I'm not even going to comment on Trump and his motivations. It's beyond fucking ridiculous.
Does anyone else within this readership follow Laith Marouf's work at FreePalestineTV? He does exceptional on-the-ground reporting from the Levant.
That is to say, he does an exceptional job of re-humanizing the actual people in the actual place, something sorely needed here in "The West", where so many are possessed of a casually indifferent perspective on events there due to the all-encompassing propaganda terrarium in which we live.
See this recent report:
Demolitions, Destruction and Defiance: Al-Khiyam Liberated by Sacrifice and Conviction.
Where do you come up with 'Trump was elected as a peacemaker ... To end proxy war in Ukraine and genocide in Palestine '? Which mainstream poll are you sweating over?
Ninety million Yanquis did not vote in the Rapists in Chief game.
You are sheltered in Morocco. Americans of all stripes hate Russians and blacks and Arabs and Palestinians.
I am on the ground, friend, working in this shit hile. Journalist teacher and social worker. Americans love pigs/cops and uniforms and rapists and circuses and the Jerry Springer nature of our Hitler in Chief.
Anything else spoken about the fucking pedeophile and Rapist in Chief Trump's Minyan and Stephen Miller hate campaign and Kushner Mafia should be curses upon him and families backing him and all the deluded folk that see this cocksucking narcissist as anything but a criminal.
I believe, by your words, that we are in agreement over the atrocities being committed by Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians…for over 78 years now. However, I do not agree with your assessment of Trump being a pedophile rapist. I’m not happy about his plans for Palestinians…not one bit…but let’s not go off the rails because of your hatred of him to claim he’s a pedophile and rapist. He is not. You do disservice to your credibility, when you do that.
The Western (a myth) conquerors and their United Nations Dictatorship they call Organisation had set up a permanent military base of criminals, terrorists, gangsters and genocidal racists to steal Palestinian, Arab-speaking of all biological types, and Muslim lands, squat on them, terrorise their populations, humiliate, torture, rape and murder the inhabitants they were allowed to put in Concentration and Death Camps, using the fabricated myth that those lands were given to them by their Satanyahu God and Gods thousands of years ago when they were only minuscule tribes with no military might, no sovereign country, and of inconsequent importance, but with big mouths about their Babylonian mythologies and magic, their majestic grandeur, ownership of the world and all its wealth with the entire world inhabitants as slaves (a much later coined term) under their eternal rule and sovereignty. All the evidence they have is their Hava Nagila dance, their Kol Nidré, and their Protocols of the Einstein and Freud Charlatanry of Zion!
Sure, you can put it that way, but we all know the Muslim hordes that invaded Europe and Africa were just as brutal. If you want to do the "my righteous history is better than yours" game, better come with more than half your brain, cuz the brutality goes way, way back, ol' chap, and no one is innocent.
Looks like you know NOTHING about History. Obviously, you're not aware that ALL of Europe, at one time, as well as some other countries, were Arab-speaking Muslims. The lands, at that time, was called Tartaria. Take a look at Europe today. Does it look to you to be even 40% Arab-speaking Muslims? That being the case...it's clear it wasn't Arab-speaking Muslims that slashed there way through Europe and Africa. They already HAD Europe and Africa...but now no longer do. Clearly, other factions (Christians, Zionists) slashed their way through Europe and Africa to divide the Muslims so they no longer had strength in numbers to be the power they once were.
And "no" I'm not a Muslim, nor am I a Christian. I have no religion, other than GOD. Since GOD has no religion...I think I've made a very wise choice:)
Zionists who have illegitimately occupied Palestine since May 1948 and claim to be descendants of Old Testament Israel are frauds. There is DNA proof and unanimous claims that approximately 90% of modern day Jews are of Ashkenazi descent, and the remainder are a mixed bag of nationalities.
Zionists use this bogus claim to influence the support of gullible pseudo Christians, which has led to a cult following that calls themselves "Christian Zionists" who condone the murder of Palestinians in order for the illegitimate Ashkenazi Jewish occupiers to achieve their Eratz Yisrael (Greater Israel) endeavour.
In a study done at Johns Hopkins University on the genetics of modern day Jews, it revealed that their DNA does not match those of the Old Testament ancient Hebrews. This study was undertaken by Eran Elhaik, a post-doctoral researcher at the university, where he found that Ashkenazi Jews, a number exceeding 90% of them, have roots in the Caucasus region rather than the Middle East and the ancient land of Judea and Samaria, challenging the widely accepted Rhineland hypothesis.
Thanks for those details. We need to publicly prove that these psychotic modern Jews have no genetic connection to the ancient Hebrews of the Bible. Besides, to quote the Young Turks, "Where's your deed, Jew!"
This is clearly stolen land, and the Israelis will never live in peace. But peace is not what they want, so they will get war, after war, after war until every Israeli is removed or killed.
Jews deliberately invoke hatred against themselves by using anti-Semitism as a tool to engender hostile attitudes from non-Jews and use this as a pretext to retaliate with harsher measures and apply the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth principle. When you show the Jew goodwill, he cannot retaliate in hostility towards you because he needs to be under the tension of your animosity towards him so he can exchange hatred against you. These people are deeply and mentally disturbed and possessed with evil (demons). This is what controls the US government today, unfortunately, and the likes of Trump.
The anti-Semitic spin Zionist Jews use is a load of baloney. They are Ashkenazis of European descent and most certainly not Semitic. The people of the Middle East and North Africa, including the Palestinians, are Semitic. These Ashkenazis use the Semitic race card to gain an advantage to fulfil their objective for world dominance suggested in the Talmud and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
There is very little evidence of descendants of Old Testament Israel in Arab countries, including elsewhere, today. There may be very minute traces to verify Israelite-Jewish descent, but it's negligible. When Israel was dispersed throughout the regions of what is today the Middle East, Europe, and Far East as a result of their continuous disobedience towards God and their idolatry, it led them into captivity to the Gentile nations of
• the Assyrian Empire in c. 722 BC,
• the Babylonian Empire in c. 586 BC,
• the Romans and the Jews expulsion by them after the death of Christ, the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD, and the Bar Kochba Revolt in c. 135 AD,
• the Arab Rashidun Caliphate in c. 633 AD.
