It sounds to me Alan's not well & may be preoccupied by that....
On the face of it, it's impossible to argue with your research Kevin, so I won't be & being a retired English lawyer myself say sex offenders are overwhelmingly known to their victim, very often within the family & the UK demographic may have changed over the years, but not so much as to displace the large swathe of the general population...
Regarding the various reports of public rapes in Europe without ever a location specified, I just watched a video of people standing on a train platform filming an approaching train plowing through snow, until the huge chunks of flying snow endangered them. One commenter on this video pointed out they’d risk blindness with hard chunks of snow hurled at them to “capture the moment,” so, yes, this very prevalent sort would video rapes at train stations and share them if possible.
The Kitty Genovese fiction (with Fiston Egoy as the killer?) matches in motive somewhat with Halloween tales of razor blades and pins placed in apples and candy bars, with the local hospitals year after year pretending to do a public service for parents by Xray-ing their kids candy, though they’ve never found anything in decades of this PR process. All of this hospital scanning had been promoted on media ostensibly to ensure the candy is safe except hospitals aren’t able to check for arsenic and the like, and candy is a health hazard as it comes from the manufacturer. The “Strategy of Tension” motive for both the Kitty Genovese tale and the falsehood that maniacal neighbors are planting injurious substances they’d give to trick or treaters. Both qualify as “Divide and Conquer” as they engender terrible mistrust against people living together in neighborhoods, either by characterizing them with horrifying indifference to screaming coming from a woman being attacked, or with very wide spread urban legends of malicious neighbors out to injure or kill children who they pretend to treat on a holiday. Both make people fearful and isolated, and in the case of the “helpful” hospital upholding, with use of a publicity campaign and use of their medical equipment, the nonsensical claims of candy tampering. They are creating an atmosphere targeting parents so that the gullible have misplaced trust in hospitals that have indeed injured and killed and bankrupted their customers with overcharging, malpractice and error, while the far fetched tale has some parents suffer with unwarranted suspicion and fear of their neighbors. It set the stage for the covid psyop, with people frightened of neighbors and relatives as vectors of disease and enraged at those not wearing masks or not getting injected, all manner of rifts and fissures formed by the authorities deliberately, with deadly isolation and fear overwhelming millions, followed quickly by increasing destitution. For the vivid years, the word of the “health” authorities and media were given unwarranted credibility. Engendering mistrust, fearfulness, isolation among the broader population gives the billionaires in charge greater power over the rest. Who owns these hospitals, the media and the government? Every lie they successfully plant in the collective world view emboldens the billionaires to craft more vicious lies.
Oh no the hangup specialists. This Sabrosky is milquetoast man.
Doesn't read comments or go over his own shit in interviews?
How's that working out, Kevin, having these Judaic and Christian freaks on the show?
We're still Nazi's in the USA so not to worry plenty of racists puffing up anti China rhetoric and boy are Muslims and Africans also nobodies in the average Yanquis' brain.
A disproportionate number of criminals especially rapists and murderers in Europe are non-European immigrants. Migrants rape and kill Europeans every day in Germany, France, Britain, and Sweden, in disproportionate numbers. Seems like certain people have an agenda to whitewash or obfuscate this reality perhaps due to their support for mass immigration or opposition to ‘racism.’
Hi Kevin Barrett,I like your work,but.I know the numbers in Germany.In Berlin,for example,an average of 9.2 knife attacks per day.In the last ten years well over a million violent crimes committed by migrants.I know that militant Islam has been groomed by the British Rothschild Empire since around 1880,and who knows how many Imans in Europe now are CIA-directed(maybe all of them?),but German women are now afraid to walk outside at night.And its not right-wingers they worry about.
Remember the European soccer championship a year or two ago,where Morocco had some surpise-wins?In Morocco itself,they celebrated nicely,but in Paris it was all torching and looting.
The powers that initiated mass migration know very well that these cultures are hardly compatible.3 days ago,an Afghan migrant stabbed another to death,and then banged the corpse multiple times.So yes,one might get emotional.
Right, but "disproportionate" could mean anything from "immigrants have higher crime rates because they are mostly young men" to "adjusted for age and sex each immigrant is 2x (or 10x or 100x) more likely to commit a violent crime than a non-immigrant." It seems to me that pretty much everybody I've ever seen complaining about immigrant crime in Europe is completely innumerate and has no idea whatsoever what "disproportionate" means, or how serious the problem, if there is one, really is.
It’s a serious enough issue for the system media and establishment politicians and other proponents of mass immigration to obfuscate, downplay, and lie about it to the public. So, there’s obviously a problem here.
Can't say this often enough! The Military/Industrial Complex and the Biowarfare/industrial Complex, WEF agenda and the evils assaulting humanity are from one and the same source - it is the 99% against the diabolical GREED of the 0.01% who should not be in charge of anything!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
This horrifying Gates, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
And BIG pHARMa is an arsenal making permanently sickly addicted slaves dependent on their products - the complete opposite of actual health.
Peddling pure poison! Folks have to wake up to reality: health comes from organic diet, daily exercise and clean living and never from a needle or a pill except in dire, rare traumatic injuries.
Can't say this often enough!
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back! And toxic injections/pills were/are a huge part of their arsenal! Mistakes were not made!
KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!
Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.
Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living!
JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
I can only imagine what he's going through losing his vision. He must be having a tough time emotionally, and that probably led him to take my pushback personally. I may be partly at fault for using the term "racist" in a such way that he felt it was being applied to him personally, which was not my intention. But still, he's a Marine. I'm disappointed that he didn't hang in there and have it out with me, specifically on the factual issue of whether or not the majority of sex criminals in the UK are or are not white. I have to wonder whether at some level he knew he was going to lose the factual argument, so he bailed out. That is un-Marine-like.
ALAN SABROSKY (Achtung! Do not read this stupid and abhorrent old man’s rant - mine!)
We all, God willing, pray for your health recovery. I am not a doctor, but I studied medicine for a couple of years in the Jewish Bolshevik USSR, and I know quite a bit about certain health issues and I saw you seriously unhealthy, physically and intellectually. I thank you so much for having joined Kevin Barrett on his Great Truth Jihad mission, the Greater Jihaad an Nafs, that of the soul and Truth.
Like millions or billions others, it is hard not to fall into the Jewish, Israel, Kabbalist, Rothschild, Freemasonic, warmongering propaganda trap that since a few decades define all the words in Aryan, Caucasoid, White European lexicon, and use them as propaganda weapons to destroy Islam and Muslims as decided by the Jewish-British genocidal warmongers after they had infiltrated and destroyed the decadent Ottomans and replaced them with Crypto-Jews like Mustafa Kemal, made an Alliance with National Socialists in 1923. (Eustace Mullins), and abolished the bogus Caliphate in 1924, and got rid of the Muslim Caliphate Movement of which the pervert and Casteist M.K. Gandhi was a member, so I read.
Words like terrorist, fundamentalist, primitive, backward, underdeveloped, radical, desert cockroach, head chopper, misogynist, wife beater, and more have been used by them for quite some time to dehumanise all Muslims, Arabs, and Islam, the latest ones being SEX GROOMING GANGS, IMMIGRANTS, RAPISTS, etc. Those damn IMMIGRANTS land in Sweden (from space!) and the same White night they started RAPING WHITE WOMEN!
Alan, faith apart, you have done a remarkable job. I knew Poland to be acclaimed by many Jews to be their Paradise, like Salonika, Berlin, Brooklyn, Stamford Hill, New-York, Palestine, and more. Matgorzata Skrobut, my 3rd wife (I married 5 times!), was from Varshava (Warsaw) and she was kicked out of France by the Zionist rulers. I know how Ashkenazis Talmudists invaded Europe and got their claws on all that made them so rich and powerful, but only because the entire so-called White Aryan Caucasoid West was in absolute moral decadence having surpassed the Mongoloid hordes on savagery, wars, ethnic cleansing, genocidal campaigns, plundering of all foreign wealth, killing hundreds of millions, occupying other people’s lands, enslaving the survivors., raping, terrorising, and stealing everything to this very day.
A Polish gentleman told me several millions of his people moved to the UK, but half of them returned back to Poland because they did not like the UK, its people and decadent culture. We all know when so-called Whites come here they are never called IMMIGRANTS, but as soon as non-Whites or Muslims (many are Whites though) come or are born natives, all their generations are labelled immigrants as a derogatory term. Rarely do we hear where the others come from as there is no such thing as WHITE IMMIGRANTS. I will never blame Apartheid Israel, Ashkenazi and Khazar Talmudists and Jews for our own stupidity and complicity in crime!
Racism is often used as a weapon for political reasons. French racist Marine Lepen want all six million (Charles Pasqua 1980s’ figure) or more Muslims to be expelled from France. Jewermany expelled half a million Turkish settlers (under contract?) they had themselves invited in to do slave labour. To prove how uncivilised they are, European leaders do not give a damn about all Muslims and others born here, having integrated, but not assimilated, and who contributed to their prosperity. Most Jews I knew do neither integrate nor assimilate in any culture except when they lived under Muslim rule. One such openly racist is French psychopath Marine Lepen who has allied with Zionist Supremacists and Hegemonists.
Having allied with Apartheid Israel, Zionist racist Hindutva wants to do the same and expel all 200 million Muslims of India and Kashmir while Nuclear Napakistanis are enjoying eating their Bryani and Halwas. Herr Adolphe Hitler saw the Judaics or Talmudics making Berlin and Paris the Sodom and Gomorrah of Europe. While in the USSR, I saw the same calamity befalling on the entire West where all the brothels I knew about were Jewish owned as well as the sex shops, drug, pornography, gold, diamond, fur and ready-to-wear industries. They simply could not do it if Christendom was not so decadent, including the Vatican. Under Islam (not sectarian or heretic) they would not last 24 hours!
But, let me be more specific. Many Jews come from Eastern Europe and the USSR (not former USSR). Many change their names. Others simply hide their Jewish roots, not religious, but racial since Ezra-Nehemiah had invented the Pure Supremacist Jewish Israel RACE promoted by the ASHKENAZIS, the real NAZIS of our time. After a few thousand years, they did not exceed 20 million in number, but decadent Christendom, and decadent Muslims (not Islam) gave them all our wealth and all power over us because Israel Nazis (International Zionists) qualified as the worst savages and mass-murderers of History, and Apartheid Israel as the best weapon to use to depopulate the Earth and destroy all traditional morality and natural health care.
