1) Corey Comperatore's name was spelled Compertore on his Fireman's uniform (they said (A) there wasn't enough space and (B) it was a mistake! So which was it?)

2) Still not one video from behind the stand and yet many had phones recording (remember the cool woman who suddenly started filming on her phone as soon as the action started? Who is she and where is her footage - Babushka lady II)

3) The ginger guy in the red Trump hat said on the BBC, Crooks' head blew up but the photo showed a dead guy with dried blood smeared on him and no sign of entry wounds

4) The only images of Crooks are from his school days and he has no internet history

5) Crooks left school 2 years ago but all they talk about was how he was bullied at school

6) He was another dweeb (they all seem to be) but managed to walk around with a 5 foot ladder and an AR15 (And NO telescopic sights). He was also (reportedly) a terrible shot.

7) AND Trump is 78. Injuries do not heal quickly when you are that age.

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Interesting points. I suspect (1) may not pan out - why would a misspelling raise red flags? Everything else especially (7) seems highly suspicious.

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Comparatore had a Twit/X account where he posted some of the most vile and hateful nonsense about Muslims, Arabs, and Palestinians, I've ever seen (and I have relatives who are Philly cops so that is saying something.) He celebrated the deaths of Gazan children, and trolled the accounts of people posting about their relatives in Occupied Palestine. The media couldn't even make a martyr out if him, I think, because then his family would have had to deal with his insane word-vomit being made public. The whole Event seemed more WWF than anything to me, hastily thrown together by an overconfident (and perhaps increasingly desperate) Mossad.

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Didn't know that. So maybe he WAS a crisis actor.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Bwahaha this EXCEPTIONAL fool doesn't know, the white man simply had a tech leap, no need for Damascus steel sword, put a lead ball in a metal tube (and explode with Chinese gunpowder) and kill a 200m natives all over the world and take over their lands, no need to come into close contact with swords. NOTHING TO DO WITH WESTERN WHITE RENAISSANCE, everything to do with Chinese gunpowder!! Btw-that tech leap continues today, only instead of a lead ball and muskets it's 2000lb JDAMS that are killing the Palestinian,etc natives from far away F16s. Trump is simply the epitome of that tech advantage killing Soleimani from AFAR with a hell fire missile.

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Exactly! Rolf was spouting mythology not history.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

BTW a great mystery is why the Chinese who knew gunpowder did not invent the gun/musket and go on to colonise "primitives" all over the world, instead building a Great Wall to keep them out!! It proves they have no colonising DNA but watch oily jew devil mearsheimer fool americunt goyem into attacking "imperialist" China, since Chinaman (with his $140b space station, rover on moon, rover on Mars, etc, etc) now poses an existential threat to his jew chosen supremacy paradigm over white goyem.

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I just listened to your other guest whose name escapes me today, the gentleman who made the documentary. I haven't brought myself to play Rolf's episode yet, as I have to be in a particularly tolerant mood! Just by reading the description, I get the sense that I am about to enter some kind of mythic brainspace venerating Trump, who seems to me to be all too credulous toward what seems to me to be an obvious asset being carefully handled. I hope all that Transcendental Meditation hasn't affected Mr. Lindgren's brain.

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rolf is the typical trumptard. as retarded as the orangutan known as donald j.

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Couldn't have said it better myself.

Totally agree!

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I think Trump was really shot (a deep state hit) so I’m not watching the documentary. But I wonder were the other three people shot or were those fakes also. Is the fireman not dead and the funeral is fake, the family fake, and the people in the hospital that treated the two injured fake? Wow… four fakes. Oh well. Kevin, this time your off the mark.

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Why would the Deep State want to nick his ear and give him the world's most picture-perfect PR op? If they were really trying to kill him, why would they use an autistic rifle club reject? Please watch the film and see what you think.

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The people in the crowd were really shot; Trump was not.

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By the kid? By a deep state shooter? My best guess is a deep state shooter, hint getting as close as he did at 150 yards is the equivalent making a head shot in the stands of someone all the way across an NFL football field with iron sites to boot. Not impossible for someone who trains constantly and is a professional sniper, but the kid was none of those things.

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I’m less than halfway done listening and wondering where you found this gentleman.

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In 2006 I gave a talk to Wisconsin Libertarians about 9/11. Rolf didn't believe my "conspiracy theories." But a few months later he found out they were true. He became a 9/11 truther and was my 2008 congressional campaign manager. Later he became a Trump-lovin' Republican. He is still a personal friend even though we don't see eye-to-eye about Trump, among other things.

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Ok. I guess I’m just tired of it all. But this was definitely a good opportunity to address common misconceptions about the Middle East conflict and discuss how Zionism impacts American politics not to mention the specifics of the Trump event. Talking helps. Truth can be hard for all of us to discern these days.

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Myy GAWD WTF did I just listen to until finished 🤬 I get so dumb just listening to this rolf lindgren dude until finished #gag n #shiver

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Author

In some ways Rolf is a bit like his hero Trump: Entertaining/amusing, neither accurate nor coherent, but still not entirely devoid of the occasional refreshing or stimulating idea.