Through c. 2500 years of subjection, assimilation, and intermarriage with the Gentile nations, there can be very little a modern day Jew can claim of direct heritage to Old Testament Israel.
Jesus Christ revealed to the Jews during His advent that we are not to apply the hateful principle of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but we are to love our enemies (Matthew 5:38-39). Jesus took His remedy for peace even further by teaching not to resist an evil person and, when you are slapped across the face, to turn the other cheek.
"Christian Zionists" need to read and apply Matthew 5:38-39 to their lives and hopefully wake up to the deception they are under. Christ never advocated hatred, let alone death. The dispensational theology of C.I. Scofield has duped a large group of so-called Christians, pseudo Christians, who unfortunately do not have the Spirit of Christ.
as We shift violently toward the potential desired conclusion of "world events" it is important that We truly examine the drives
a lot of "christians"and indeed "muslims" are going to be in for a shock when they discover they have both been duped into providing mutual destruction of each other in order that the "jew" might inherit the "earth" by use of its demon worship con
"yahweh" and "shekinah" are no gods, they are an androgynous demonic entity with an entourage of inbred, soulless, deviant psychopaths in tow
3rd temple is a portal, it is designed to allow thing/s down here that should not be here and those thing/s are "not nice"
In order to truly understand why the "jew" will deem inheritance of a scorched "earth" as a true victory/compromise We need to truly understand the "soul" level origin of the "jew" and frankly this seems so far out of peoples comprehension and the hour is so very late that I do not see a happy conclusion
When the "jew" proclaims they want a world of their own they mean Our world, literally and All versions routes and methods of de-population of the indigenous Soul form (I mean us) stem from "jew" infiltration of societal, political, religious and "secret society" methodology
The root "mission" at the core of freemasonry, that being "the great work of ages" aligns precisely with the intention of the "jew" to bring about "olam ha ba" aka "the world to come", a world devoid of "gentiles" excepting a few slave shabbos goy...
And thus the singular "eye" atop the pyramid represents the same thing in many names:
to the "jew"- "moschiach ben david" aka "king of the jews"
to the muslim- "dajjal" aka "false prophet"
and to the christian- simply put "anti christ"
understand this correlation and One is part way to deciphering the real depth of the situation We face..
As a footnote it also appears that the manifestation of this character tasked with the systematic execution of 6.5 Billion Human beings will arrive via "ai", which is in major part the purpose of "ai"
As to how "ai" has already been used to fool us, I recommend this:
as things look it is not looking good, vast swathes of Humanity need to wake the f up and realise Our world is in threat of being taken, literally from us and that this has been in process for in excess of 3000yrs of Human history, the current time frame being if You like the closing act
Judaic's pretext to hate and subvert Gentiles using the victim card
There are reports that the State of Israel was largely founded by Russian Zionists who are responsible for the murder of 50 to 60 million White Russian Christians in the USSR, Communist Russia, during the Bolshevik Revolution and beyond for about 70 years (1917–1991). The genocide that was committed in the USSR is almost a replication to the genocide we find committed by Judaic's (Zionist Israelis) who are ethnically cleansing the Palestinians in the present carnage there today.
[Michael Hoffman appears to infer in a audio discussion, "Introduction to the Talmud and Talmudism".] Michael Hoffman identifies that the Jews during the advent of Christ, once they had rejected and murdered Christ, are not Jews any longer but adherents of rabbinic Judaism, and rightly giving them the term Judaics. His reasoning I suspect could be based on what John the Revelator under the guidance of the Holy Spirit records in Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9, "... that Christ knew of the blasphemy of those who said they were Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan". Not all Judaics fall into this category. Some have surrendered to Jesus Christ.
When we understand that since Theodore Herzl, the father of political Zionism, campaigned for a Judaic homeland in the late 1800s, which was initially to be in South America or Uganda (Kenya), we find that this plan, which would lead to great disturbance and unrest amongst the Palestinians who had lived there for well over a millennia, was a well organised arrangement by Zionists approximately decades before. To establish a homeland in Palestine was unfortunately advice given in the context of the land Israel once possessed two millennia prior. This was ill advice given by ignoramuses who had a clueless understanding that Israel had forfeited their right to the land that was once called Canaan that promised to them by God. Land they could call their own had eluded them, leaving them wanderers throughout the earth. Their repeated disobedience and idolatry was the result of them being banished by God from Canaan. This is sufficiently documented in Scripture that we read of in Deuteronomy 28–31, and elsewhere, where Moses warned them of the consequences as a result of their failure to honour God. In fact, the dispersion of Israel and Judah began with their first official captivity and dispersion in the Assyrian Empire in 772 BC, and then the Babylonian Empire in 586 AD.
In addition to that, at the time of Christ's advent, when the Pharisees and Judaics condemned Christ before Pontius Pilate and took vows upon themselves and their children to be responsible for His death on the cross, they invoked a curse on themselves as we read in Matthew 27:24-26. This curse is evident on the children of the Judaics to this very day that only repentance can change. For centuries their waywardness was tolerated by God, but after the death of their Messiah, it was final. They would be banished from a land that was once given to them
Refusing to repent and accept the Messiah Jesus, they choose rather to live in their cursed condition. The influence and stranglehold are massive. If Judaics only knew that one's warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and hosts of spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places, and that only Christ can liberate, they could be set free (2 Corinthians 10:3-6; Ephesians 6:10-18; John 8:34-36).
I tend to lean towards the view that the world wars in the 20th century, especially WWII, and the Holocaust, were orchestrated as a pretext for the persecuted Judaics who had been "so deeply done by" and needed a place of their own. And that place was Palestine bringing untold death, pain and suffering to those who were already occupiers there.
Reliable investigation suggests that 6 million deaths during the Holocaust was a figure decided on very late after the war, and if I can recall was in 1972. Therefore, as a result, there has been the need for the brave and commissioned to uncover the truth and expose the lies. Embarking on sensitive issues should always be approached carefully, but embarking upon them is a must when confronted with suspicious circumstances that require thorough investigation.
