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Is Genocide Denial a Sin?

Is Genocide Denial a Sin?

E. Michael Jones and I weigh in

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Is “Holocaust denial” a sin? That’s what Trent Horn thinks.

And who is Trent Horn? Dr. E. Michael Jones, arguably America’s leading Catholic intellectual, explains:

Trent Horn is a guy who works for something called Catholic Answers. Catholic Answers got started in the 90s by a guy named Carl Keating, who basically was going to defend the Catholic Church against fundamentalists who would say that the church was the whore of Babylon—fever swamp stuff like that. And it was like shooting fish in a barrel. He made a lot of money. He retired. He got replaced by Chris Check, a guy I knew from the Rockford Institute and Chronicles Magazine, a guy I always liked.

And now the world has changed. And so Trent Horn (took over Catholic Answers)…Some people said he was trying to apply for a job with the Daily Wire. He wanted to get Candace Owens’ slot.

So he's going to be the Catholic guy who's going to take up the Jewish cause. Well, it didn't work. This guy singlehandedly resurrected an idea that really needs to be taken up, which is basically: What exactly is the status of the Jews and the Catholics? What is exactly the Catholic position?

And he took it to the extreme where he said basically it's a sin to deny the Holocaust. And then he's got “quotes” from people like Pope Benedict, which don't say what he said they said. The Pope would never say (that Holocaust denial is a sin). The Pope, responding to the Williamson affair when Bishop Williamson got attacked across the world, said that basically “this is not decent. Decent people don't do this.” Well, no one ever said Catholicism was just reserved for people who are fit for polite company.

So Trent Horn's trying to up the ante by saying Catholics commit a sin if they contest Jewish fables. Well, it's not going to work. And it bombed. There were hundreds of people who wrote in after this “Holocaust Denial Is a Sin” video, including people who noticed, as I did, there was fraud, academic fraud, going on here.

He flashes this image for two seconds, supposedly a letter from Himmler talking about the extermination of the Jews. Wait a minute. I have a pause button, Trent. And I put it on there. It turns out the beginning of this is Latin. It's the Lorem Ipsum text generator. And then plopped in the middle is some statement—I guess he doesn't think that anybody can read German because he apparently can't—that says “the extermination of the Jewish people.”

But the real quote that follows is in a completely different typeset. The real quote is “die Evakuierung des deutschen Volkes,” which means the evacuation of the German people.

So I can't tell you how angry I was. It’s been a long time since I got that angry. And I said that my friend Chris should either take the video down or stop claiming that he' speaking for Catholics, because this is not Catholic theology. And you're putting burdens on Catholics that they do not need to bear.

Catholic Holocaust Denial: A Confession

If crypto-Jew Trent Horn gets his way, Catholics the world over will be filing into confessionals every Sunday to whisper to their priests:

“Forgive me father for I have sinned. I have doubted the existence of the gas chambers.”

“Why would you do that, my son?”

“It has been six months since my last confession, and during that time I have been studying the issue.”

“ّWhy would you ‘study’ such rubbish, my son?”

“I was curious, father.”

“Have you not heard the old saying, my son, that ‘curiosity killed the catamite’”?

“No, I never heard that one, father. (Pause.) What’s a catamite?”

“That, my son, is another of those things you shouldn’t be curious about.”

“But why shouldn’t I ask questions about the Holocaust, father?”

“Because it is an article of faith, my son. If a Catholic denies OR doubts any article of faith determined by the Catholic Church, they are a sinful heretic. To be a Catholic is to be believe everything that the Catholic Church teaches. To doubt or deny ANY dogma is to proclaim oneself a Protestant - even if one continues to attend Mass and, God forbid, receive Holy Communion.”

“But father, is the Holocaust really an article of faith?”

“Of course it is, my son. There is no convincing evidence that it ever happened. That means we must accept it on faith. As Tertullian writes in his De Carne Christi: ‘I believe it because it is absurd.’ That certainly applies to the Holocaust.”

“I’m confused, father. What must I believe about the Holocaust?”

“It’s quite simple, son. Holocaustianity is the new Christianity. Instead of Jesus, we worship the Jewish people and their sacred six million. Instead of the Crucifixion, we have the gas chambers. And instead of the Resurrection, we have the state of Israel. That is the new Holy Trinity.”

“Is there a creed I should recite?”

