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The foundation of the original Temple in Jerusalem is presently under the al-Aqsa Mosque, which is why the Israelis and their assets plan to bring it down somehow. I have heard from a reliable source that they already have tunnels dug underneath it in preparation for doing so. The “Wailing Wall” is actually part of the Roman fortress Antonia, but that great deceit is kept a secret from almost everyone.

There was an attempt to rebuild the temple in the mid-300s A.D. during the Emperor Julian the Apostate’s reign (he hated Christianity and wanted to disprove Jesus’s prediction that it would be destroyed and never rebuilt). Miraculous occurrences, like fireballs coming from the earth killing many, repeated earthquakes, and other very unusual events prevented the project from going forward. This was reported by Roman, Jewish, and Christian writers, and can be found in Giuseppe Ricciotti’s Julian the Apostate and in E Michael Jones’s “Julian the Apostate and the Temple of Doom,” a chapter in his acclaimed book, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History, https://archive.org/details/julian-the-apostate-and-the-doomed-temple

The original 4th C. sources can be read at https://fisheaters.com/juliantemple.html

or video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=JO-l27d39d4&t=2s

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