The allegations that there were gassings which exaggerated the number to be as high as 6 million required closer investigations. When the cubicles where alleged gassings were performed were found to be inadequate and small and not seal-proof, and the mass graves to dispose of the dead millions were unfounded. Discovery instead found there were crematoriums that could accommodate one body at a time. According to the Leuchter Report, his arithmetic calculates that the crematoriums would have taken sixty eight years to complete the process of exterminating 6,000,000.
These few but major investigations put a whole new perspective on the holocaust narrative once closer investigations were done by Ernst Zundel and his investigative team in the 80s, including others who have researched the subject intensively. In all honesty, it appears that the Holocaust and its claims of 6 million deaths was grossly exaggerated and untrue, and used to conjure sympathy from the world in order to justify a homeland for Judaics in Palestine.
If one has read about Ernst Zundel and the team of investigators who gave support to his research in the question of 6 million deaths of Judaics in concentration camps in Germany and Poland during WWII, then one notes the many irregularities there are compared to the supposed and fabricated theories of the Holocaust that are now disproved and silenced. As a result of Zundel's successful investigations and assistance from people who provided reliable proof of the Holocaust truths and fraud, a pamphlet was published by him called "Did Six Million Really Die?" in the 80s. Resulting from the publication, Zundel was indicted for hate speech, brought to trial in Canada in 1985 and 1988, and imprisoned for 15 months. Twenty years after the publication of his pamphlet and his imprisonment for hate speech in Canada, in 2007, Zionist-controlled German authorities ordered that Zundel be extradited from the US, where he then lived, to undergo new trials in Germany, where he was then imprisoned for 3 years.
The French historian Robert Faurisson, who helped Zundel defend his case for the prosecution of hate speech in Canada (exposing the fraudulant claims of the Holocaust), was later severely persecuted and beaten by violent Zionist thugs in his hometown in France.
But the Judaics are not complete with milking their imagined Holocaust. They use it to justify their morbid desire to destroy their ‘tormentors’, the white Christians, as we see in Europe by the importation of illegal migrants by the thousands from other countries to destroy the European culture. We know how much the US, Canada, Germany and almost all of Europe, including the British Isles, are controlled by Zionists by their treatment of Ernst Zundel. We also note the control they have in the use of the fake narrative of "unparalleled persecution" to justify the illegitimate occupation of Palestine and the false claim to be the descendants of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob in order to persuade Christian Zionists who are fast asleep.
Some have alleged that the Holocaust during WWII was a narrative to distract the world from the Zionists crimes against humanity, especially the Bolshevik Revolution and the tens of millions they murdered in the USSR, by casting themselves as the ultimate victims without parallel. It could well be as you never hear of the murder of the 50 to 60 million Christians murdered in Communist Russia. Yet, there is always the constant reminder of the Holocaust. Just the other day I heard how Mayorkas' family escaped the Holocaust and how bad it was for them and fled to Cuba in the 1940s. They are the greatest con artists, as many of us know.
The Polish coined a proverb about Judaics after they lived for centuries in Poland, inferring that: “The Judaic cries out in pain as he strikes you”.
There is a clause, "Esau/Edom hates Jacob", derived from rabbinic interpretations, symbolising Rome or Christendom as Esau/Edom, and Israel representing Jacob. This derives from the biblical narrative in Genesis 25–33. It is a theme used to explain Judaic suffering and persecution from Gentiles and to explain historical persecution of Judaics and the need for their unity in the face of hostility. However, its application to modern debates about Talmudic scholarship or Rabbinic authority is controversial and is not universally shared, even within the Judaic community.
The trouble with this assertion, "Esau/Edom hates Jacob", is not convincing because to presume Esau transforms from being the son of Isaac and brother of Jacob, who are Hebrews by race, and Esau becoming a Gentile, is pathetic and flawed. Was there not another analogy that could be alluded to Gentiles as being "villains" in the eyes of Judaics? Rather, in an accurate sense of the term, it is Judaics who are really the embodiment of Esau or Edom, and the villains, not Gentiles.
I might add that the Zionist obsession with world domination and enslavement of non-Judaics (Gentiles) suggests how far they have drifted from God's purpose and the promised Messiah Jesus, whom they crucified. It was God's will for Israel to be a light to the Gentiles (Isaiah 42 and 49; Luke 2:32) and provide the hope of salvation through Jesus Christ to the world (Genesis 12:1-3; Matthew 28:19; Acts 13:47).
Not all Judaics are in support of Zionist objectives. Some have surrendered to the lordship of the Messiah Jesus.
there are so many dang avenues of woe in Our "modern" world that when examined the finger of guilt always, without fail rests upon the "jew"
the Polish expression is worthy as is the Russian one:
"the "jew" will always tell you what has been done to him.... but he will never tell you why"
it amazes me how america reveres the "jew" occupiers in Palestine, yet fail to ever understand that I was they who ordered the murder of Christ... mr schofield has much to answer for... as does his "employer" mr red shield
and there we have a conundrum (personally anyway) in that I accept Christ, yet view not the "god" of the "jew" being "yahweh" on the male aspect, "shekinah" on the female, this demon is no "god" it is a blood thirsty wretch with a chip on its shoulder
I study the symbolism and sorcery of these "israelites" and I am not impressed, the intended outcome of their meddling is the death of Billions of us Human beings..
This place has been a good resource for me over the years:
The Jewish plot against humanity is vindicated in a book by Joseph W. Bendersky called The Jewish Threat. Antisemitic Politics in the US Army. “Put simply,” writes Ron Unz, the Jewish editor in chief and owner of one of America’s most trusted information websites, The Unz Review, “U.S. military leaders in those decades widely believed that the world faced a direct threat from organized Jewry, which had seized control of Russia and similarly sought to subvert and gain mastery over America and the rest of Western civilization.”
When a project is carried out, a person or group need a master plan, a strategy, a method, and if it is a secret plan, they need to work covertly to avoid alerting their opponents. Shared intentionality is indeed one of our instincts. Whether it’s a sports team, an army, a political party, or the globalist hydra, without a game plan or a playbook, you will fail.
