Here is a very important commentary from a leading American-Muslim voice in the Axis of Resistance. It seems the US role in declaring and waging the Global War on Terror (based on a fraudulent interpretation of 9/11) is giving credence to the Clash of Civilizations proposed as the replacement for the Cold War by Jewish Zionist Orientalist, Bernard Lewis. More that two decades of the Israeli-directed, US-implemented GWOT has been creating the conditions of Islamic unity developing in the face of the Zio-American plunder and pillage now being exported into Lebanon from Gaza and the West Bank. Surely its time to move beyond all those British royal appointments installed to rule over so many Arab polities.

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I am sorry for the death of Hassan Nasrallah. I am sad also to think that there is no shortage of young people who will line up to die. I wouldn’t want any of my kids or grandkids to line up to die. Right now it’s looking good for Israel because they have the full support and financing of the U.S. government, but other than that they have no plan. They have no plan for Gaza. They have no plan to make peace with Lebanon. They have no plan for a future tech industry—who would buy their exploding products. Looming on the dark horizon like storm clouds are Jordan and Egypt; Iraq and maybe Syria. How much money is it going to take in the future to sustain flat broke Israel in guns and butter? There has to be a better solution than lining up to die. Isn’t that giving Israel what it wants? It also wants the water of the Litani. Let them wither like a plant without water. Eventually the money from the U.S. will dry up too… wither away.

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Unfortunately the Israelis have lots of plans for continuing and solidifying their occupation of the plunder from the Six Day War in 1967 and, it seems, by expanding into Lebanon as well.

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Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon

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I can't understand why all hezbollah leadership was located in same vicinity of buildings

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It's all adding up to the gharqad prophecy whence even "rocks and trees" will snitch on the zios, bar the finkelsteins who will be spared under the boxtree, all others will perish, pompeos southern batptist folk say that will be a returned Jesus' (pbuh) second task after slaying the antichrist (bibi?) at Lod. The 7m yids in israel are already culpable and the 7m outside are too now, having become complicit. And weinsteins hiding behind accents and anglo names like scooter libby in the US will not escape, 109 Ulysses Grants can't have been wrong.

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The assassination of Hadan Nasrallah was a murder too far for The ZioBeasts. The Cradle is reporting waves of rockets & drones striking the Israeli Enemy, inflicting substantial damage

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