I think Ron is actually closer to the truth than most of us anti-vaxxers. He understands that COVID is an experimental bioweapon deliberately launched against China and Iran. Anyone who doesn't understand that is completely lost. Once you understand that basic fact, then you're in a position to see that MRNA vaccines are intended antidotes (NOT weapons) not just to THIS relatively tame bioweapon (.3% mortality) but to future worse ones as well. The bioweapon wing of the US military thinks it can keep hitting adversaries with frankenviruses because it has a huge lead in MRNA technology. In the future those who refuse or lack access to the MRNA vax to the next engineered plague (with 10% or 30% or 50% mortality) will die in huge numbers, while most of the vaxxed will survive. That's the scenario we're facing unless we expose the truth of COVID origins and annihilate the bioweapons sector in general and the $100 billion US biowar industry in particular. See: https://www.unz.com/kbarrett/breaking-ny-times-us-created-covid-19/
Well, Pinche, I think the people who say COVID is perfectly safe and the vaccines are extremely dangerous are at least as wrong as those who say the opposite. Based on data from dozens of countries, it's likely that COVID has (so far at least) killed and disabled far more people than the vaccines have. Yes, COVID disproportionately harms older and infirm people, while the vaccines don't seem to discriminate so much. And yes, MSM is lying through its teeth saying the vaccines are 100% safe and never kill anyone. I think there's a good case that the vaccines have killed over 100,000 Americans, while COVID has killed well over a million.
I am pretty sure that RFK Jr., Joel Hirschhorn, and Alex Berenson would all agree with the above statements, because they are sane, well-informed "anti-vaxxers." Ron Unz probably would too. (He wrote a glowing review of RFK Jr.'s book.) Ron is frustrated at innumerate anti-vaxxers who just make stuff up and ignore the cumulative quantitative case based on the widest sampling of the best evidence.
The next frankenvirus, if it's 10% lethal, will kill 20 million Americans, mostly antivaxxers—while its MRNA vaccine, developed in the same lab by the same people, will still kill "only" 100,000+ while saving millions of sheeple's lives. If you don't want to end up in that situation, do everything you can to expose and destroy the biowar industry ASAP.
I agree completely. In fact, I probably loathe the COVID containment measures even more than you do, because I'm convinced they are military measures stemming from a deliberate decision to enter a future of endemic biological warfare. I refused the jab not only because it's a lousy health precaution (compared to exercise, vitamin D, good diet, etc.) but more importantly because the same military scumbags who made the bioweapon made the jab alongside it. I refuse to participate in such scumbaggery.
We should raise the alarm about the threat of bioweapons and demand their abolition. The COVID origins issue (whose current poster boy is Jeffrey Sachs) could be leveraged into a successful anti-bioweapons movement. Spread the word on social media and alternative media.
In 1984-1985 I worked for SANE-Freeze knocking on doors for the anti-nuclear-weapons movement, which peaked in the mid-80s due to the Reagan Administration pointing a nuclear gun at the USSR's head. Today, an anti-bioweapons movement could and should grow out of the COVID fiasco.
I think Ron is actually closer to the truth than most of us anti-vaxxers. He understands that COVID is an experimental bioweapon deliberately launched against China and Iran. Anyone who doesn't understand that is completely lost. Once you understand that basic fact, then you're in a position to see that MRNA vaccines are intended antidotes (NOT weapons) not just to THIS relatively tame bioweapon (.3% mortality) but to future worse ones as well. The bioweapon wing of the US military thinks it can keep hitting adversaries with frankenviruses because it has a huge lead in MRNA technology. In the future those who refuse or lack access to the MRNA vax to the next engineered plague (with 10% or 30% or 50% mortality) will die in huge numbers, while most of the vaxxed will survive. That's the scenario we're facing unless we expose the truth of COVID origins and annihilate the bioweapons sector in general and the $100 billion US biowar industry in particular. See: https://www.unz.com/kbarrett/breaking-ny-times-us-created-covid-19/
Well, Pinche, I think the people who say COVID is perfectly safe and the vaccines are extremely dangerous are at least as wrong as those who say the opposite. Based on data from dozens of countries, it's likely that COVID has (so far at least) killed and disabled far more people than the vaccines have. Yes, COVID disproportionately harms older and infirm people, while the vaccines don't seem to discriminate so much. And yes, MSM is lying through its teeth saying the vaccines are 100% safe and never kill anyone. I think there's a good case that the vaccines have killed over 100,000 Americans, while COVID has killed well over a million.
I am pretty sure that RFK Jr., Joel Hirschhorn, and Alex Berenson would all agree with the above statements, because they are sane, well-informed "anti-vaxxers." Ron Unz probably would too. (He wrote a glowing review of RFK Jr.'s book.) Ron is frustrated at innumerate anti-vaxxers who just make stuff up and ignore the cumulative quantitative case based on the widest sampling of the best evidence.
The next frankenvirus, if it's 10% lethal, will kill 20 million Americans, mostly antivaxxers—while its MRNA vaccine, developed in the same lab by the same people, will still kill "only" 100,000+ while saving millions of sheeple's lives. If you don't want to end up in that situation, do everything you can to expose and destroy the biowar industry ASAP.
I agree completely. In fact, I probably loathe the COVID containment measures even more than you do, because I'm convinced they are military measures stemming from a deliberate decision to enter a future of endemic biological warfare. I refused the jab not only because it's a lousy health precaution (compared to exercise, vitamin D, good diet, etc.) but more importantly because the same military scumbags who made the bioweapon made the jab alongside it. I refuse to participate in such scumbaggery.
We should raise the alarm about the threat of bioweapons and demand their abolition. The COVID origins issue (whose current poster boy is Jeffrey Sachs) could be leveraged into a successful anti-bioweapons movement. Spread the word on social media and alternative media.
In 1984-1985 I worked for SANE-Freeze knocking on doors for the anti-nuclear-weapons movement, which peaked in the mid-80s due to the Reagan Administration pointing a nuclear gun at the USSR's head. Today, an anti-bioweapons movement could and should grow out of the COVID fiasco.