If you want, in other words, to exterminate 6 million Jews in gas chambers, you need a plan, it won’t happen by telepathy or by “an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus—mind reading by a far-flung bureaucracy,” as the most prestigious Holocaust specialist Raul Hilberg puts it in what is considered the bible of the Holocaust: The Destruction of the European Jews.
What else could he say! Contrary to Jewish claims, as conclusively shown in both Zundel trials and in a huge number of contradictory books and articles, there are no documents, no signed order by Hitler or anyone else for that matter, no plans for the construction of gas chambers, no pictures of a homicidal gas chamber, no traces of gas in the alleged gas chambers presented to the public, no bills for the hundreds of tons of coal needed to incinerate millions of bodies, no mass graves, no ashes anywhere, just witness accounts and Hollywood fictions that don’t prove a thing. Circular statements like the following one is what Holocaust fanatics such as Deborah Lipstadt consider as sufficient proof, for which she states:
"It is not necessary to ask how, technically, such a mass murder was possible. It was technically possible because it took place. This is the obligatory starting point of any historical investigation on this subject. It was our duty to simply remind you of this truth: there is not, nor can there be, any debate about the existence of gas chambers."
Since artificial intelligence, Ms. Lipstadt has had to reconsider the claims like the one she made above because her kind of “overwhelming” evidence is no longer be enough. For example, if you ask infoChatbot the following questions, as Catholic intellectual Dr. E. Michael Jones did, you get the following answers:
How many Jews died in Auschwitz?
The chatbot answered: “It is estimated that at least 1.1 million people died in Auschwitz, the majority of whom were Jews.
Were the Jews murdered in Auschwitz cremated?
Yes, the bodies of those murdered at Auschwitz were cremated.
How many crematoria were there in Auschwitz?
There was a total of four crematoria in Auschwitz.
How long does it take for a crematorium to cremate a body?
It usually takes between two and three hours to cremate a body in a crematorium.
Is it possible to cremate 1.1 million bodies using only four crematoria in four years?”
How many years would it take?”
It would take over 78 years to cremate 1.1 million bodies using only four crematoria.
A.I. provides mathematical evidence for the impossibility of the claim of 1.1 million deaths in four years in a crematorium with four ovens that would realistically take 78 years.
The plan is to replace secular government with a Christo-Zionist fundamentalist fascist order - one that will go beyond any Neocon's wettest dreams. How many millions will die is the only question, because these people are criminally insane psychopaths.
Thanks for that Daily Mail article! Trump's ego keeps rearing its head in these things!
I still hope that DJT can make good on his promise to be a peacemaker, but those airplane comments on moving the Palestinians to neighboring countries was incredibly tone-deaf! Thank goodness the neighboring countries disagreed with the idea at once. He doesn't seem to understand too deeply the true stories of that region.
Can only pray he finally does right by the Palestinians!
ALL of this is just making me so ill... I voted for Trump, in the hopes he would provide the peace the Middle East needed and the only way to do that would be for him to defund Israel and give back all the lands stolen from the Palestinians back to them.
This has become a horror show that will never end, until Israel slaughters and kills everyone and anyone in their way to their Greater Israel Project...but even then...it will not end
I can't believe anyone would be dumb enough to fall for that, esp after he moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, the fraudy Abraham accords, and Bibi's naming of an entire illegal settlement for Trump on stolen land. The trumpkins better do some serious soul-searching at this point for being such useful idiots.
With all I'm seeing now, with Trump in the Middle East...my heart breaks for the Palestinians. Trump has now come out and said the Palestinians need to be relocated...so the Zionists (and himself) will have the coastline to build hotels...etc.
This entire thing has been a conundrum...because who else was there to vote for that would have any quality impact on America and the American people? WHO could we have voted for that would have been better than Trump? Seems...voting for the lesser of two evils is still in play... I'm heartsick over this... The Zionist slaughter of Palestinians, on their own land, continue to this very day...now for over 78 years...
I am not what you might assume. I care about the Palestinians.
Let me ask you a question: How many countries moved their embassies to Al-Quds (Jerusalem) following Trump's decision, compared to the number of countries supporting Israel in its genocide?
Only Paraguay, Honduras, Guatemala and Kosovo moved their Embassies now how many countries are supporting, supplying, ….,,,
Good question, I appreciate a dealer in facts, and retract my insinuation. The USA Congress, when it was run by Republicans in the mid-1990s, came up with the idea, and even passed a "Jerusalem Embassy Act" on Oct 25 of 1995. So, the Zionist-loving Clinton, Bush, and Obama did not oblige, but Trump did. It only proves, to me at least, that Trump is anything but "his own man," etc.
So, what new false-flag terrorist plan do you think will be hatched when Bibi comes to DC next week? Which city will the widow Adelson want to have attacked to whip up the next war for Likud? How many millions will have to die? You know, for those billionaires.
You could be right! The most favorite 'Modus Operandi' of the Zionist Apartheid Talmudic-Supremacist TERROR State of Israel are, #1) ASSASSINATIONS! In the hundreds and counting! #2) FALSE FLAG Attacks! 'LAVON Affair-1954! "USS LIBERTY" June 8, 1967! '9/11/2001'! October 7, 2023!
I'm not even going to comment on Trump and his motivations. It's beyond fucking ridiculous.
Does anyone else within this readership follow Laith Marouf's work at FreePalestineTV? He does exceptional on-the-ground reporting from the Levant.
That is to say, he does an exceptional job of re-humanizing the actual people in the actual place, something sorely needed here in "The West", where so many are possessed of a casually indifferent perspective on events there due to the all-encompassing propaganda terrarium in which we live.
See this recent report:
Demolitions, Destruction and Defiance: Al-Khiyam Liberated by Sacrifice and Conviction.
Thank you for this link, Neo. I’m now a follower of Laith:)
A pleasure. Thank you.
Where do you come up with 'Trump was elected as a peacemaker ... To end proxy war in Ukraine and genocide in Palestine '? Which mainstream poll are you sweating over?