Decadent Christendom crowned the ruling Jews as Masters of the Earth and Heaven, and their leaders feel the necessity to travel to the Wall of Jupiter to post a letter or message to their genocidal Satanyahu God in Occupied Palestine. Strange, most of us ignore the fact (Tim Cohen) that Elisabeth II was crowned Queen of Israel, and Charles III as King of Israel!
Alan, what I really wanted to say was that I have first-hand experience that Jews and the WHITES are behind ALL SEX TRAFFICKING in Tel Aviv, Jewermany, Sweden, France, Holland, and in the United Kingdom of Israel. But, for at least 13 years I had to shut up my big mouth or I would have been arrested by the Zionist Gestapo in Paris! After Creolitius cancelled my British passport as a SUBJECT of Queen Elisabeth II, I was “naturalised” a French European Citizen on the Zionist Army Reserved list, but I was never called in for duty because they knew I was an admirer of Malcolm X’s strategy about those military matters!
I asked her age to a young WHITE prostitute in the famous Rue Saint Denis brothel quarter in Paris, opposite the road where I lived and had bought my flat. She told me she was 13 years old. I told her this was illegal, and she told me the POLICE WAS RUNNING THIS RACKET! I know firsthand because I lived and ran my business in Paris for 13 years, and my older WHITE sister-in-law was a Luxury prostitute (poule de luxe, luxury chicken); my other younger WHITE sister-in-law of another mother was (is) a lesbian. My WHITE French wife (of German blood) had a fatherless son with a German first name. Like in the USA of Israel, human reproduction follows the Talmudic Laws in the entire WHITE West where nearly half the population either are fatherless or do not know who their fathers are because they are brought up Jewllywood style: sleep with anybody you like or as we tell you to if you want to keep your job! Do as thou wilt, said Alistair Crowley! I was told it was the same in the Garrison town of Colchester in Essex where I lived and was bankrupted by Freemasonic Jehovah Witnesses in the 1990s.
In conclusion, Apartheid Israel is the only terrorist entity that has gangs in both the IDF (Israel Death Force) and in all Western Military Death Forces (WMDF) and run terrorist or deluded organisations like Al-Qaeda, Al Nusra, Boko Haram, IS, ISIS, and more to do their killings, beheadings, raping, and terrorising, including in UN-US-EU Occupied Palestine Satanyahu calls ISRAEL, their nuclear military base in the heart of the Arab-speaking lands!
Shalom! Enjoy!
DR. BASHEERSKI AHMADOVITCH FROM THE KAFKAZ (un-certificated and un-freemasonisable!)
Wednesday 12 March 2025
(Substack keeps signing me out! Can anybody post this for me unless you find it too explosive or sarcastic!)
So an anti-immigrant propagandist can look at a broad range of data to try to find the very best numbers supporting his case...and the best he can come up with is that less than a quarter of sex crimes are committed by immigrants, meaning that I was right (the majority of sex criminals in the UK are white Brits) and Sabrosky was wildly wrong.
In the US, an ongoing scandal is that police departments keep thousands of specimens collected from rape victims in rape kits that are never analyzed, city after city having this fact exposed so that it’s plain that thwarting Taoist’s and protecting women is not a priority for police departments, as it had been understood that mostly, the Taoist’s are repeat offenders and testing the kits would enable them to be effectively prosecuted. It looks like the police are on an entirely different quest, like maybe running protection rackets. However, there are insane prosecutions where people remain locked up for decades on charges of rape when it was probably mistaken identity. The outrageous Texas Board of Appeals upheld a conviction where a DNA test on the victim showed her assailant was other than the man falsely convicted who had a time card and three witnesses show he was 350 miles away from the scene of the crime. The lunatics on the appeals board speculated he wore a condominium while committing the rape and the unlocated man whose DNA was found in the deceased girl just incidentally raped her. The reason I expand on this is that with courts and law enforcement like this, the demographics of the. convicted amounts to who is convenient to the prosecutors.
hasn't Sweden become a sort of rape capitol of the world? sexual assault occurred after the country was opened to invasion, right? not before, did white men suddenly become rapists? its invaders..... whether this is due to Muslims or other non-white invaders I don't know... if true of Sweden must be true of other European nations as well.
I am skeptical of this claim. First, Sweden's rape/population rate is high (86/100,000 population), but lower than the UK's (109/100,000). As we have seen, the great majority of sex crime perps in the UK are white. Maybe Sweden is different? Evidence?
Jonathan Revusky, who has researched the subject, has noted that Sweden obviously has an odd definition of "rape" as evidenced by the Assange affair. Swedish women accused Assange of raping them because after multiple consensual sexual encounters Assange eventually failed to use a condom properly. And indeed the non-Swedish-born "migrant" Assange was prosecuted for "rape"!!! No wonder Sweden is a "rape capital." Basically, any time a Swedish woman gets drunk, has sex, and regrets the experience for whatever reason, she can accuse the man of rape and the police will support her. Immigrants from cultures where women don't exhibit such sluttish and retroactively vindictive behavior, and where the legal systems don't encourage it, are sitting ducks for these kinds of ludicrous accusations. Here is one notorious example of a European woman falsely accusing multiple immigrant men of rapes that obviously never happened:
Also, please note that crimes in general, especially sex crimes, are disproportionately committed by young men. Since immigrants disproportionately tend to be young men, we would expect immigrants to have a much higher (sex) crime rate than non-immigrants, even if the average immigrant young man were no more likely to be a sex criminal than the average non-immigrant young man.
