It amazes me that Ron Unz can't imagine Rumsfeld and Cheney being anything other than conservative Republicans incapable of controlling events of 9/11. Rumsfeld sold chemcal weapons to Saddam and told the world about the missing two trillion dollars the Pentagon misplaced the day before and Cheney was in the White House bunker yelling at aides reporting about the status of the plane approaching the Pentagon. Both of them signed the PNAC Rebuilding America's Defenses position paper, that should have given him some clue. But I've got to admit, I cannot for the life of me imagine Dick Cheney as a union electrician from Wyoming, which he was, so maybe Ron's not that naive.

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Where can I hear it now?

(Not seeing any links to the recording...)

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I post the archive for subscribers over the weekend. The first hour is posted: https://kevinbarrett.substack.com/p/john-carter-on-commodified-intelligence#details Second hour will be up soon.

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