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Does It Matter Who Wins the Election?
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Does It Matter Who Wins the Election?

Also: I've been de-banked, they're trying to shut me up—don't let them!

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Note: I was just de-banked by Stripe—all Substack income removed. Please donate HERE.

Above is this week’s False Flag Weekly News, in which Cat McGuire and I discuss the election and other pressing concerns—including my loss of over three-quarters of my income a few days ago when Stripe de-banked me. That means paid subscribers to this Substack are no longer paying. (Stripe is Substack’s only payment processor.)

If you want me to keep doing this work, and indeed, to continue to access food, shelter, and cat food for Muse, please donate to my Paypal donation page. Recurring donations are especially appreciated. I assume the Zionist genocide perps are trying to cut off my Paypal, too, but it may take them awhile, since I’ve been a customer in good standing for 20 years, so please, use that Paypal donation page while you can! And if you can recommend a free speech payment processor, and/or the most user-friendly non-Zionist Bitcoin app, please drop a comment below.

This Substack will continue as usual, with all content free for everyone. I hope Substack will eventually find an alternative to genocide-supporting Stripe. Meanwhile, once again, the Zios have really pissed me off and rekindled my enthusiasm for (verbally) fighting them to the death.

-Kevin Barrett

PS Below is my new Crescent article.

Who Will “Win” the US Presidential Selection? And Does It Matter?

Crescent International

The genocide of Gaza keeps accelerating. An appalled world looks on in agony. The self-styled unipolar hegemon, the United States, continues to encourage and fund the genocide, supplying the perpetrators everything they need to continue the mass slaughter of helpless women and children.

The US pretends to be a democracy. Its president theoretically has the power to cut off aid to “Israel” and stop the genocide. If such were the case, the voters—who have supported an immediate and permanent ceasefire throughout the course of the now year-old Gaza genocide— ought to fire the genocide-enabling regime of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and elect an anti-genocide president.

But mass media mind-control has convinced most Americans that there are only two choices: genocide perpetrator Kamala Harris, or the even more genocidal Donald Trump. Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who opposes the genocide, gets virtually no media coverage, so the brainwashed masses ignore her. The same is true of independent candidate Cornell West and Libertarian Chase Oliver.

Supporters of the two mainstream candidates argue about which one would be a “peace president.” Harris supporters point out that Trump is a reckless, irresponsible, ignorant, rabidly genocidal maniac who has urged Israel to “finish the job.” They claim that Harris, unlike Biden, might use American leverage to stop Netanyahu’s holocausts in Gaza and Lebanon.

Trump supporters argue that Harris is complicit in both the genocide of Gaza and the US-manufactured war on Russia through Ukraine. They insist that Trump’s willingness to buck the consensus of the national security state, and instead make bold moves based on personal diplomacy, offers more hope than Harris’s more conventional approach, which obviously isn’t working.

And then there are the accelerationists who think “Trump is so bad he’s good.” Trump’s recklessness and foolishness, they believe, could bring down the US empire relatively quickly. His quarrels with the managers of the national security state, and the American elite in general, will create fractiousness that might even lead to civil war. Consumed by chaos and internal strife, a Trump-led America will be in no position to keep paying for its 750 military bases around the world. And as the US is forced to withdraw under fire from West Asia, the genocidal settler colonial outpost in Occupied Palestine will inevitably implode.

Since the Republicans, including Trump, are so rabidly pro-Israel and so unabashed in their love of genocide, the Democratic establishment assumes that anti-genocide voters have no choice but to back Harris. But that assumption is mistaken. Since the accelerated genocide began in October 2023, Arab and Muslim voters’ support for the Democrats has “cratered.” Normally Arab-Americans support the Democrats by more than two-to-one. But a recent Arab News/Yougov poll found Trump actually leading Harris among that demographic, which will likely be decisive in the key swing state of Michigan. Al-Jazeera notes: “The poll is the latest warning to Democrats that President Joe Biden’s support for Israel’s war in Gaza could be putting his vice president’s election hopes in jeopardy ahead of the November 5 vote.” The Associated Press noted: “To say to Arab Americans ‘Trump is going to be worse’—what is worse than having members of your family killed? said Rima Meroueh director of the National Network for Arab American Communities.”

A two-month-old poll of American Muslims likewise found that the Biden regime’s complicity in the Gaza genocide could throw the election to Trump. That poll found that among America’s roughly 3.5 million registered Muslim voters, Kamala Harris and Jill Stein are tied with 29% support, far ahead of Trump’s 11%. If Harris opposed the Gaza genocide, it seems likely that she would gain most of those Jill Stein votes. But for Democrats, pleasing the party’s Jewish-zionist oligarch owners is apparently more important than winning elections.

The above perspectives assume that it matters who the president is. But since John F. Kennedy’s murder in November 1963, a still-unsolved crime in which Israel is the leading suspect, every American president has actively or tacitly supported most of Israel’s “totally mad” behavior. Though only Kennedy was “terminated with extreme prejudice,” Israel and its American assets likely played key roles in ensuring that Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and George H.W. Bush did not complete two terms in office. (Though all three expressed obligatory support of Israel, Nixon was “anti-Semitic” and less than 100% pro-Israeli, Carter wanted to force Israel to accept peace, and Bush Sr. sold AIWACs to Saudi Arabia and failed to kowtow sufficiently to Tel Aviv, which led to the Israelis plotting against his life.)

