Gargantuan courage on Kevin's part.......

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Totally agree because you know damn well they will take everythng out of context to lambaste and besmirch him. The only person who is exposing the truth and . . . at great risk. I completely agree with and feel his anger and NOT being afraid like everyone else.

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"IT'S THE JEWS, STUPID!!!" shudder.

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Kevin, thank you for your service! Few people are willing to name the Jew regarding the genocide on palestine. All my life Israel has been known as a Jewish country until Oct 7th. Now it is just populated by some tribe called Zionists. The Zionists are free to reference Judaism in justifying the slaughter of women and children by labeling Palestinians Amaleks.

However it is anti semetic for us to notice Jews are doing it.

Anti Semitism is a strange charge since few if any Semites are Jewish. The vast majority are Arab. So the real anti Semitism is Jews from Europe killing Arabs but stating that is anti Semitic.

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Great article! Thank you.

It would appear as if an anti-semite today is anyone sick and tired of Zionists playing God.

The accusation of anti-semitism is invalidated, and the accused exonerated, by the fact that no one has to take seriously the ravings of a people crazy enough to not only Play God, but to believe they are God, and use that belief to justify everything from global tyranny to wholesale slaughter.

If they have no shame about the fact that they are playing God, commiting genocide, and tyrannizing those who want them to stop, why should anyone care when such people call them an "anti-semite"?

Especially when that ugly smear is being used to silence you so they can keep killing people.

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Why bother being called an antisemite? (Not saying that you do.) It’s like being called a “tin foil hat wearing, conspiracy theorist nut job”. Who cares? There are plenty of great reasons to accept that conspiracies exist. There are plenty of great reasons to accept that the synagogue of satan exists.

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The Israeli fans instigated the violence after arriving in the city and attacking Palestinian supporters before the match, an Amsterdam city council member said


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Has Substack done anything about Stripe defunding you, Kevin? I notice the 'upgrade to paid' button is still up. Have they refunded subs so they can get money to you another way? Just wondering if there's any progress or if Substack has washed its hands.

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I understand Stripe is conducting a review. I will be discussing this, among other things, with Mees Baijen on my radio show tonight. He had the same problem and it took several months and 50 email exchanges to resolve it.

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Oh good! Mees and I have exchanged pdfs of our books and found them to have many similarities, as I have also with Fadi Lama who had his son deliver my book to him!

In the meantime, would you post your paypal link again?

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Didn't know you had a radio show. How do I find it?

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But it has always been that: Max Blumenthal can say what he thinks because he is Jewish and enjoys Jewish privilege. But I am prevented by terms of service agreements from doing the same. Hate speech now means “speech the Jews hate,” and support for illegal violence or terrorism means “supporting the non-Jewish side in any fight between Jews and non-Jews.”


Look, reality is Wisconsin and other necks of your woods. These deplorables Hillary got right, but failed to bring in her fucking rich fucks as part of the deplorable cadre.

America is dirty and mean and most people who voted for this cunt Trump hate you, hate me, hate blacks and hate women and hate black women, and forget about Arabs or Persians or Chinese. THis cunt country has always been that, Kevin. DO NOT FOOL yourself.

Now, Max and Aaon Mate and Katie Halper and Ilan Pappe and on and on -- the elephant in the room are the Jewish State of Murdering Raping Maiming Poisoning Starving Palestine. Israel is a Jewish state, and Judaism is a coat of many colors but still, bat and bar mitzvah is the gateway drug, man, into chosenness and elite status and, well, Max and Aaron and others sure talk to other Jews, now don't you know.

So AmeriKKKa should go the way of the dodo? Jews?

But it has always been that: Max Blumenthal can say what he thinks because he is Jewish and enjoys Jewish privilege. But I am prevented by terms of service agreements from doing the same. Hate speech now means “speech the Jews hate,” and support for illegal violence or terrorism means “supporting the non-Jewish side in any fight between Jews and non-Jews.”



Fuck these EuroTrashLandians and Klanadians and InBred UnUnited Queendomers.

