear weapons, it would be the so-called State of Israel. And yet there they are, and they're committing genocide. and threatening all kinds of terrible things to various parties, including Iran. People in the Israeli government have talked about using nuclear weapons against the civilians of Gaza, against the civilians of Lebanon, and obviously, of course, against Iran. So what are the details about the Israeli nuclear program? Bruce Beard, you've been investigating this for a while. So just tell us a little something about your background before we get into the Israeli nuclear program.

Okay, my original career, I was a chemical engineer. And I did that for like five years, but then I decided that I wanted to be an historian, a professor of history. I went back to graduate school, got a PhD in history, and I taught history for a while. And so I still consider myself an historian, even though I have this sort of technical background...

...I wasn't the first to talk about Israeli nuclear weapons, but I started right away finding out that this was part of some kind of Israeli mission, or MO. This was a pattern Joe Vialls had exposed back in the early 90s. This was a pattern of Israeli nuclear extortion terrorism. As Joe Vialls had said, these were minimal residual radiation nukes. These are clean nukes that they were using. And they were responsible for terrorism going back to at least to the 1983 bombing of the US Marine barracks. And even before that, the 1983 US embassy in Beirut.

I did a lot of work, technical details, studying craters, explosion cratering technology. Most of my work was focused on explosions that left large craters like the 2020 Beirut blast.

I go into more detail with longer threads as time goes on related to focusing on the history of the development of these kind of clean nukes, which goes back to the 50s with the United States leading the way. Lawrence Livermore Laboratories was the main promoter of these kind of weapons.

And Israel's Mordecai Vanunu, with his revelations that Seymour Hersh published as well, information about these neutron bombs that Israel had been developing since the 80s, big time. They had large neutron bomb weapons development. I showed how that's not very much farther from developing these kind of clean nukes. And that explains why nobody ever sees radiation from these Israeli nukes.

And since then, people have reported nukes in Syria, Lebanon, and many other places around the world.

And Yemen.

Yeah. And so I've reported on these...And there's all kinds of other reasons to suspect their nuclear development. Cell phone cameras can pick up these scintillations, which would suggest ionizing radiation is causing them to sparkle.

In Yemen, there's two explosions in 2015. There were a couple of explosions in Syria in 2013 and there was evidence that those were nuclear. So they've been using them in war situations as well as terrorist situations, blaming them on car bombs or blaming them on accidents.

And if they're using them in Gaza or Lebanon's hard for me to prove such a thing. I'm more of an historian. I can go back and say they certainly have a pattern of doing such a thing. But pretty much I sort of keep focusing on the historical angle.

So what's the strongest evidence that these are nuclear?

(Click on the transcript button at the top of this page to view the full transcript.)

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