On the issue of why conservatives can't seem to figure out how and why Jewish power so thoroughly controls our country at this point, there are many known reasons and unfortunately, far more unknown reasons.

Three little-known examples of negative Jewish influence on America that impacts us to this day are:

1. The Scofield Bible psyop from the early 1900s that has thoroughly insinuated itself into enormous numbers of Christians who now as Zionist-leaning Christians criminally support the Genocidal State of Israel.

2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt's administration was highly permeated with Jews who determined much of our foreign policy -- everything from getting isolationist Americans into WWII, to aligning us with Communist/Jewish controlled USSR, to commandeering the Nuremberg show trials.

3. The Jewish infiltration, cooptation, and neutralizing of the John Birch Society in the late 50's/early 60s, one of the few organizations who openly opposed many Jewish-controlled agendas that have proved detrimental to the long-term well-being of America.

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I don't disagree w/ any of your 3 points, but they're historical, not w/n the memory of most Trumpsters. It's 9/11 as a Muslim attack that keeps the conservatives in line w/ White Zionism. None of our politicians have ever repudiated that narrative. Trump came close early on before he was a candidate, but dropped it in order to secure sufficient Jewish approval for his candidacy.

Not enough conservatives know about the 5 Dancing Israelis triumphalism or the Venice Flying Circus surveillance themes that seem to me the strongest arguments for Jewish/Israeli involvement. Those unknown episodes and Lucky Larry Silverstein's fortuitous escape and huge windfall profits should be enough to paint a more realistic picture of a false flag operation.

The overriding problem to even broaching a reasonable case to Trumpsters has been well expressed in the interview: defensive emotions will shut you down as soon as you are perceived to be defending Muslims and/or criticizing Jews. I've tried. I don't know how to do it.

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Excellent interview! By integrating the elephant in the room into his analysis, Wyatt Peterson scores multiple bullseyes. Bravo! Kevin, keep Wyatt coming back!

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On the issue of Anglo-US empire controlling most of the world for the last century or so and only now Jews are taking the reins, well, actually, all throughout Western history elite Jews have been in positions of great influence if not power, albeit behind the scenes.

A prime example is the Opium Wars in which Britain is deemed the controlling hegemon over the Chinese people. Few are aware that Britain was just the front-facing puppet. The real power in China was the Sassoon clan -- Iraqi Jews who controlled the opium trade which perforce gave them control over the war operations. The Sassoons were of course backed up by the Rothschild clan who by this time thoroughly controlled the British empire from the City of London.

An excellent source of hidden history detailing Jewish covert control is Larry Romanoff's unique, literal attempt at a financial accounting of events in history as documentation of omnipresent, secretive Jewish power throughout the ages.

The Richest Man in the World


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If you watch streaming services, you'll note an increasing number of war movies about the evil Nazis and the glorious Jews. As well as heroic Americans who fought for "freedom". So, yeah, they are prepping the pig stupid and badly educated citizenry for more war.

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I had a great aha moment re voting for Biden. Great way to throw a monkey wrench in the controllers’ machinations.

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I agree with JP Spatzier, but what do I know. I listen to Judge Napolitano, which is an excellent source for getting more sophisticated views on the war in Gaza as well as the Ukraine war. Judge has on real experts on foreign policy and they all seem to think the war in Ukraine is over. In terms of Israel, the military guys say that the Israel IDF has been beat by Hamas, which lives in the tunnels and is relatively untouched. Israel has lost ground. There are whole sections of Israel displaced in the north and in the south. The American public, as I see it, favors Israel. I haven’t been able to find any commentator who can completely explain that to me. The United States is in a state verging on chaos because of the handling of the covid vax, the insanity of the Biden administration, etc. People fear the communists on campus, fear the communists that once were the soviet union that’s what I hear “on the street,” but then I’m not very connected.

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In my current experience, it’s the leftists in my life who are for war in Ukraine & Israel,

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Sorry but Trumpers aren’t that stupid .. most I know want peace .. everyone tired of war but Washington

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They went 1st with the jabs .. that’s how I knew NEVER EVER take one .. they gave all the Israeli’s COVID & they started dropping like flies ..

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Netty offered up his people as guinea pigs to the new world order

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. It was Faucci & Bill Gates behind the pandemic….

I would agree Pence & scarf lady spent years in the deep state approving GOF. Faucci’ baby BUT Covid was a dud .. the response killed everyone 😑

It’s about the vaccine .. not COVID. Have you not realized it was the deadly hospital protocols that killed murdered all those Covid patients.

We have MORE people dropping dead from the genetic experiments they unleashed on the world .. in the name of National Security & AI Medicine..

You need to do some other research ..

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