The USA has much higher crime rates than Europe. Yet for some reason Americans like Alan Sabrosky, whose neighborhood in Mississippi is probably more dangerous than THE most dangerous neighborhood in all of Europe, are waxing hysterical about EUROPEAN crime!!! Obviously we are dealing with some kind of bizarre emotion-driven phenomenon of the kinds analyzed by Charles Mackay and René Girard, NOT a reality-based comprehensive understanding of European crime and immigration.
Why are you falling under the influence of this unknown character, Jonathan Revusky? This is the guy you recently interviewed re 9/11 who holds the extreme views that there were no planes and no deaths. When I took him to task about no deaths asking how workers survived the collapses of the twin towers, he ended the debate abruptly, tho not before calling me another anonymous asshole. I think he's trying to become your Jewish handler and playing on your sympathy for Islam re the immigrant Euro rape stats. I wouldn't trust him.
Also you must be aware Alan Sabrosky is a long-time proven good guy. Don't fall out w/ him. Try to patch it up.
I worked for the Swedish Prison & Probation Service for three years (2002-2005) during which I had access to the national inmate system and various other databases. You are wrong here, Kevin - and Alan is unfortunately correct.
So give me some numbers and compare them to the UK numbers I cited. Do you think Sweden is hugely different from the UK? Or are the UK numbers I cited wrong? How much worse do you think crime is in Stockholm than in Mississippi? (That would explain why Alan cares.) Numbers? In other words, can you address each of the points I raised in the comment?
No, you can look up the numbers yourself. It also seems you're missing the bigger strategic picture here, which I find surprising. Illegal wars killing, dispossessing and humiliating millions of people, then funneling the leftovers marked by violent resentment into the West to destabilize these societies. Come on, man.
Why not just oppose the wars without defaming the victims of those wars? And why the selective focus on Europe? By far the biggest host of 9/11 wars refugees is Turkey, but none of the people scapegoating refugees seems to care. Why should Alan care about Germany but not Turkey? Why is he mad at Germans born in Germany descended from Turkish grandparents, but doesn't care about what the millions of Syrian refugees have done to Turkey? The "selective caring" here reminds me of the "selective caring" about genocide. I am pretty sure that if white Germans or Brits or Swedes or US Americans were being exterminated the way Gazans are, the Jew-owned white West would have stopped it long ago. "Selective caring" is a euphemism for racism.
We usually care most about what's closest to us. I didn't know you were in the ontological negation business. But manipulating conflict surfaces is part of the enemy's core tactics. That doesn't mean some of it isn't true. The war is on all of us, it's just being waged with different tactical considerations.
so many areas to explore regarding your comment... seems White under census law in UK has sub-categories which could include White British and many other White types...( at one time in USA maybe still latinos were classed as White even though clearly of Indian and/or of Black lineage... which could include invader/immigrants and as it's said it's a subjective assessment..... to really know you would have to dig into the police reports I bet .as for Sweden, the 40 years of sex crimes from 1976 looks like it saw about an 8 fold increase during a time of large numbers of invader/immigrants...I really doubt that suddenly the Whitemen of Sweden started raping widely... govt stats I think are hard to believe though as govt has agendas or those who control govts so they could be larger or small depending on the agenda.... As for Assange we know that was political so using that to assess the rape crime increases doesn't seem reasonable.... send all the invaders back home then let's see what happens to sex crime numbers as well as other crime numbers.
ALL ethnicities have a certain percentage of their "tribes" that have sociopathic/ psychopathic personalities...the question is what those percentage numbers are...Personally I feel more comfortable being around white people because I'm white and I would assume other races feel the same...almost every human "race" has skeletons in their closet...Muhammed Ali explains racial integration...
It sounds to me Alan's not well & may be preoccupied by that....
On the face of it, it's impossible to argue with your research Kevin, so I won't be & being a retired English lawyer myself say sex offenders are overwhelmingly known to their victim, very often within the family & the UK demographic may have changed over the years, but not so much as to displace the large swathe of the general population...
Regarding the various reports of public rapes in Europe without ever a location specified, I just watched a video of people standing on a train platform filming an approaching train plowing through snow, until the huge chunks of flying snow endangered them. One commenter on this video pointed out they’d risk blindness with hard chunks of snow hurled at them to “capture the moment,” so, yes, this very prevalent sort would video rapes at train stations and share them if possible.