“Indeed there is, my son. It goes like this:

‘I believe in the Holy Jewish People, the only chosen sons of Yahweh, masters of all things visible and invisible.

‘I believe in the sacred six million.

‘I believe in the gas chambers.

‘I support the holy state of Israel.

‘I will bow down to Antichrist, the Jewish messiah, when he comes.

‘And above all, I condemn Hamas.’

“But father, what you’re saying doesn’t sound like what I learned in Sunday school.”

“That was the old church, son. Today’s church is different. It’s new and fresh and irreverent about everything except the Holocaust and above all it’s no longer antisemitic. By the way, have you considered having a sex change?”

The parishioner hastily leaves the confessional, exits the church, and finds himself in the middle of a Hollywood studio lot. The church he just left, he discovers, was a paper maché mock-up, and the priest and parishioners were actors. (Was that Trent Horn playing the priest?) Discombobulated, he tries to find an exit from the studio lot, but it just seems to go on and on forever…

Genocide Denial IS a Sin

The notion of denial involves willful refusal to face an obvious truth. It does not apply to those who ask questions about matters that are far from obvious, including: Were six million Jews really murdered in German concentration camps? How many, if any, died in gas chambers? Were the deaths of German concentration camp inmates part of a preconceived bureaucratic plan to kill all Jews within reach of the German government?

The Jewish father of Holocaust Studies, Raul Hilberg, denied that six million Jews died. The more plausible number, he said, was 5.1 million. Was he “in denial”? Should he have been imprisoned along with others who offer even lower figures? What number is the cutoff, below which one goes to jail or commits a sin?

Mainstream historians have all sorts of different views about the alleged gas chambers and who may have died in them. Should those who hold less than maximalist views be imprisoned, or condemned for sinfulness, alongside those who see no convincing evidence for gas chambers at all?

Mainstream historians also hold widely varying views on whether there was a preconceived bureaucratic plan to kill all Jews within reach of the German government. Should those who argue for a more ad hoc Holocaust be incarcerated (or deemed guilty of mortal sin) alongside those who think that most of the roughly half-million Jews who died in the camps were victims of starvation and deprivation, not gas or bullets?

There is a plausible case that the German government committed genocide against Jews and gypsies during World War II. But all sorts of reasonable positions on the details of that genocide, if indeed it was one, have been criminalized. Though it is a crime in several European countries to discuss those details, calling it a sin seems a bit of a stretch.

Is Denying the Palestinian Genocide a Sin?

The genocide that is currently taking place in Occupied Palestine is one of the most fully-documented events in human history. It is being broadcast on social media and independent media (despite Israel’s relentless slaughter of journalists) 24/7/365. No reasonable person can doubt that the state of Israel is deliberately slaughtering Palestinian civilians en masse in order to facilitate its theft of their land and resources.

As I recently wrote for the next issue of American Free Press:

According to official body counts, Israel has killed about 42,000 people in Gaza during the past year. More than two-thirds of the dead are women and children, and most of the rest are noncombatants.

But the official body count is unrealistically low. It only includes identified bodies killed directly by the Israeli military. Thousands of other bodies remain buried in rubble, while others are excavated but not identified. And then there tens of thousands more whom Israel kills through starvation or deprivation. The Lancet, a leading medical journal, has estimated the real number of deaths in Gaza as over 186,000. Dr. Gideon Polya, an expert on avoidable mortality, thinks the total is even higher:

On 5 September 2024 Professor Devi Sridhar (chair, global health, University of Edinburgh) reported: “Total deaths since the conflict began would be estimated at about 335,500 in total” or 30,500 per month and 366,000 per year. Of these “first year” deaths about 55,000 were violent (from “bullets and bombs”) and 311,000 from horrific imposed deprivation.

By “horrific deprivation” Professor Sridhar is referring to Israel’s deliberate starvation of Gazans, its destruction of water and sewage infrastructure, and its obliteration of almost all of Gaza’s hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities.

(For the full article when it comes out, subscribe to American Free Press.)

The USA and the West are indeed mired in what might be accurately called “genocide denial.” Most Americans and Westerners prefer to look the other way, deliberately averting their gaze from the sniper-murdered babies and whole families dying slowly beneath rubble created by American tax dollars.

That genocide denial is indeed a sin that puts them not only outside of all faith, but outside of all humanity.

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