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Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has been martyred. His murderers imagine that killing such a great man will magically solve their problems.
The Zionists, being tribal psychopaths, think in purely strategic terms. A psychopath sees no difference between taking an axe to a locked door that’s in his way, and taking that same axe to a human being who’s in his way. He is endlessly surprised that normal people don’t share his view.
Mossad chief Meir Dagan explained his love of assassinations to Ronan Bergman:
“Assassinations have an effect on morale, as well as a practical effect. I don’t think there were many who could have replaced Napoleon, or a president like Roosevelt or a prime minister like Churchill…It’s true that anyone can be replaced, but there’s a difference between a replacement with guts and some lifeless character.”*
High-IQ tribal psychopaths like Dagan are competent chess players. Their strategy involves trying to remove the opponent’s high-value pieces from the board while preserving their own. That might work in chess. But in life, it’s shortsighted.
Jim Morrison once noted that “all games contain the idea of death.” The word contain is crucial. As the Jews who dreamed up terror management theory knew, psychologically and spiritually stunted human beings—meaning the vast majority of people in secular cultures, and more than a few in religious ones— are dominated and driven by the fear of death. Games like chess, which ends with checkmate or shah mat (“the king is dead” in Farsi) are a way for players to contain the idea of death within the circumscribed realm of the chessboard with its players and rules, so they can avoid thinking about their own impending deaths in the real world.
Terror management theory suggests that the more the thought of death imposes itself on a person’s consciousness, the more frantic (and potentially pathological) the means of evasion. That is why people in secular cultures, who lack convincing doctrines or experiences of the immortality of the soul, expend so much of their time and energy on frenetic, meaningless diversions. They spend hours each day suffused in trivia, staring into their phones or TV screens. Many lose themselves in video games and pornography. The livelier and more imaginative ones may devote themselves to climbing Everest or the corporate or bureaucratic or military ladders, or to achieving athletic or academic excellence for themselves or their children. The exceptionally vulgar ones, Jews mostly, pursue money by any available means, and never seem to have enough of it.**
As the Jewish’ State’s ongoing genocide of Palestine and West Asia accelerates, only a fool could deny that the Jews are the most pathological nation on Earth. And as Jewish-created Terror Management Theory explains, that’s because their fear of death surpasses other peoples.’
The Qur’an says of the Jews:
“And you will surely find them the most greedy of people for life…” (2:96) And: “Say: ‘O Jews! If you claim to be Allah's chosen ˹people˺ out of all humanity, then wish for death, if what you say is true.’ But they will not wish for it, because of what their hands have done.” (62:7)
They are greedy for life (lifelong slaves of greed) because they are so intensely driven to avoid awareness of death. And the greedier they get, and the more crimes they commit in service to their greed, the more they fear death’s reckoning.
So Jewish tribal leaders, with their psychopathic gangster mentality, imagine that their enemies must think the same way they do. Like a psychopath on trial for an axe murder, the Big Jews struggle to understand the way normal people think and feel. Their baseline assumption is that their enemies are gangsters like them, and fear death the same way they do. They think that if they follow the Talmud’s advice to kill the best of the gentiles, they will demoralize their goyim enemies while removing important pieces from the chessboard, assuring their eventual victory.
What they don’t realize is that human societies are not chessboards, and human beings are not chess pieces. Normal people don’t play by psychopaths’ rules—though as the monstrous evil of their psychopathic enemy gradually becomes apparent, they will do whatever it takes to protect themselves.
If by pathological we mean “driven by extreme fear of death” (like the Jews) then it must be noted that their current enemies are not just relatively non-pathological, but extremely so. As Bergman describes in Rise and Kill First, Israel used murder to eliminate much of the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization and other secular resistance groups. That forced the Resistance to move beyond the fear of death. And thus the Islamic Resistance was born.
Bergman notes that Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and other religiously-based Resistance groups are much more formidable opponents than the secular PLO ever was. One reason, he points out, is that they are much harder to infiltrate. It seems that genuinely pious people have a good nose for sincere piety among their close associates. But more importantly, sincere Muslims (alongside other religious people) fear God more than they fear death. For them, there is no higher honor than martyrdom.
The rise of the religious Resistance in and around historic Palestine has greatly intensified an already-existing asymmetry in how much pain each side is willing to absorb. From the very beginning of the genocidal Zionist onslaught on Palestine, the indigenous people could tolerate more pain than the invaders could. Such is almost always the case when an invader attacks a defender: The defender’s advantage is that he is willing to suffer and die to defend his home turf, while the invader will tolerate much less pain and risk to try to steal someone else’s property. (Humans aren’t the only territorial animals who operate that way.) That asymmetry grows greater when the invaders are richer and more cosmopolitan than the defenders: they can easily go somewhere else and live comfortably, while the defenders can’t.
So even prior to the rise of the religious Resistance, the people of the Levant had a huge advantage in their struggle against the invading Zionist settlers: They could tolerate far more pain. But that advantage took a quantum leap when the baton of Resistance was passed from the PLO to the Islamic Resistance, thanks to the series of Mossad assassinations described by Bergman. Since the Islamic Resistance replaced the secular one, the Zionists have martyred many great leaders—and each time one falls, another arises. When they killed Hezbollah’s leader Sayyed Abbas Musawi in 1992, they got Nasrallah. Likewise, their murder of Hamas’s founder, Shaykh Ahmed Yassin, simply paved the way for leaders like Yahya Sinwar, who led the masterful October 7 concentration camp breakout.
People (as opposed to Zionist psychopaths) react to such martyrdoms by celebrating the martyrs and seeking to emulate them. As I write, millions of people across the Global South are wishing they could walk the kind of path that Nasrallah walked, and a significant portion of them will take action to try to make it happen, in a great many ways, big and small. Additionally, the radiant glory of Nasrallah and the other martyrs for Palestine by now contrasts so sharply with the infernal stench exuded by the slinking lying Zionist scumdogs that a significant proportion of Earth’s population now realizes that it has a psychopathic monster in its midst, a cancer that has to be removed by any means necessary. That dawning realization—like the dawning realization of a prehistoric human tribe that one of its members is a psychopath—will lead inexorably to the psychopath’s demise.
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah saw his martyrdom coming, and welcomed it. Shortly before the Israelis completely leveled six multi-story buildings that housed many women and children, slaughtering dozens of non-combatants in order to martyr a few Resistance leaders, Nasrallah tweeted:
“I may not stay among you for a long time. Procedures have been devised so that we are prepared. Even if we are all martyred, even if our homes are destroyed over our heads, we will never abandon the option of Islamic resistance.”
Among religious people, there is no higher station than that of a martyr who died in the path of God—that is, of justice, righteousness, and truth. Every Muslim on Earth prays to be able to rise to that kind of destiny and ultimately arrive in the highest level of Paradise where martyrs like Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah enjoy their beatific eternity.
So there will be no shortage of young people lining up to join the Resistance in hopes of rising to that kind of station and winning the greatest of victories in the next world—and, God willing, in this one. For every saintly commander of the faithful that the Zionists ignobly murder, dozens, hundreds, or thousands will rise up from their rose-scented footprints and continue forward on the path of God until the final victory.
*Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations (xix)
**As that damnable antisemite Marx put it, money is the real god of the Jews: “What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.…. Money is the jealous god of Israel.”
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