General Flynn Exposes Iranian Threat Against President Trump

in The StoneZONE with Roger Stone



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Both are faux patriots & mobbed-up scumbag traitors owned by ZOG.

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Debunking “Ancient Israel”


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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

The largest synagogue in the world is in Dnepro, Chabadistan, Ukraine!! Chabad rebbe meerschaum is the driver behind all this messianic nonsense, satanyahu's psychiatrist committed suicide upon becoming privy to bibis (chabadic) thoughts on the couch, fired by the Brooklyn rebbe and failed wannabe mashiach who never set foot in israel and is reputed to have told satanyahu that he bibi would one day hand over rule to an eagerly awaited jewish messiah (mashiach) among the pally spitting pigtailed, in Jerusalem. And we are now seeing a deluded devil, bibi, desperately clinging on to schneersons "prophecy" with catastrophic consequences.

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The ones who sent a turned off nuclear tip missile into the Pentagon as a checkmate move on 9/11/01 are THE ones to be worried about and dealt with if we are to survive .

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Noticed Richard mentioned he had a substack as well. Anyone have his site link? Searching by his name didn't see any promising results.

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