The Kitty Genovese fiction (with Fiston Egoy as the killer?) matches in motive somewhat with Halloween tales of razor blades and pins placed in apples and candy bars, with the local hospitals year after year pretending to do a public service for parents by Xray-ing their kids candy, though they’ve never found anything in decades of this PR process. All of this hospital scanning had been promoted on media ostensibly to ensure the candy is safe except hospitals aren’t able to check for arsenic and the like, and candy is a health hazard as it comes from the manufacturer. The “Strategy of Tension” motive for both the Kitty Genovese tale and the falsehood that maniacal neighbors are planting injurious substances they’d give to trick or treaters. Both qualify as “Divide and Conquer” as they engender terrible mistrust against people living together in neighborhoods, either by characterizing them with horrifying indifference to screaming coming from a woman being attacked, or with very wide spread urban legends of malicious neighbors out to injure or kill children who they pretend to treat on a holiday. Both make people fearful and isolated, and in the case of the “helpful” hospital upholding, with use of a publicity campaign and use of their medical equipment, the nonsensical claims of candy tampering. They are creating an atmosphere targeting parents so that the gullible have misplaced trust in hospitals that have indeed injured and killed and bankrupted their customers with overcharging, malpractice and error, while the far fetched tale has some parents suffer with unwarranted suspicion and fear of their neighbors. It set the stage for the covid psyop, with people frightened of neighbors and relatives as vectors of disease and enraged at those not wearing masks or not getting injected, all manner of rifts and fissures formed by the authorities deliberately, with deadly isolation and fear overwhelming millions, followed quickly by increasing destitution. For the vivid years, the word of the “health” authorities and media were given unwarranted credibility. Engendering mistrust, fearfulness, isolation among the broader population gives the billionaires in charge greater power over the rest. Who owns these hospitals, the media and the government? Every lie they successfully plant in the collective world view emboldens the billionaires to craft more vicious lies.
Good points! Maybe I shouldn't be so instinctively skeptical of Mathis's claim that the Genovese affair was a hoax.
Oh no the hangup specialists. This Sabrosky is milquetoast man.
Doesn't read comments or go over his own shit in interviews?
How's that working out, Kevin, having these Judaic and Christian freaks on the show?
We're still Nazi's in the USA so not to worry plenty of racists puffing up anti China rhetoric and boy are Muslims and Africans also nobodies in the average Yanquis' brain.
A disproportionate number of criminals especially rapists and murderers in Europe are non-European immigrants. Migrants rape and kill Europeans every day in Germany, France, Britain, and Sweden, in disproportionate numbers. Seems like certain people have an agenda to whitewash or obfuscate this reality perhaps due to their support for mass immigration or opposition to ‘racism.’
You're making an emotional, impressionistic claim, without any factual references. See:
Hi Kevin Barrett,I like your work,but.I know the numbers in Germany.In Berlin,for example,an average of 9.2 knife attacks per day.In the last ten years well over a million violent crimes committed by migrants.I know that militant Islam has been groomed by the British Rothschild Empire since around 1880,and who knows how many Imans in Europe now are CIA-directed(maybe all of them?),but German women are now afraid to walk outside at night.And its not right-wingers they worry about.
Remember the European soccer championship a year or two ago,where Morocco had some surpise-wins?In Morocco itself,they celebrated nicely,but in Paris it was all torching and looting.
German article from 1964 ( Paris.
The powers that initiated mass migration know very well that these cultures are hardly compatible.3 days ago,an Afghan migrant stabbed another to death,and then banged the corpse multiple times.So yes,one might get emotional.
No, I’m making accurate remarks based on the reality of disproportionate crime rates.
Right, but "disproportionate" could mean anything from "immigrants have higher crime rates because they are mostly young men" to "adjusted for age and sex each immigrant is 2x (or 10x or 100x) more likely to commit a violent crime than a non-immigrant." It seems to me that pretty much everybody I've ever seen complaining about immigrant crime in Europe is completely innumerate and has no idea whatsoever what "disproportionate" means, or how serious the problem, if there is one, really is.
It’s a serious enough issue for the system media and establishment politicians and other proponents of mass immigration to obfuscate, downplay, and lie about it to the public. So, there’s obviously a problem here.
"Alan Sabrosky … talked with his
colleagues at the war college and
made it clear to them that 9/11
was an Israeli Mossad operation."
Does being part-Jewish make
Sabrosky an expert on the Jew
Mossad – or does it make him
a Jew Mossad suspect? And the
answer is in the truth content of
his message.
“Israel did 9/11” is the oldest
and most ‘subsidized’ Jew/CIA
conspiracy theory. The Jew
Mossad/Israel is the optimal
out-of-the-jurisdiction ‘target
of convenience’ in which to
direct the ‘popular suspicions’.
The Jew-controlled CIA (+NSA)
is by far the greatest Khazar
Jew espionage agency – and
must be protected by all possible
means, while the Jew Mossad is
absolutely above any law in its
own IsraHell – and requires no
protection at all.
Thus “Israel did 9/11” is easily
affordable, apart from appearing
to be reasonably plausible and
even being partly true.
Besides, what is universally
excluded from all kosher 9/11
conspiracy theories is the
commonly known Jew-created
fact of the U.S. foreign policies
being totally Jew-dictated. And
it's those J'U.S. foreign policies
that brought about 9/11 – with
or without any conspiracy
Indeed, since the assassination
of JFK, the U.S. was nothing but
a Jew vassal state, which was
most clearly demonstrated by
the murderous Jew attack on
the USS Liberty – very well
known to have been green-lit
by LBJ, CIA and the Pentagon,
as well as covered up after the
fact by the Jew-Ess Congress.
c'est it like it is........
1. We prayed for Alan Sabrosky’s health recovery.
2. I saw him in a pretty bad state, quite serious in my mind.
3. So, let us pray and not cause him more stress.
4. It is obvious that Alan is wrong as he had to struggle quite a long time against all the racism that surrounded him.
5. So, let him recover in peace, insha’Allah!
Can't say this often enough! The Military/Industrial Complex and the Biowarfare/industrial Complex, WEF agenda and the evils assaulting humanity are from one and the same source - it is the 99% against the diabolical GREED of the 0.01% who should not be in charge of anything!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
This horrifying Gates, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Please check out this substack!