Here, more news on the Cunt USA and Trump:


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Thank you. I appreciate knowing where Morocco stands, given its strong ties to Israel. Yes, Zionist-hating Jews need to fear what Israel is doing. We need to protect and support them.

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Your missile reached ground zero ...

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End times? Fuck.

COme to AmeriKKA, return to your fucking KKK origins.

Congratulate the fucking handmaid tales and Brave New World soldiers of the Judaic Christian Soldiers with Big Mac's holstered up.

This is what the fucking Obama(s)-Oprah-Clinton(s)-Biden(s)-Nuland-Blinken-Wailing Wall White House Democrats have given us.

Burn, censor, pre-criminalize, ban, ghost, eliminate, destroy!

Bye bye Zinn and Galeano and W.E.B. DuBois and Baldwin and, well, give us that million hit list on their hit list. Fill in the blank with your favorite books__________________________ to be BURNED.

And the fucking queer Yankee and Expat thinkers think it's bad bad Trump, dudes. The AmeriKKKan wasteland has over a hundred -plus million mother fucking monsters cooking up schemes and/or following marching orders.


The memo supports eliminating the federal education department in favor of moving to block grants.

Walters outlines five areas where he sees this as beneficial for Oklahoma schools: Parental rights, ending social indoctrination in classrooms, protecting patriotism in curriculum, stopping illegal immigration’s impact on schools and blocking foreign influence.

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Does that include learning how to use explosives?

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I fucking know how to use explosive, detail big bangs with Molotovs, and alas, fuck these fucking cunts. Nah, K12 Mormons want caffeine free lives.

Cunts Harris and Triple Cunt Trump, man oh man, we are feces.


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Sorry I meant to say expletives not explosives.

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Sorry I meant to say explosives.

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they have exposed themselves many times. their exposing themselves soon after their creation of zionism in the 1890's did create hitler if they hadnt created him deliberately in order to make themselves into victims.

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Maybe humanity really is in the so-called “end times” of “last days”. I’m skeptical — curious and inquisitive — while leaning toward dubious. I think that the global political-financial-ecclesiastical system is pathocratic AND that the (psychotic, psychopathic, Machiavellian, antisocial, malignant, sadistic) Zionists have a lot of power in this pathocracy. Unfortunately, the pathocracy is going to be humanity’s system of government for awhile.

Pathocracy: https://www.systemsthinker.com/interests/systemsthinking/humansystems/pathocracy.shtml

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Interesting. I downloaded it.

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It’s somewhat dense reading.

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yet the jews have created alot of others like christian zionists and allsorts of secret socieites.... so they are well entrenched in society... so if they are removed the others will go on with same or similar agenda...

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Divine justice? Human justice man, human. Gods have been created agains the humans for the inhuman.

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If you're working for justice, bravo, whatever you think about its metaphysical origins. As for me, I'm convinced that "the actual (not imaginary) existence of mathematics, morality, logic and rationality, and truth [and justice] implies a cosmic mind or world soul as a 'place' in which these non-material realities could exist." https://www.unz.com/article/god-exists-the-rest-is-speculation/ Throw in the 26+ fundamental constants and its obvious the multiverse has a Creator.

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Here is what I see:

1st layer: Jews being attacked, antisemitism > Holocaust ("Jews come first place and matter more than the rest") world view

2nd layer: Genocidal Zionists getting beaten > "Jews won't come first" world view

3rd layer: civilizational clash, set up on purpose, expandable pawns/cannon fodders > World view seeing above ideologies and using the "psychopathology" classification


As well:

When Russia is banned from the competition, Israel can go. Next time they will send them to Marseilles, and it will ignite the civ clash in France.

Last time (see https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89meutes_cons%C3%A9cutives_%C3%A0_la_mort_de_Nahel_Merzouk) , an apprentice drug dealer got killed by a cop, when trying to flee an arrest. Riots ensured and it has been reported that local gangs were using weapons intended for Ukraine (!). France is borderline and I hope it does not ignite.

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