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Trump Shooting: Cock-up or Conspiracy?

Trump Shooting: Cock-up or Conspiracy?

Key question is: Cui bono?

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Cat McGuire and I broadcast yesterday’s False Flag Weekly News just a few hours before Donald Trump’s ear was apparently struck by a bullet during a rally in Pennsylvania. According to the official story, an apparent lone nut named Thomas Matthew Crooks took several shots at Trump, piercing his ear with one of them and killing one person and wounding another, before being shot dead by the Secret Service.

According to a BBC interview, a man with a rifle spent several minutes crawling across a roof, in plain view of witnesses who kept screaming at the Secret Service and pointing out the shooter. Elon Musk, among others, is demanding the resignation of the head of that Secret Service detail.

Coincidentally, our FFWN broadcast had just cast the US presidential elections as a bad horror movie, described the Biden regime as a zombie presidency, and speculated about how long it would be before the zombie-in-chief (or his candidacy) keels over dead. Also coincidentally, we had noted that Israel and its assets are pulling out all the stops to put Trump back in power, preferably with a big mandate, so he can greenlight “finishing the job” of the Palestinian genocide.

Those are the bare-bones facts. Now let’s consider the historical context. While there may arguably have been a few cases where angry, politicized lone nuts have taken potshots at presidents or candidates, the vast majority of such shootings have been professional operations involving one faction or another of the Deep State. The Kennedys, for example, were removed from power by the state of Israel and an allied hardline faction in the US security community. As for unsuccessful attempts, when John Hinckley Jr. shot President Reagan, he did so on behalf of the Bush crime family, as members of the Reagan Administration knew at the time according to insider witness Barbara Honegger.

If the Trump shooting was, like most such events, a Deep State operation of one kind or another, let’s flesh out the implications. First, could it have been a genuine attempt to kill Trump? That seems highly unlikely. If Deep State professionals decide to kill Trump, they would use a plan with a high probability of success, like poison, a plane crash, or a “bulletproof” shooting plot like those that killed the Kennedys. (Dealy Plaza was awash in crossfire from top-level marksmen, while RFK was killed from pointblank range by a handgun pressed against the back of his skull. In neither case was there any realistic chance that the gunmen would miss.)

Having someone shoot at Trump and miss would be a surefire way to enhance Trump’s chances of winning, while providing “life insurance” by riling up Trump supporters to the point that another attempt on Trump’s life might unleash social unrest. That’s why anti-Trump pros wouldn’t take the chance.

So…cui bono? Obviously the way the shooting played out benefits Trump enormously. So if the spectacle was arranged by pros, they must have been pro-Trump pros.

Keep an eye on any Secret Service guys who resign. Will they enjoy a lifestyle way above what one would expect on a government pension? Or will they disappear and live lavish lifestyles under new identities, with none of us the wiser?

Gordon Duff, a Marine Corps trained marksman, master gunsmith and retired CIA “troubleshooter,” posted the following:

Cue Bono – Who Benefits


Metal detectors at all Trump rallys

The rest is all a Hollywood fake just like 9/11 and all those Syrian gas attacks and several of the school attacks but we won’t say which ones for obvious reasons, ask Alex Jones

We expected this, a Mossad false flag to save Trump from being beaten by Kamala who is polling ahead of him.

Sad that we had to see this kind of cheap theatre…no it can’t be anything else

What we saw:

Fireworks followed by a preplanned face gesture then ducking to the ground where his face was cut.

The rest of it, patsys as usual. Watch it play out, it will be totally predictable.

So most likely this was a false flag by Israel and its assets in the US security and organized crime communities. The only other realistic possibility is that the Secret Service just happened to royally screw up and allow some amateur to take potshots and pierce Trump’s ear (will he start wearing a bullet earring?)

There is absolutely no way this could have been a professional assassination attempt by an anti-Trump Deep State faction. If and when one of those happens, it won’t just leave Orangeman with an ear piercing.

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