And BIG pHARMa is an arsenal making permanently sickly addicted slaves dependent on their products - the complete opposite of actual health.
Peddling pure poison! Folks have to wake up to reality: health comes from organic diet, daily exercise and clean living and never from a needle or a pill except in dire, rare traumatic injuries.
Can't say this often enough!
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back! And toxic injections/pills were/are a huge part of their arsenal! Mistakes were not made!
KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!
Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.
Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living!
JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do.
Childish behavior from Alan, I would not have expected that from him.
It seems some would prefer echo chamber interviews with no push back? I don’t see the benefit in that, personally.
Thanks for navigating on the fly Dr. Barrett!
I can only imagine what he's going through losing his vision. He must be having a tough time emotionally, and that probably led him to take my pushback personally. I may be partly at fault for using the term "racist" in a such way that he felt it was being applied to him personally, which was not my intention. But still, he's a Marine. I'm disappointed that he didn't hang in there and have it out with me, specifically on the factual issue of whether or not the majority of sex criminals in the UK are or are not white. I have to wonder whether at some level he knew he was going to lose the factual argument, so he bailed out. That is un-Marine-like.
1. We prayed for Alan Sabrosky’s health recovery.
2. I saw him in a pretty bad state, quite serious in my mind.
3. So, let us pray and not cause him more stress.
4. It is obvious that Alan is wrong as he had to struggle quite a long time against all the racism that surrounded him.
5. So, let him recover in peace, insha’Allah!
ALAN SABROSKY (Achtung! Do not read this stupid and abhorrent old man’s rant - mine!)
We all, God willing, pray for your health recovery. I am not a doctor, but I studied medicine for a couple of years in the Jewish Bolshevik USSR, and I know quite a bit about certain health issues and I saw you seriously unhealthy, physically and intellectually. I thank you so much for having joined Kevin Barrett on his Great Truth Jihad mission, the Greater Jihaad an Nafs, that of the soul and Truth.
Like millions or billions others, it is hard not to fall into the Jewish, Israel, Kabbalist, Rothschild, Freemasonic, warmongering propaganda trap that since a few decades define all the words in Aryan, Caucasoid, White European lexicon, and use them as propaganda weapons to destroy Islam and Muslims as decided by the Jewish-British genocidal warmongers after they had infiltrated and destroyed the decadent Ottomans and replaced them with Crypto-Jews like Mustafa Kemal, made an Alliance with National Socialists in 1923. (Eustace Mullins), and abolished the bogus Caliphate in 1924, and got rid of the Muslim Caliphate Movement of which the pervert and Casteist M.K. Gandhi was a member, so I read.
Words like terrorist, fundamentalist, primitive, backward, underdeveloped, radical, desert cockroach, head chopper, misogynist, wife beater, and more have been used by them for quite some time to dehumanise all Muslims, Arabs, and Islam, the latest ones being SEX GROOMING GANGS, IMMIGRANTS, RAPISTS, etc. Those damn IMMIGRANTS land in Sweden (from space!) and the same White night they started RAPING WHITE WOMEN!
Alan, faith apart, you have done a remarkable job. I knew Poland to be acclaimed by many Jews to be their Paradise, like Salonika, Berlin, Brooklyn, Stamford Hill, New-York, Palestine, and more. Matgorzata Skrobut, my 3rd wife (I married 5 times!), was from Varshava (Warsaw) and she was kicked out of France by the Zionist rulers. I know how Ashkenazis Talmudists invaded Europe and got their claws on all that made them so rich and powerful, but only because the entire so-called White Aryan Caucasoid West was in absolute moral decadence having surpassed the Mongoloid hordes on savagery, wars, ethnic cleansing, genocidal campaigns, plundering of all foreign wealth, killing hundreds of millions, occupying other people’s lands, enslaving the survivors., raping, terrorising, and stealing everything to this very day.
A Polish gentleman told me several millions of his people moved to the UK, but half of them returned back to Poland because they did not like the UK, its people and decadent culture. We all know when so-called Whites come here they are never called IMMIGRANTS, but as soon as non-Whites or Muslims (many are Whites though) come or are born natives, all their generations are labelled immigrants as a derogatory term. Rarely do we hear where the others come from as there is no such thing as WHITE IMMIGRANTS. I will never blame Apartheid Israel, Ashkenazi and Khazar Talmudists and Jews for our own stupidity and complicity in crime!
Racism is often used as a weapon for political reasons. French racist Marine Lepen want all six million (Charles Pasqua 1980s’ figure) or more Muslims to be expelled from France. Jewermany expelled half a million Turkish settlers (under contract?) they had themselves invited in to do slave labour. To prove how uncivilised they are, European leaders do not give a damn about all Muslims and others born here, having integrated, but not assimilated, and who contributed to their prosperity. Most Jews I knew do neither integrate nor assimilate in any culture except when they lived under Muslim rule. One such openly racist is French psychopath Marine Lepen who has allied with Zionist Supremacists and Hegemonists.
