That was an interesting interview, and I like the way you didn't get cut off at the end, like when your on Truth Jihad Radio.

I'm not a Muslim, but I admire most of the Muslim beliefs. I don't know why the real Christians would associate more with Jews rather than Muslims. Even the so-called conservative Jews are really twisted people, if you can even call them people. Nuttanyahu the Yahoo is a monster, history will see it that way, even if most Americans don't!

I was glad to hear your views about cannabis, since I'm a regular user. it makes me curious and thirst for knowledge, and it doesn't make me lazy, like some people. I love to smoke and then either surf the web, play music or exercise.

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I really missed smoking my homeland's weed but it's still very illegal here at my end :/ I tried weed in Thailand last year coz it's legal there but for me I like and prefer my homeland's weed a lot more 😏 I could reallyy use it right now to reduce and release some of the stress fear and anxiety I feel watching what happen in Syria now on top of the barbaric genocide on Gazans for 400 and something days now! And also, fucking meaningless ceasefire in Lebanon and might be soon in Gaza. So sickk of it

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