Those who argue that it doesn’t matter who the president is cite books like Michael Glennon’s National Security and the Double Government, which makes a case that American imperial policy is dictated by a permanent national security state with presidents serving as mere window dressing. From that perspective, Israel has captured US Mideast policy not only through its domination of electoral politics, with pro-Israel Jews providing nearly half of all the bribes a.k.a. “campaign contributions,” but also by inserting its operatives into the highest levels of the permanent national security state.

Another reason not to vote is the problem of election integrity. Only 22% of Republicans and 44% of the general population believe their votes will be counted fairly, and though such beliefs are treated as damnable heresy by the mainstream media, historians know they are well-founded. Consider just a few of the many dubious US presidential election outcomes:

*Crooked backroom operators stole the presidency from Andrew Jackson in 1824 and Samuel Tilden in 1876.

*The Rothschilds ensured that only pro-war candidates would run in 1940 by murdering the Republican convention manager and inserting an obscure flunky, Wendell Wilkie, as the Republican nominee, as recounted in Gore Vidal’s The Golden Age.

*The Democratic organized crime machine stole the 1960 election by fraudulently handing Illinois and Texas to John F. Kennedy.

*Nixon (1968) and Reagan (1980) won the presidency thanks to secret treasonous deals with ostensible enemies.

*The 2000 and 2004 elections were likely stolen for George W. Bush through combinations of voter suppression and computerized voting machine fraud. (The IT guru who orchestrated the 2004 election theft, Mike Connell, died in a suspicious plane crash shortly before he was scheduled to testify against Bush campaign operative Karl Rove.)

*Israel made a deal with the Trump campaign to facilitate its 2016 victory, using various underhanded methods including voter-manipulating social media algorithms.

*The Democrats may have resorted to fraud to defeat Trump in 2020, as alleged by Trump and believed by the vast majority of Republicans.

Experts on the weaknesses of US election systems like Jonathan Simon persuasively argue that those positioned to program or hack voting machines can easily determine the outcome of close elections. Since the 2024 election is expected to be extremely close, possibly coming down to a few tens of thousands of votes in key swing states, it seems likely that the president will be selected, not elected, and that the people doing the selecting will be oligarchs who own the voting machine companies.

So whom will they select? Historically, the computerized-vote-fraudster oligarchs have leaned Republican. And since Trump is the preferred candidate of organized crime, whose upper financial echelons are dominated by Zionist Jews, it seems likely that the victor will be the candidate the liberal media tells us will blow up democracy and end the world as we know it.

Rabid genocide supporter Miriam Adelson has handed Trump $100 million in return for Trump’s promise to support Israel annexing the West Bank. So a Trump victory could put the US and Israel even more radically at odds with the whole world, especially West Asia and the Muslim-majority countries. If certified-genocide-perpetrator Israel were to proclaim that it had annexed the West Bank with the blessings of Trump, even the cowardly rulers of pro-abnormalization Arab nations would have no choice but to join an emerging pan-Islamic anti-zionist consensus, which would be universally supported by essentially all of the world’s nations except the US and its despicable orange-headed dictator. Such a move, in conjunction with Trump’s other clumsy and chaotic blunders, would likely hasten the demise of the US empire and its zionist occupier.

The Zio-American regime would collapse even faster if Trump were to make good on his threats to join Israel in all-out war on Iran. Like other recent US imperial wars only more so, a Zio-American attack on Iran would reveal the limitations of American hard power and end in frustration and defeat, out of which a fully multipolar world would emerge.

But will the permanent national security state allow Trump to quickly destroy the empire it worked so patiently to build? During Trump’s first term, the orange baboon was surrounded by apparatchiks who would steal executive orders from his desk in hopes that he would forget about them, which he generally did, according to Bob Woodward’s Fear: Trump in the White House.

But accelerationists tempted to vote for Trump in hopes of quickly collapsing the empire should keep in mind that a Harris regime, with its rainbow-flag-waving idolatry, could never succeed in rallying ordinary Americans to fight in imperial wars. It is not clear that the Democrats, despite their deference to the National Security State, will be able to outdo Trump in keeping Uncle Scam’s dying empire on life support.

Ultimately, voting for either major party candidate in this bogus “selection” would be an act of inveterate idiocy, and a signal of support for genocide. The dying US empire is an oligarchy, not a democracy, and there is no good reason to think its death could or should be hastened or postponed by way of casting a meaningless vote for a vapidly repulsive frontman or frontwoman.

As for me, I live in Morocco, thousands of miles from the nearest American voting booth, and have not bothered to request an absentee ballot. If I had, it would have been only to cast a protest vote by writing in the name of someone I respect, like Yahya Sinwar, Hassan Nasrallah, or Qassem Soleimani.

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