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This rolf guy is.s a stubborn inerudite ignorant clown,*Kevin is shining with truth..rolf is duped by judeao-bolshevist propaganda..he sounds like a country club rino operative ..he knows nothing of the real globohomosexual LGBTQ Jewdeviltry that is Christ-despising isreal----only a fool thinks the isreali sadistic schadenfraud is **just zionists-'-*Rolf seems like a post Vatican 2 ignorant. close minded neoliberal Catholic **We know plenty of good pre

vatican 2 Catholics who also despise Isreal and the horribly obvious Synagogue of Satan** Rolf also sounds like a. Trump-is--better-than--Jesus ***type..He means well but doesn't know what he is pontificating..speculating about...*Rolf doesn't know that the middle east is actually opening up as the JEWS close the west down completely**The west has rejected Christ in favor of the JEWS**That must explode**Sorry Rolf...-you missed the boat..it's not 1602..its...2024....with American neochristians like Rolf ..no wonder America has fallen to the Synagogue of Satan**. You don't have to be a Muslim to know Isreal is the Seat of Satanic depraved Totalitarianism**. Sorry Rolf..real life is not a hellywood cherry picked false history Movie*. Be clear..we are non sectarian non Isreal firster Pro2A Christians**. Isreal ,zionism.talmud. kabala..etc is All Satan***

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Oh, and breaking update:

There’s a POSSIBLE THIRD “assassination attempt” on Trump - in the golden state of California.

Just second- or third-hand “news” from someone quoting the NY Post quoting the local sheriff or police or something.

No pics, no video a la Iwo Jima, though. No bloody ear, or nose, or finger.

Now, how are we supposed to believe this??


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Nah, that was just Cali cops freaking out about a gun in a trunk, as they do.

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Your patience and courtesy with Rolf is incredible, Kevin. Kudos to you. I really don’t know where Rolf was going because it was every which way he went off in a million tangents, pulling this item from this century, that person from that period, then contradicting himself, and taking so many leaps of illogic and coming up with weird, non-sequitur conclusions and accusations in the process. I have no idea how this man’s brain works, honestly. How you valiantly kept up with this mess resembling a Kamala-like word salad is beyond me.

(And now — cheese? Cheese to Canada? To China?)

Thank you for the amusing interview. (I think.) May God bless you for the virtues of patience and respect.

Addendum: I listened to the whole thing!! Do I get a gold star for that feat?

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This reply is brilliant..objective..quasi..-

hilarious....highly incisive... finessed excellence".....we agree also that Kevin' was astoundingly patient..ultra rational and deeply focused..logical..not erratic..

Thank You. ...All best.....*Teresa***

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He would have gotten it in the face if he hadn’t turned his head. It was a near miss. I actually don’t know about the shooter because it could have been some other shooter—very poorly investigated. The goal was to have him shot in the face on camera as a gruesome reminder to not deviate from the narrative. So they failed, that doesn’t make it fake.

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That's the way I lean too.

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Mr.Raven is consistently objective and an inspiration..but many Doctors still say that..*shooting* its fake**an impossibility* We don't know but we don't trust chabad convert jewrat trumpdog..in case anyone is confused..a vote for trumprat USA vote for America s dictator..Jared kushner**

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I doubt I’ll vote, but it being a fake just seems a bridge too far, like who shot into the crowd and killed the fireman, the kid/patsy?

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Not having been there we don't speculate but say…a Psy op normatively leaves no dead bodies to forensic pathologist s or detectives to check. or exhume..liquification…is the norm now..in the lame stream massmedia it is ..”circulating”that…3groups of*pro -shooters*we'ren involved in other than the Jew crooks rooftop area..this arguably fact checked by audio bursts of slightly different bullet round caliber burst sounds…223 to a slightly heavier 556…not a 308 nato round audio…..in any case ..trusting chabad Jewdevil trumprat is like insisting the moon is made of green cheese..note..many doctors say the entire scenario is impossible…. **No confidence in mossad operations…somehow they routinely get exposed..

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Oh, horsebadorties! 🦶

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Harry Houdini couldn't have done this better! This 'attempt' was allowed to take place, just like '9/11'! US Government Agencies have played a role in this, as they did in '9/11'!!

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

Hollyweird has turned the minds of $lumvillains to mush with perversion and sickness peddled by pornographers as entertainment and culture and we all know that in that process Hollyweird "produces" $lumville history and feeds that slop to the Goyim at their media trough. Don Chump, the self-named "Father of the Vaccine" and the totalitarian mass poisoning "Operation Warp Speed" cares about one thing and that is Israel. Look at what he did the last time he was $elected and not what he said he would do. The Uniparty is owned by the cho$en, like the media, banks and the real sewer down on Wall St. There is nothing to "drain" or reform; it must be washed away completely and it will certainly not be done by the Zero 1% like Mr. Trump. $lumvillains are on their own and it's about to get very very ugly for the angloZionaZi empire of filth. Meanwhile keep an eye on the new Afro Jeffrey Epstein, the satorially challenged slum bum Puff Daddy, Diddy or whatever the thug calls himself at the moment. He is no more than a perverted meat puppet criminal Uncle Tom for the real monsters, the usual suspects lurking in the bankground. Lock away the Uncle Tom thug by all means but make sure the mastermind of this perversion, chosenite "Clive Davis" is locked away along with him until the old goat croaks.

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