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Kevin MacDonald on “Extreme Hyper-Ethnocentrism of Jews on Display in Israeli Attitudes Toward the Gaza War”

Kevin MacDonald on “Extreme Hyper-Ethnocentrism of Jews on Display in Israeli Attitudes Toward the Gaza War”


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Cat McGuire will discuss Kevin MacDonald’s article and related topics on tomorrow’s False Flag Weekly News

Evolutionary psychology scholar Kevin MacDonald discussers his new article “The Extreme Hyper-Ethnocentrism of Jews on Display in Israeli Attitudes Toward the Gaza War.” In it, he writes: “At least until the Gaza war, Jews have successfully depicted themselves as moral paragons and as champions of the downtrodden in the contemporary West…This Jewish pose of moral superiority is a dangerous delusion, and we must be realistic what the future holds as Whites continue to lose political power in all Western countries. When the gloves come off, there is no limit to what Jews in power may do if their present power throughout the West continues to increase. The ubiquitous multicultural propaganda of ethnic groups living in harmony throughout the West will quickly be transformed into a war of revenge for putative historical grievances that Jews harbor against the West, from the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans to the events of World War II. This same revenge was fatal to many millions of Russians and Ukrainians. It’s the fate of the Palestinians that we are seeing unfold before our eyes.”

Kevin MacDonald is a retired professor of psychology at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB), best known for his controversial application of evolutionary psychology to characterize Jewish behavior as a “group evolutionary strategy.” He is the editor of the Occidental Observer.


Kevin Barrett: So let's talk about your new article on “The Extreme Hyper-Ethnocentrism of Jews on Display in Israeli Attitudes Toward the Gaza War.” One striking thing about your article is the serious warning that the fate of Gaza could be the fate of other countries and of the West. A lot of people, of course, would think that's exaggerated. I'm not so sure. So maybe you can elaborate on that.

Kevin MacDonald: Well, every time Jews have had absolute power, as they did in the Soviet Union for years, they have exercised it brutally against their enemies. And I'm concerned that we'll see that again. And you see it if you look at the Old Testament, the injunctions and desires for genocide of these people who are their enemies. And all the Jewish religious writing saying basically that Gentiles are another species, they're below us, they're basically animals, and that sort of thing.

And then you see that rhetoric regarding the Palestinians. And you will see that regarding Europeans, because if and when we lose power—we haven't lost power yet, obviously—but I'm concerned about the future because clearly the Jewish establishment is desiring more and more immigration. So it'll be a non-European country. All the Western European countries, United States, Canada, Australia, they will all be minority white countries. At some point, white people may not have enough power, political power, to really resist what is going on. And I just fear that Jewish ethics is entirely self-centered. It's sort of the interest of the group, nothing more, and completely the opposite of Western ethics, which is universalist: categorical imperatives, basically do what anybody else could do in that situation, you'd be okay with it. So it's like that sort of Western universalism, which is unique in the world, really. Other cultures tend to be very ethnocentric, and they privilege their own group. But the West has this long liberal tradition, really stemming from the Enlightenment, but in a way going back earlier than that. And I trace it back to evolutionary roots in my book on Western individualism. There's this sense that we should be universalists. It's the moral thing to do, that we should basically take care of other people and see their point of view and all that.

Jewish ethics is completely foreign. You know, it's like, you don't care about what they think. And the more Orthodox you get (the more ethnocentric.) And the Orthodox have taken over Israel.

Today I got this email from Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the ADL, and he's been in Israel. He come back with this message and basically he says, “You know, what happened on October 7th was anti-Semitism.” And you always see this by the Jewish apologists, that there is no context to what happened on October 7th. There's nothing about the blockade that's been ongoing, nothing about all the oppressive policies that Israel's engaged in over the years. And what Israel's doing is absolutely destroying Gaza. It'll never really come back for years and years, if ever.

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