Having allied with Apartheid Israel, Zionist racist Hindutva wants to do the same and expel all 200 million Muslims of India and Kashmir while Nuclear Napakistanis are enjoying eating their Bryani and Halwas. Herr Adolphe Hitler saw the Judaics or Talmudics making Berlin and Paris the Sodom and Gomorrah of Europe. While in the USSR, I saw the same calamity befalling on the entire West where all the brothels I knew about were Jewish owned as well as the sex shops, drug, pornography, gold, diamond, fur and ready-to-wear industries. They simply could not do it if Christendom was not so decadent, including the Vatican. Under Islam (not sectarian or heretic) they would not last 24 hours!
But, let me be more specific. Many Jews come from Eastern Europe and the USSR (not former USSR). Many change their names. Others simply hide their Jewish roots, not religious, but racial since Ezra-Nehemiah had invented the Pure Supremacist Jewish Israel RACE promoted by the ASHKENAZIS, the real NAZIS of our time. After a few thousand years, they did not exceed 20 million in number, but decadent Christendom, and decadent Muslims (not Islam) gave them all our wealth and all power over us because Israel Nazis (International Zionists) qualified as the worst savages and mass-murderers of History, and Apartheid Israel as the best weapon to use to depopulate the Earth and destroy all traditional morality and natural health care.
Decadent Christendom crowned the ruling Jews as Masters of the Earth and Heaven, and their leaders feel the necessity to travel to the Wall of Jupiter to post a letter or message to their genocidal Satanyahu God in Occupied Palestine. Strange, most of us ignore the fact (Tim Cohen) that Elisabeth II was crowned Queen of Israel, and Charles III as King of Israel!
Alan, what I really wanted to say was that I have first-hand experience that Jews and the WHITES are behind ALL SEX TRAFFICKING in Tel Aviv, Jewermany, Sweden, France, Holland, and in the United Kingdom of Israel. But, for at least 13 years I had to shut up my big mouth or I would have been arrested by the Zionist Gestapo in Paris! After Creolitius cancelled my British passport as a SUBJECT of Queen Elisabeth II, I was “naturalised” a French European Citizen on the Zionist Army Reserved list, but I was never called in for duty because they knew I was an admirer of Malcolm X’s strategy about those military matters!
I asked her age to a young WHITE prostitute in the famous Rue Saint Denis brothel quarter in Paris, opposite the road where I lived and had bought my flat. She told me she was 13 years old. I told her this was illegal, and she told me the POLICE WAS RUNNING THIS RACKET! I know firsthand because I lived and ran my business in Paris for 13 years, and my older WHITE sister-in-law was a Luxury prostitute (poule de luxe, luxury chicken); my other younger WHITE sister-in-law of another mother was (is) a lesbian. My WHITE French wife (of German blood) had a fatherless son with a German first name. Like in the USA of Israel, human reproduction follows the Talmudic Laws in the entire WHITE West where nearly half the population either are fatherless or do not know who their fathers are because they are brought up Jewllywood style: sleep with anybody you like or as we tell you to if you want to keep your job! Do as thou wilt, said Alistair Crowley! I was told it was the same in the Garrison town of Colchester in Essex where I lived and was bankrupted by Freemasonic Jehovah Witnesses in the 1990s.
In conclusion, Apartheid Israel is the only terrorist entity that has gangs in both the IDF (Israel Death Force) and in all Western Military Death Forces (WMDF) and run terrorist or deluded organisations like Al-Qaeda, Al Nusra, Boko Haram, IS, ISIS, and more to do their killings, beheadings, raping, and terrorising, including in UN-US-EU Occupied Palestine Satanyahu calls ISRAEL, their nuclear military base in the heart of the Arab-speaking lands!
Shalom! Enjoy!
DR. BASHEERSKI AHMADOVITCH FROM THE KAFKAZ (un-certificated and un-freemasonisable!)
Wednesday 12 March 2025
(Substack keeps signing me out! Can anybody post this for me unless you find it too explosive or sarcastic!)
Is 'The Resistance' lost?
I wonder if he'll ever come back on the show. Sad to see.
Foreigners Convicted of Nearly a Quarter of UK Sex Crimes
So an anti-immigrant propagandist can look at a broad range of data to try to find the very best numbers supporting his case...and the best he can come up with is that less than a quarter of sex crimes are committed by immigrants, meaning that I was right (the majority of sex criminals in the UK are white Brits) and Sabrosky was wildly wrong.
In the US, an ongoing scandal is that police departments keep thousands of specimens collected from rape victims in rape kits that are never analyzed, city after city having this fact exposed so that it’s plain that thwarting Taoist’s and protecting women is not a priority for police departments, as it had been understood that mostly, the Taoist’s are repeat offenders and testing the kits would enable them to be effectively prosecuted. It looks like the police are on an entirely different quest, like maybe running protection rackets. However, there are insane prosecutions where people remain locked up for decades on charges of rape when it was probably mistaken identity. The outrageous Texas Board of Appeals upheld a conviction where a DNA test on the victim showed her assailant was other than the man falsely convicted who had a time card and three witnesses show he was 350 miles away from the scene of the crime. The lunatics on the appeals board speculated he wore a condominium while committing the rape and the unlocated man whose DNA was found in the deceased girl just incidentally raped her. The reason I expand on this is that with courts and law enforcement like this, the demographics of the. convicted amounts to who is convenient to the prosecutors.
hasn't Sweden become a sort of rape capitol of the world? sexual assault occurred after the country was opened to invasion, right? not before, did white men suddenly become rapists? its invaders..... whether this is due to Muslims or other non-white invaders I don't know... if true of Sweden must be true of other European nations as well.