Ninety million Yanquis did not vote in the Rapists in Chief game.
You are sheltered in Morocco. Americans of all stripes hate Russians and blacks and Arabs and Palestinians.
I am on the ground, friend, working in this shit hile. Journalist teacher and social worker. Americans love pigs/cops and uniforms and rapists and circuses and the Jerry Springer nature of our Hitler in Chief.
Anything else spoken about the fucking pedeophile and Rapist in Chief Trump's Minyan and Stephen Miller hate campaign and Kushner Mafia should be curses upon him and families backing him and all the deluded folk that see this cocksucking narcissist as anything but a criminal.
I believe, by your words, that we are in agreement over the atrocities being committed by Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians…for over 78 years now. However, I do not agree with your assessment of Trump being a pedophile rapist. I’m not happy about his plans for Palestinians…not one bit…but let’s not go off the rails because of your hatred of him to claim he’s a pedophile and rapist. He is not. You do disservice to your credibility, when you do that.
TO: "Ed Kohout"
The Western (a myth) conquerors and their United Nations Dictatorship they call Organisation had set up a permanent military base of criminals, terrorists, gangsters and genocidal racists to steal Palestinian, Arab-speaking of all biological types, and Muslim lands, squat on them, terrorise their populations, humiliate, torture, rape and murder the inhabitants they were allowed to put in Concentration and Death Camps, using the fabricated myth that those lands were given to them by their Satanyahu God and Gods thousands of years ago when they were only minuscule tribes with no military might, no sovereign country, and of inconsequent importance, but with big mouths about their Babylonian mythologies and magic, their majestic grandeur, ownership of the world and all its wealth with the entire world inhabitants as slaves (a much later coined term) under their eternal rule and sovereignty. All the evidence they have is their Hava Nagila dance, their Kol Nidré, and their Protocols of the Einstein and Freud Charlatanry of Zion!
Saturday 1st February 2025
Sure, you can put it that way, but we all know the Muslim hordes that invaded Europe and Africa were just as brutal. If you want to do the "my righteous history is better than yours" game, better come with more than half your brain, cuz the brutality goes way, way back, ol' chap, and no one is innocent.
Looks like you know NOTHING about History. Obviously, you're not aware that ALL of Europe, at one time, as well as some other countries, were Arab-speaking Muslims. The lands, at that time, was called Tartaria. Take a look at Europe today. Does it look to you to be even 40% Arab-speaking Muslims? That being the case...it's clear it wasn't Arab-speaking Muslims that slashed there way through Europe and Africa. They already HAD Europe and Africa...but now no longer do. Clearly, other factions (Christians, Zionists) slashed their way through Europe and Africa to divide the Muslims so they no longer had strength in numbers to be the power they once were.
And "no" I'm not a Muslim, nor am I a Christian. I have no religion, other than GOD. Since GOD has no religion...I think I've made a very wise choice:)
Zionists who have illegitimately occupied Palestine since May 1948 and claim to be descendants of Old Testament Israel are frauds. There is DNA proof and unanimous claims that approximately 90% of modern day Jews are of Ashkenazi descent, and the remainder are a mixed bag of nationalities.
Zionists use this bogus claim to influence the support of gullible pseudo Christians, which has led to a cult following that calls themselves "Christian Zionists" who condone the murder of Palestinians in order for the illegitimate Ashkenazi Jewish occupiers to achieve their Eratz Yisrael (Greater Israel) endeavour.
In a study done at Johns Hopkins University on the genetics of modern day Jews, it revealed that their DNA does not match those of the Old Testament ancient Hebrews. This study was undertaken by Eran Elhaik, a post-doctoral researcher at the university, where he found that Ashkenazi Jews, a number exceeding 90% of them, have roots in the Caucasus region rather than the Middle East and the ancient land of Judea and Samaria, challenging the widely accepted Rhineland hypothesis.
Thanks for those details. We need to publicly prove that these psychotic modern Jews have no genetic connection to the ancient Hebrews of the Bible. Besides, to quote the Young Turks, "Where's your deed, Jew!"
This is clearly stolen land, and the Israelis will never live in peace. But peace is not what they want, so they will get war, after war, after war until every Israeli is removed or killed.
Jews deliberately invoke hatred against themselves by using anti-Semitism as a tool to engender hostile attitudes from non-Jews and use this as a pretext to retaliate with harsher measures and apply the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth principle. When you show the Jew goodwill, he cannot retaliate in hostility towards you because he needs to be under the tension of your animosity towards him so he can exchange hatred against you. These people are deeply and mentally disturbed and possessed with evil (demons). This is what controls the US government today, unfortunately, and the likes of Trump.
The anti-Semitic spin Zionist Jews use is a load of baloney. They are Ashkenazis of European descent and most certainly not Semitic. The people of the Middle East and North Africa, including the Palestinians, are Semitic. These Ashkenazis use the Semitic race card to gain an advantage to fulfil their objective for world dominance suggested in the Talmud and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
There is very little evidence of descendants of Old Testament Israel in Arab countries, including elsewhere, today. There may be very minute traces to verify Israelite-Jewish descent, but it's negligible. When Israel was dispersed throughout the regions of what is today the Middle East, Europe, and Far East as a result of their continuous disobedience towards God and their idolatry, it led them into captivity to the Gentile nations of
• the Assyrian Empire in c. 722 BC,
• the Babylonian Empire in c. 586 BC,
• the Romans and the Jews expulsion by them after the death of Christ, the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD, and the Bar Kochba Revolt in c. 135 AD,
• the Arab Rashidun Caliphate in c. 633 AD.
Through c. 2500 years of subjection, assimilation, and intermarriage with the Gentile nations, there can be very little a modern day Jew can claim of direct heritage to Old Testament Israel.
Jesus Christ revealed to the Jews during His advent that we are not to apply the hateful principle of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but we are to love our enemies (Matthew 5:38-39). Jesus took His remedy for peace even further by teaching not to resist an evil person and, when you are slapped across the face, to turn the other cheek.
