My live radio show this evening features some of the widest-ranging interfaith dialogues you’ll ever hear. Truth Jihadi Muslims, a traditional Catholic, a Buddhist Nazi UFOlogist, and even an anti-Satanist…it isn’t exactly the World Congress of Religions, but it will have to do for tonight.
Tomorrow’s False Flag Weekly News is headlined “BREAKING! World War III Hasn’t QUITE Happened Yet.” Let’s hope that’s still true at broadcast time. Watch live or archived at https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.is/category/ffwn/ . And please help our lagging Fundrazr so I won’t have to switch to cat videos.
And finally, a couple of questions: Do we still value freedom of speech and freedom of religion? Is it okay to question big pharma’s “vaccine science” in the khutba (sermon) before the Friday Muslim congregational prayer? Are we still allowed to worship God instead of the Unholy Vax?
YouTube may very well answer “no.” So watch the video below, recorded this afternoon, before they take it down.