Whether its chomsky or hersh or sabrosky, it must be remembered at all times, matzo batter is thicker than blood. The gatekeeping prowess of these sos alumni can only be compared to Iblis eg sabrosky was still employed at the US War College despite accusing its same USG of carrying out 911?! And thank Yahweh the paradigm of an impregnable samson option is now rapidly turning into a samsonite option. Chomsky has wisely kept away from grassy knolling and gatekeeping 911 or he could havre turned into a laughing stock similar to the IOF spox grassy knolling goyim with stories of hamas necrophiliacs

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Actually Alan had retired from the War College (but was still in touch with colleagues) when he made his 9/11 statement in 2010.

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Sorry, thank you, I stand corrected. But he was the boss at the War College for all those intervening years?! Very gefilte?

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