"Christian Zionists" need to read and apply Matthew 5:38-39 to their lives and hopefully wake up to the deception they are under. Christ never advocated hatred, let alone death. The dispensational theology of C.I. Scofield has duped a large group of so-called Christians, pseudo Christians, who unfortunately do not have the Spirit of Christ.
you might find this an interesting read:
as We shift violently toward the potential desired conclusion of "world events" it is important that We truly examine the drives
a lot of "christians"and indeed "muslims" are going to be in for a shock when they discover they have both been duped into providing mutual destruction of each other in order that the "jew" might inherit the "earth" by use of its demon worship con
"yahweh" and "shekinah" are no gods, they are an androgynous demonic entity with an entourage of inbred, soulless, deviant psychopaths in tow
3rd temple is a portal, it is designed to allow thing/s down here that should not be here and those thing/s are "not nice"
In order to truly understand why the "jew" will deem inheritance of a scorched "earth" as a true victory/compromise We need to truly understand the "soul" level origin of the "jew" and frankly this seems so far out of peoples comprehension and the hour is so very late that I do not see a happy conclusion
When the "jew" proclaims they want a world of their own they mean Our world, literally and All versions routes and methods of de-population of the indigenous Soul form (I mean us) stem from "jew" infiltration of societal, political, religious and "secret society" methodology
The root "mission" at the core of freemasonry, that being "the great work of ages" aligns precisely with the intention of the "jew" to bring about "olam ha ba" aka "the world to come", a world devoid of "gentiles" excepting a few slave shabbos goy...
And thus the singular "eye" atop the pyramid represents the same thing in many names:
to the "jew"- "moschiach ben david" aka "king of the jews"
to the muslim- "dajjal" aka "false prophet"
and to the christian- simply put "anti christ"
understand this correlation and One is part way to deciphering the real depth of the situation We face..
As a footnote it also appears that the manifestation of this character tasked with the systematic execution of 6.5 Billion Human beings will arrive via "ai", which is in major part the purpose of "ai"
As to how "ai" has already been used to fool us, I recommend this:
as things look it is not looking good, vast swathes of Humanity need to wake the f up and realise Our world is in threat of being taken, literally from us and that this has been in process for in excess of 3000yrs of Human history, the current time frame being if You like the closing act
Judaic's pretext to hate and subvert Gentiles using the victim card
There are reports that the State of Israel was largely founded by Russian Zionists who are responsible for the murder of 50 to 60 million White Russian Christians in the USSR, Communist Russia, during the Bolshevik Revolution and beyond for about 70 years (1917–1991). The genocide that was committed in the USSR is almost a replication to the genocide we find committed by Judaic's (Zionist Israelis) who are ethnically cleansing the Palestinians in the present carnage there today.
[Michael Hoffman appears to infer in a audio discussion, "Introduction to the Talmud and Talmudism".] Michael Hoffman identifies that the Jews during the advent of Christ, once they had rejected and murdered Christ, are not Jews any longer but adherents of rabbinic Judaism, and rightly giving them the term Judaics. His reasoning I suspect could be based on what John the Revelator under the guidance of the Holy Spirit records in Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9, "... that Christ knew of the blasphemy of those who said they were Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan". Not all Judaics fall into this category. Some have surrendered to Jesus Christ.
When we understand that since Theodore Herzl, the father of political Zionism, campaigned for a Judaic homeland in the late 1800s, which was initially to be in South America or Uganda (Kenya), we find that this plan, which would lead to great disturbance and unrest amongst the Palestinians who had lived there for well over a millennia, was a well organised arrangement by Zionists approximately decades before. To establish a homeland in Palestine was unfortunately advice given in the context of the land Israel once possessed two millennia prior. This was ill advice given by ignoramuses who had a clueless understanding that Israel had forfeited their right to the land that was once called Canaan that promised to them by God. Land they could call their own had eluded them, leaving them wanderers throughout the earth. Their repeated disobedience and idolatry was the result of them being banished by God from Canaan. This is sufficiently documented in Scripture that we read of in Deuteronomy 28–31, and elsewhere, where Moses warned them of the consequences as a result of their failure to honour God. In fact, the dispersion of Israel and Judah began with their first official captivity and dispersion in the Assyrian Empire in 772 BC, and then the Babylonian Empire in 586 AD.
In addition to that, at the time of Christ's advent, when the Pharisees and Judaics condemned Christ before Pontius Pilate and took vows upon themselves and their children to be responsible for His death on the cross, they invoked a curse on themselves as we read in Matthew 27:24-26. This curse is evident on the children of the Judaics to this very day that only repentance can change. For centuries their waywardness was tolerated by God, but after the death of their Messiah, it was final. They would be banished from a land that was once given to them
Refusing to repent and accept the Messiah Jesus, they choose rather to live in their cursed condition. The influence and stranglehold are massive. If Judaics only knew that one's warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and hosts of spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places, and that only Christ can liberate, they could be set free (2 Corinthians 10:3-6; Ephesians 6:10-18; John 8:34-36).
I tend to lean towards the view that the world wars in the 20th century, especially WWII, and the Holocaust, were orchestrated as a pretext for the persecuted Judaics who had been "so deeply done by" and needed a place of their own. And that place was Palestine bringing untold death, pain and suffering to those who were already occupiers there.
Reliable investigation suggests that 6 million deaths during the Holocaust was a figure decided on very late after the war, and if I can recall was in 1972. Therefore, as a result, there has been the need for the brave and commissioned to uncover the truth and expose the lies. Embarking on sensitive issues should always be approached carefully, but embarking upon them is a must when confronted with suspicious circumstances that require thorough investigation.
The allegations that there were gassings which exaggerated the number to be as high as 6 million required closer investigations. When the cubicles where alleged gassings were performed were found to be inadequate and small and not seal-proof, and the mass graves to dispose of the dead millions were unfounded. Discovery instead found there were crematoriums that could accommodate one body at a time. According to the Leuchter Report, his arithmetic calculates that the crematoriums would have taken sixty eight years to complete the process of exterminating 6,000,000.
