Why is that? He seems like a decent guy. I disagree with his Darwinian materialism, of course, but if I hated everybody whose worldview I rejected I wouldn't have enough hate left for more deserving targets ; - )
I enjoyed this interview with Kevin MacDonald. I have always wanted to hear him speak.
However, I do not completely agree with his views on Black populations. As Thomas Sowell has pointed out over the years, there has never been any actual proof of Black populations having lower IQs than Whites. Based on his own research, the differences in IQ levels has been a result of the environments that Blacks have found themselves in.
Sowell,, who studied the results of Black children on US Army bases in Germany after WWII, found that with both White and Black children attending the same schools with both receiving the same levels of education, both sets of children did equally well.
My own research on the matter has also come up with a very surprising nugget of information that corroborates Sowell's own positions on the matter. Since the 1970s, Black mathematicians have acquired more awards for their research than any other sub-group in that specialty.
Unless someone is born with some mental disorder, it will be very hard to convince me that any population would have substantially different levels of IQ from any other.
Black populations may in fact require different environmental structures from other populations but that doesn't make them stupid.
How many impoverished Whites in US history have been found to have superior IQs to their counterparts in the Black populations? I doubt there would be any substantial differences.
Finally, IQ is not a measure of intelligence but of knowledge. It is the standard aptitude exams that actually measure intelligence. If one is not trained in the foundations of knowledge the result will be poor results on an IQ exam...
I think Kevin MacDonald and others of that school tend to exaggerate both the importance of IQ, and its biological (as opposed to cultural) basis. But their arguments are not entirely bogus. IQ does have some importance and predictive ability, it is partly inherited, and averages vary somewhat from group to group. So I guess I'm a "moderate" on this particular issue.
In terms of the single mom problem with the welfare moms, my personal experience is that a man in the house makes a huge difference. Not in my case with the African American culture. but regular white and a working mom. My daughter divorced her drug addict husband and my granddaughter was clearly slipping through the proverbial cracks to the worst of California. But then my daughter’s strong new husband turned that completely around in a matter of six months—no more failing grades, participation in school plays, choral groups, better friends. It was like a miracle when my daughter got remarried to a strong, positive man. Working, single moms come home exhausted, homework doesn’t get done, the school doesn’t help… no amount of persuasion works. This is where culture might help some, but when the culture is in shambles, the struggling single moms are powerless to save their children.
I agree completely. I think many of the followers of Kevin MacDonald are misguided in worrying too much about race, and not enough about the destruction of religiously-based values.
I would have to completely agree with you on this.
The "working mom" syndrome started in the late 1970s with advent of more women entering the work force on a regular basis. This eventually led to the "working couple" syndrome, which corporations and government took advantage of through their egregious policies.
Break a couple apart and the woman will usually have the worst of it given that she will not usually get the equivalent paying jobs that a man would. And this is still a problem today. As a result, even if a woman is capable of making a good salary she still has to obtain child-care, which in US society can completely drain a person's income given the skyrocketing housing costs along with everything else.
Men, on the other hand, as they tend to make more income have a somewhat less strenuous burden when it comes to expenses such as child-care...
What will the Zebrews do when they are living in a non-European country?
Most of the letters to the editor printed in the Washington Post come from ZioNazis who support genocide in Occupied Palestine. The one June 1 complained that Lily Greenberg, the Jewess who resigned from Interior over Biden policy towards Zioland, did not have a policy position, did not work in a foreign affairs agency, & had no international background
You only need some morality to protest mass murder
when selfishness and a delusion of exceptionalism prevails ..we need a mopp up operation...the western-zionist axis wiil endplay itself into ww3..and then after the levelling fields..an absolute justice and truth wiil emerge
I hate Kevin McMacDonald and have always hated him.
Why is that? He seems like a decent guy. I disagree with his Darwinian materialism, of course, but if I hated everybody whose worldview I rejected I wouldn't have enough hate left for more deserving targets ; - )
I enjoyed this interview with Kevin MacDonald. I have always wanted to hear him speak.
However, I do not completely agree with his views on Black populations. As Thomas Sowell has pointed out over the years, there has never been any actual proof of Black populations having lower IQs than Whites. Based on his own research, the differences in IQ levels has been a result of the environments that Blacks have found themselves in.
Sowell,, who studied the results of Black children on US Army bases in Germany after WWII, found that with both White and Black children attending the same schools with both receiving the same levels of education, both sets of children did equally well.
My own research on the matter has also come up with a very surprising nugget of information that corroborates Sowell's own positions on the matter. Since the 1970s, Black mathematicians have acquired more awards for their research than any other sub-group in that specialty.
Unless someone is born with some mental disorder, it will be very hard to convince me that any population would have substantially different levels of IQ from any other.
Black populations may in fact require different environmental structures from other populations but that doesn't make them stupid.
How many impoverished Whites in US history have been found to have superior IQs to their counterparts in the Black populations? I doubt there would be any substantial differences.
Finally, IQ is not a measure of intelligence but of knowledge. It is the standard aptitude exams that actually measure intelligence. If one is not trained in the foundations of knowledge the result will be poor results on an IQ exam...
I think Kevin MacDonald and others of that school tend to exaggerate both the importance of IQ, and its biological (as opposed to cultural) basis. But their arguments are not entirely bogus. IQ does have some importance and predictive ability, it is partly inherited, and averages vary somewhat from group to group. So I guess I'm a "moderate" on this particular issue.
Caveat: IQ tests only look at convergent thinking, which is less important than divergent thinking. https://asana.com/resources/convergent-vs-divergent
In terms of the single mom problem with the welfare moms, my personal experience is that a man in the house makes a huge difference. Not in my case with the African American culture. but regular white and a working mom. My daughter divorced her drug addict husband and my granddaughter was clearly slipping through the proverbial cracks to the worst of California. But then my daughter’s strong new husband turned that completely around in a matter of six months—no more failing grades, participation in school plays, choral groups, better friends. It was like a miracle when my daughter got remarried to a strong, positive man. Working, single moms come home exhausted, homework doesn’t get done, the school doesn’t help… no amount of persuasion works. This is where culture might help some, but when the culture is in shambles, the struggling single moms are powerless to save their children.
I agree completely. I think many of the followers of Kevin MacDonald are misguided in worrying too much about race, and not enough about the destruction of religiously-based values.
I would have to completely agree with you on this.
The "working mom" syndrome started in the late 1970s with advent of more women entering the work force on a regular basis. This eventually led to the "working couple" syndrome, which corporations and government took advantage of through their egregious policies.
Break a couple apart and the woman will usually have the worst of it given that she will not usually get the equivalent paying jobs that a man would. And this is still a problem today. As a result, even if a woman is capable of making a good salary she still has to obtain child-care, which in US society can completely drain a person's income given the skyrocketing housing costs along with everything else.
Men, on the other hand, as they tend to make more income have a somewhat less strenuous burden when it comes to expenses such as child-care...
What will the Zebrews do when they are living in a non-European country?
Most of the letters to the editor printed in the Washington Post come from ZioNazis who support genocide in Occupied Palestine. The one June 1 complained that Lily Greenberg, the Jewess who resigned from Interior over Biden policy towards Zioland, did not have a policy position, did not work in a foreign affairs agency, & had no international background
You only need some morality to protest mass murder
when selfishness and a delusion of exceptionalism prevails ..we need a mopp up operation...the western-zionist axis wiil endplay itself into ww3..and then after the levelling fields..an absolute justice and truth wiil emerge