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Arguing With Richie Allen About Trump, Israel's Pager Terrorism, and Which Media to Believe

Meanwhile, my special two-hour live interview with Alan Sabrosky is about to start...

Yesterday’s interview with Richie Allen is archived above. You can also catch today’s special two-hour live interview with Alan Sabrosky noon to 2 pm Eastern on www.RevolutionRadio (writeup HERE). That show will be archived later here at my Substack. Also don’t miss tomorrow’s False Flag Weekly News with Cat McGuire.

The interview with Richie begins:

Richie Allen: I heard an interesting thing today by a gentleman speaking on Sky News who would be a liberal. He would be, his name escapes me, but it doesn't matter. He's just a talking head who would be supporting Kamala Harris's bid for the White House. He said something interesting. I don't know how true it is or what you think. He said, I've begun to think he said, that the best thing for the region in the short term would be Donald Trump to be returned to the White House on November 5th, because if Trump gets in, the situation will stabilize and it'll be calmer because Trump will have more influence there than Kamala Harris. I'm not sure about it. How do you feel about that?

Kevin Barrett: I don't really agree with that. I think that based on his past record, it looks like Trump is owned by the Zionists at least as much as Biden and Harris are, and maybe more. It was under Trump's watch that the U.S. made the utterly insane move of moving its embassy to occupy Jerusalem. Now, the whole world agrees that that occupation has to end. Even the pro-Israel forces around the world insist that Israel withdraw from every inch of territory that it stole in 1967. Even if the world decides to let Israel keep the territory that it stole in its genocide of 1948, as opposed to forcing it to move back to its U.N. borders or better yet, just decolonizing the place like South Africa.

There's absolutely nobody serious in the entire world that accepts this notion that Israel gets to keep the land that it stole in 1967, which includes Jerusalem. So Trump moved that embassy, which was viewed as sheer lunacy by every serious person in the U.S. and elsewhere who knows anything about that issue. And he did so because he was owned lock, stock and barrel by Netanyahu and his cabinet of millenarian messianic fanatics.

It appears that if Trump is elected, that he will be owned by Netanyahu.

(As Philip Giraldi explains in his new article raising the possibility of a big Israeli false flag designed to get Trump elected…)

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