I am skeptical of this claim. First, Sweden's rape/population rate is high (86/100,000 population), but lower than the UK's (109/100,000). As we have seen, the great majority of sex crime perps in the UK are white. Maybe Sweden is different? Evidence?
Jonathan Revusky, who has researched the subject, has noted that Sweden obviously has an odd definition of "rape" as evidenced by the Assange affair. Swedish women accused Assange of raping them because after multiple consensual sexual encounters Assange eventually failed to use a condom properly. And indeed the non-Swedish-born "migrant" Assange was prosecuted for "rape"!!! No wonder Sweden is a "rape capital." Basically, any time a Swedish woman gets drunk, has sex, and regrets the experience for whatever reason, she can accuse the man of rape and the police will support her. Immigrants from cultures where women don't exhibit such sluttish and retroactively vindictive behavior, and where the legal systems don't encourage it, are sitting ducks for these kinds of ludicrous accusations. Here is one notorious example of a European woman falsely accusing multiple immigrant men of rapes that obviously never happened:
Also, please note that crimes in general, especially sex crimes, are disproportionately committed by young men. Since immigrants disproportionately tend to be young men, we would expect immigrants to have a much higher (sex) crime rate than non-immigrants, even if the average immigrant young man were no more likely to be a sex criminal than the average non-immigrant young man.
One more crucial point raised by Revusky: Anti-immigrant propagandists make it sound like Europe is an unlivable crime-ridden hellhole. But anyone who has been to Europe knows that's ridiculous. Not one European country makes the global crime index top ten . Check out the global homicide rates and you'll see European countries are toward the low-homicide end:
The USA has much higher crime rates than Europe. Yet for some reason Americans like Alan Sabrosky, whose neighborhood in Mississippi is probably more dangerous than THE most dangerous neighborhood in all of Europe, are waxing hysterical about EUROPEAN crime!!! Obviously we are dealing with some kind of bizarre emotion-driven phenomenon of the kinds analyzed by Charles Mackay and René Girard, NOT a reality-based comprehensive understanding of European crime and immigration.
Why are you falling under the influence of this unknown character, Jonathan Revusky? This is the guy you recently interviewed re 9/11 who holds the extreme views that there were no planes and no deaths. When I took him to task about no deaths asking how workers survived the collapses of the twin towers, he ended the debate abruptly, tho not before calling me another anonymous asshole. I think he's trying to become your Jewish handler and playing on your sympathy for Islam re the immigrant Euro rape stats. I wouldn't trust him.
Also you must be aware Alan Sabrosky is a long-time proven good guy. Don't fall out w/ him. Try to patch it up.
I worked for the Swedish Prison & Probation Service for three years (2002-2005) during which I had access to the national inmate system and various other databases. You are wrong here, Kevin - and Alan is unfortunately correct.
So give me some numbers and compare them to the UK numbers I cited. Do you think Sweden is hugely different from the UK? Or are the UK numbers I cited wrong? How much worse do you think crime is in Stockholm than in Mississippi? (That would explain why Alan cares.) Numbers? In other words, can you address each of the points I raised in the comment?
No, you can look up the numbers yourself. It also seems you're missing the bigger strategic picture here, which I find surprising. Illegal wars killing, dispossessing and humiliating millions of people, then funneling the leftovers marked by violent resentment into the West to destabilize these societies. Come on, man.
Why not just oppose the wars without defaming the victims of those wars? And why the selective focus on Europe? By far the biggest host of 9/11 wars refugees is Turkey, but none of the people scapegoating refugees seems to care. Why should Alan care about Germany but not Turkey? Why is he mad at Germans born in Germany descended from Turkish grandparents, but doesn't care about what the millions of Syrian refugees have done to Turkey? The "selective caring" here reminds me of the "selective caring" about genocide. I am pretty sure that if white Germans or Brits or Swedes or US Americans were being exterminated the way Gazans are, the Jew-owned white West would have stopped it long ago. "Selective caring" is a euphemism for racism.
We usually care most about what's closest to us. I didn't know you were in the ontological negation business. But manipulating conflict surfaces is part of the enemy's core tactics. That doesn't mean some of it isn't true. The war is on all of us, it's just being waged with different tactical considerations.
so many areas to explore regarding your comment... seems White under census law in UK has sub-categories which could include White British and many other White types...( at one time in USA maybe still latinos were classed as White even though clearly of Indian and/or of Black lineage... which could include invader/immigrants and as it's said it's a subjective assessment..... to really know you would have to dig into the police reports I bet .as for Sweden, the 40 years of sex crimes from 1976 looks like it saw about an 8 fold increase during a time of large numbers of invader/immigrants...I really doubt that suddenly the Whitemen of Sweden started raping widely... govt stats I think are hard to believe though as govt has agendas or those who control govts so they could be larger or small depending on the agenda.... As for Assange we know that was political so using that to assess the rape crime increases doesn't seem reasonable.... send all the invaders back home then let's see what happens to sex crime numbers as well as other crime numbers.
ALL ethnicities have a certain percentage of their "tribes" that have sociopathic/ psychopathic personalities...the question is what those percentage numbers are...Personally I feel more comfortable being around white people because I'm white and I would assume other races feel the same...almost every human "race" has skeletons in their closet...Muhammed Ali explains racial integration...