These few but major investigations put a whole new perspective on the holocaust narrative once closer investigations were done by Ernst Zundel and his investigative team in the 80s, including others who have researched the subject intensively. In all honesty, it appears that the Holocaust and its claims of 6 million deaths was grossly exaggerated and untrue, and used to conjure sympathy from the world in order to justify a homeland for Judaics in Palestine.
If one has read about Ernst Zundel and the team of investigators who gave support to his research in the question of 6 million deaths of Judaics in concentration camps in Germany and Poland during WWII, then one notes the many irregularities there are compared to the supposed and fabricated theories of the Holocaust that are now disproved and silenced. As a result of Zundel's successful investigations and assistance from people who provided reliable proof of the Holocaust truths and fraud, a pamphlet was published by him called "Did Six Million Really Die?" in the 80s. Resulting from the publication, Zundel was indicted for hate speech, brought to trial in Canada in 1985 and 1988, and imprisoned for 15 months. Twenty years after the publication of his pamphlet and his imprisonment for hate speech in Canada, in 2007, Zionist-controlled German authorities ordered that Zundel be extradited from the US, where he then lived, to undergo new trials in Germany, where he was then imprisoned for 3 years.
The French historian Robert Faurisson, who helped Zundel defend his case for the prosecution of hate speech in Canada (exposing the fraudulant claims of the Holocaust), was later severely persecuted and beaten by violent Zionist thugs in his hometown in France.
But the Judaics are not complete with milking their imagined Holocaust. They use it to justify their morbid desire to destroy their ‘tormentors’, the white Christians, as we see in Europe by the importation of illegal migrants by the thousands from other countries to destroy the European culture. We know how much the US, Canada, Germany and almost all of Europe, including the British Isles, are controlled by Zionists by their treatment of Ernst Zundel. We also note the control they have in the use of the fake narrative of "unparalleled persecution" to justify the illegitimate occupation of Palestine and the false claim to be the descendants of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob in order to persuade Christian Zionists who are fast asleep.
Some have alleged that the Holocaust during WWII was a narrative to distract the world from the Zionists crimes against humanity, especially the Bolshevik Revolution and the tens of millions they murdered in the USSR, by casting themselves as the ultimate victims without parallel. It could well be as you never hear of the murder of the 50 to 60 million Christians murdered in Communist Russia. Yet, there is always the constant reminder of the Holocaust. Just the other day I heard how Mayorkas' family escaped the Holocaust and how bad it was for them and fled to Cuba in the 1940s. They are the greatest con artists, as many of us know.
The Polish coined a proverb about Judaics after they lived for centuries in Poland, inferring that: “The Judaic cries out in pain as he strikes you”.
There is a clause, "Esau/Edom hates Jacob", derived from rabbinic interpretations, symbolising Rome or Christendom as Esau/Edom, and Israel representing Jacob. This derives from the biblical narrative in Genesis 25–33. It is a theme used to explain Judaic suffering and persecution from Gentiles and to explain historical persecution of Judaics and the need for their unity in the face of hostility. However, its application to modern debates about Talmudic scholarship or Rabbinic authority is controversial and is not universally shared, even within the Judaic community.
The trouble with this assertion, "Esau/Edom hates Jacob", is not convincing because to presume Esau transforms from being the son of Isaac and brother of Jacob, who are Hebrews by race, and Esau becoming a Gentile, is pathetic and flawed. Was there not another analogy that could be alluded to Gentiles as being "villains" in the eyes of Judaics? Rather, in an accurate sense of the term, it is Judaics who are really the embodiment of Esau or Edom, and the villains, not Gentiles.
I might add that the Zionist obsession with world domination and enslavement of non-Judaics (Gentiles) suggests how far they have drifted from God's purpose and the promised Messiah Jesus, whom they crucified. It was God's will for Israel to be a light to the Gentiles (Isaiah 42 and 49; Luke 2:32) and provide the hope of salvation through Jesus Christ to the world (Genesis 12:1-3; Matthew 28:19; Acts 13:47).
Not all Judaics are in support of Zionist objectives. Some have surrendered to the lordship of the Messiah Jesus.
that is a very coherent piece of writing,
there are so many dang avenues of woe in Our "modern" world that when examined the finger of guilt always, without fail rests upon the "jew"
the Polish expression is worthy as is the Russian one:
"the "jew" will always tell you what has been done to him.... but he will never tell you why"
it amazes me how america reveres the "jew" occupiers in Palestine, yet fail to ever understand that I was they who ordered the murder of Christ... mr schofield has much to answer for... as does his "employer" mr red shield
and there we have a conundrum (personally anyway) in that I accept Christ, yet view not the "god" of the "jew" being "yahweh" on the male aspect, "shekinah" on the female, this demon is no "god" it is a blood thirsty wretch with a chip on its shoulder
I study the symbolism and sorcery of these "israelites" and I am not impressed, the intended outcome of their meddling is the death of Billions of us Human beings..
This place has been a good resource for me over the years:
and I find Christopher Jon Bjerknes` work of great interest,
they say "may you live in interesting times".... "they" weren't kidding
Hi Duckman,
The Jewish plot against humanity is vindicated in a book by Joseph W. Bendersky called The Jewish Threat. Antisemitic Politics in the US Army. “Put simply,” writes Ron Unz, the Jewish editor in chief and owner of one of America’s most trusted information websites, The Unz Review, “U.S. military leaders in those decades widely believed that the world faced a direct threat from organized Jewry, which had seized control of Russia and similarly sought to subvert and gain mastery over America and the rest of Western civilization.”
When a project is carried out, a person or group need a master plan, a strategy, a method, and if it is a secret plan, they need to work covertly to avoid alerting their opponents. Shared intentionality is indeed one of our instincts. Whether it’s a sports team, an army, a political party, or the globalist hydra, without a game plan or a playbook, you will fail.
If you want, in other words, to exterminate 6 million Jews in gas chambers, you need a plan, it won’t happen by telepathy or by “an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus—mind reading by a far-flung bureaucracy,” as the most prestigious Holocaust specialist Raul Hilberg puts it in what is considered the bible of the Holocaust: The Destruction of the European Jews.
