Fifa is part of the mega gambling salon.

WE have lost our spiritual compass and the so called western hegemon is imposing the deviant behavior on the rest of the world in the name of human rights and materialism.

The tragic state is when the developing world and the middle east tries to "ape" the western civilization then david becomes goliath and goliath david and the poor disappear into thin air.

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Nov 27, 2022·edited Nov 27, 2022

No it's not that, the devils referred to in Sura 5:82 (using their rainbow allies too) have seized on the Qatar World Cup as an opportunity to attack Islam without being seen as such, last thing a Bankman-Fried is concerned about is unpaid wages of dead migrant workers. Murdoch and Co have marshalled the entire yiddish MSM/presstitutes to play this uber dog-whistling tune against Islam. And the poor goyim have been left utterly confused now, their love for football vs all this undue rainbow, etc interference,especially as its a great (very expensive too) show the Qatari have put up.

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