Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 15, 2023

What all this really shows is the zios now have complete control of the USG, only the chosen can have the temerity to fool all hundreds of millions of goyim, all the time. Even ONE solitary wasp in the system would have balked at this ludicrous "mavimarmara audio" type semitic Baghdad bobbery. Which of a much graver Ohio scenario or the Nordstream disclosure theyr trying to deflect from is the question. Standby for a scoobydoo aliens at FortKnox/Simpsons/SouthBank collab on your screens next. Or is the world being set up for a 911 scale false flag carried out by aliens?? On 911 last time they had, in the clouds overlooking the twin towers, a subliminal image of an OBL in full goatee, be on the lookout for a bearded ayatollah in the clouds this time.

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Was told by former FBI guy married to Chinese woman that Chinese men have substandard maley manly members

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