Talking about the Zionists’ exuberance over killing Arabs, this has been going on for decades! Just this morning by chance, looking for something else, I came across a comedian’s jokes illustrating this. Henny Youngman joked about two young Israelis planning to kill Nasser: Nasser doesn’t show up and doesn’t show up until one Israeli says to the other, “gee I hope nothing happened to him” {hahaha} and then this one - forward to 5:30 to catch it. And this is presumably going out to a national American audience back in the 60s https://youtu.be/yUuRbO870nM?si=0QpSClXLAQKdup-1 with plenty more where this came from

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Killing innocent people is a sin. Approving of, or supporting such killing is a sin. Denying that it is occurring when it is before one's eyes is a lie, which is also a sin.

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Everybody knows that orchestrated mass murder, genocide and democide are all sins....except when God's cho$en people do it to the rest of us of course. The entire debauched angloZionaZi empire of shit, applauds and finances the permanent hollow co$t being carried out by "jews" in occupied Palestine against the Semitic people of Palestine and none applaud more than the tax cattle of Rancho Goyim, USSA. Surely the livestock in $lumville should know better but alas when you give the press, Teeee Veee and the entire business of money changing filthy lucre over to an international cabal of pornographers, banksters and cut-throat gangsters with small hats and big noses then the obvious result is what we are all wittnessing day in day out as a gaggle of psychopathic maniacs in that slaughterhouse are doing round the clock, week by week, month by month and howling in pain like the proverbial jew as he slits your childrens' throats and expecting sympathy for his evil actions. So how many more dead Palestinians before the whining jew$ and their hollow co$t credits are all USed up and the rest of us can finally grow a pair and take these thugs and welfare warfare demons out before they destroy the entire planet. Enough of this chosenite bullshit already.

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🤣🤣🤣 What is NOT funny is that Gonzaga College High School in Washington DC ( which i had attended) bragged on its weekly email that it had a “ Holohoax Survivor “ tell the” real” story of the ZioBeasts being Eternal Victims. (Conveniently omitting the gypsies, homosexuals, & the handicapped being killed also)

I regrettably don’t have the Headmaster’s email so my blast at the Jesuits’ peculiar “Christianity “ must wait until I get that address. I will also include a few news articles about the Zebrews spitting on real Christians in Occupied Palestine. These were sent to me by a. Arab Muslin .

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I look at the horrific photos and videos on Twitter and cringe. What are we to do?

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Whatever we can.

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On my blog, as a former-Catholic I feverishly deny most of the holohoax, bullshit told at Nuremburg,like the soap and lamp shades that were supposedly made from Jews. But it's only a part of this sick story, as the lies go on and on. It all really begins with these sloppy, unscrupulous Talmudic scholars...where the lie begins.

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