What else could he say! Contrary to Jewish claims, as conclusively shown in both Zundel trials and in a huge number of contradictory books and articles, there are no documents, no signed order by Hitler or anyone else for that matter, no plans for the construction of gas chambers, no pictures of a homicidal gas chamber, no traces of gas in the alleged gas chambers presented to the public, no bills for the hundreds of tons of coal needed to incinerate millions of bodies, no mass graves, no ashes anywhere, just witness accounts and Hollywood fictions that don’t prove a thing. Circular statements like the following one is what Holocaust fanatics such as Deborah Lipstadt consider as sufficient proof, for which she states:
"It is not necessary to ask how, technically, such a mass murder was possible. It was technically possible because it took place. This is the obligatory starting point of any historical investigation on this subject. It was our duty to simply remind you of this truth: there is not, nor can there be, any debate about the existence of gas chambers."
Since artificial intelligence, Ms. Lipstadt has had to reconsider the claims like the one she made above because her kind of “overwhelming” evidence is no longer be enough. For example, if you ask infoChatbot the following questions, as Catholic intellectual Dr. E. Michael Jones did, you get the following answers:
How many Jews died in Auschwitz?
The chatbot answered: “It is estimated that at least 1.1 million people died in Auschwitz, the majority of whom were Jews.
Were the Jews murdered in Auschwitz cremated?
Yes, the bodies of those murdered at Auschwitz were cremated.
How many crematoria were there in Auschwitz?
There was a total of four crematoria in Auschwitz.
How long does it take for a crematorium to cremate a body?
It usually takes between two and three hours to cremate a body in a crematorium.
Is it possible to cremate 1.1 million bodies using only four crematoria in four years?”
How many years would it take?”
It would take over 78 years to cremate 1.1 million bodies using only four crematoria.
A.I. provides mathematical evidence for the impossibility of the claim of 1.1 million deaths in four years in a crematorium with four ovens that would realistically take 78 years.
Website of the full article: https://www.unz.com/article/the-jewish-plot-to-enslave-humanity/
Call them SQUATTERS, not SETTLERS!!!
No mistakes are being made. Everything goes as planned. The US CONTROLS APARTHEID ISRAEL since day 1 and not the other way round!
The plan is to replace secular government with a Christo-Zionist fundamentalist fascist order - one that will go beyond any Neocon's wettest dreams. How many millions will die is the only question, because these people are criminally insane psychopaths.
Israel delenda est!
Thanks for that Daily Mail article! Trump's ego keeps rearing its head in these things!
I still hope that DJT can make good on his promise to be a peacemaker, but those airplane comments on moving the Palestinians to neighboring countries was incredibly tone-deaf! Thank goodness the neighboring countries disagreed with the idea at once. He doesn't seem to understand too deeply the true stories of that region.
Can only pray he finally does right by the Palestinians!
I still hope that DJT can make good on his promise to be a peacemaker, ???
Hahaha, and am laughing!
Spoken like a real True Believer. Gheesh, how did that orange pile of fraud and rot ever get a hold of the minds of ... oh, yeah, I forgot - RELIGION.
Why such anger and outrage over a mere comment?
Hope you enjoy your seething!
ALL of this is just making me so ill... I voted for Trump, in the hopes he would provide the peace the Middle East needed and the only way to do that would be for him to defund Israel and give back all the lands stolen from the Palestinians back to them.
This has become a horror show that will never end, until Israel slaughters and kills everyone and anyone in their way to their Greater Israel Project...but even then...it will not end
I can't believe anyone would be dumb enough to fall for that, esp after he moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, the fraudy Abraham accords, and Bibi's naming of an entire illegal settlement for Trump on stolen land. The trumpkins better do some serious soul-searching at this point for being such useful idiots.
Trump is just a businessman supported by corrupt billionaires; he is better than the Zionist supported by corrupt establishment.
With all I'm seeing now, with Trump in the Middle East...my heart breaks for the Palestinians. Trump has now come out and said the Palestinians need to be relocated...so the Zionists (and himself) will have the coastline to build hotels...etc.
This entire thing has been a conundrum...because who else was there to vote for that would have any quality impact on America and the American people? WHO could we have voted for that would have been better than Trump? Seems...voting for the lesser of two evils is still in play... I'm heartsick over this... The Zionist slaughter of Palestinians, on their own land, continue to this very day...now for over 78 years...
Rationalization, eh? Perhaps you are a rapture-ready Xian fundie who can't wait for our secular Constitution to be shredded.
I am not what you might assume. I care about the Palestinians.
Let me ask you a question: How many countries moved their embassies to Al-Quds (Jerusalem) following Trump's decision, compared to the number of countries supporting Israel in its genocide?
Only Paraguay, Honduras, Guatemala and Kosovo moved their Embassies now how many countries are supporting, supplying, ….,,,
Good question, I appreciate a dealer in facts, and retract my insinuation. The USA Congress, when it was run by Republicans in the mid-1990s, came up with the idea, and even passed a "Jerusalem Embassy Act" on Oct 25 of 1995. So, the Zionist-loving Clinton, Bush, and Obama did not oblige, but Trump did. It only proves, to me at least, that Trump is anything but "his own man," etc.
So, what new false-flag terrorist plan do you think will be hatched when Bibi comes to DC next week? Which city will the widow Adelson want to have attacked to whip up the next war for Likud? How many millions will have to die? You know, for those billionaires.
What do yah expect? Decency?
Hi Kevin... I donated about a week ago but I don't remember how I did it...
Trump is just another PUPPET of SATANyahu and his Cabinet of Devils!!
You could be right! The most favorite 'Modus Operandi' of the Zionist Apartheid Talmudic-Supremacist TERROR State of Israel are, #1) ASSASSINATIONS! In the hundreds and counting! #2) FALSE FLAG Attacks! 'LAVON Affair-1954! "USS LIBERTY" June 8, 1967! '9/11/2001'! October 7, 2023!
Trump is a delusional idiot that has been literally bought and paid for
No surprise
He was already in bed with these scum
How about you go take a stroll anywhere there is muslim majority and muslim government
Tell me again who the problem is