NOTE: This synopsis has been edited

The theology of Christian Zionism, and dispenationalism, is pseudo-Christianity in every respect. Christian Zionism's theology on eschatology is aberrant especially the construction of third temple to invoke the anti-Christ.

Christian Zionism is the construct of John Darby and Cyrus Scofield whom Jewish renegades (Zionists) influenced to consider the Jews as the chosen of God, in spite of those who are surrendered to the lordship of Jesus Christ, to introduce heretical theological concepts in an annotated commentary of the Bible called the Scofield Reference Bible.

Since the Jews were expelled by the Romans from the Holy Land in ±132 AD, and was from then onwards called Palestine, tne Jew, being homeless and with no country he could call his own, desired for a country he could occupy.

God dispersed the Israelites from the land of Canaan that was promised to them after numerous warnings from God to turn away from their wickedness and disobedience, which continued and grew worse until they nailed their Messiah, the Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ, to a cross. The Jews rejection of their Messiah, the world's Messiah, was final. The Jews were banished from the land by the Romans until today, and remain wonderers with no land they can call their own because they forfeited the promise God gave to them. If they think they have rightful ownership in what they call "the state of Israel", its illegitimate.

In Deuteronomy 28-32 there is a prophetical warning that was given to Israel by Moses of alarming proportion before they went into the land of Canaan, which states that if they violated God's command to live holy before Him and commit to the idolatry of the nations, they would forfeit their occupation in the land of Canaan that God promised to them. This is what Moses predicted of the Israelites in Deuteronomy 28:37 if they continued in their disobedience and defience of the Lord; "³⁷And you shall become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword among all nations where the Lord will drive you" (NKJV‬).

The Jews present day occupation in Palestine is illegitimate. The Bible does say in Romans 9–11 that the Jews will be saved, but says nothing about re-occupation of land for the Jew. Israel were appointed by God to be His representatives to the nations of the world but failed; called to be the greatest blessing to the nations of the world, and to birth the Saviour and Messiah into the world to save mankind from their sin, they became a great curse as we see today by corrupting governments and instigating war and death worldwide. Their so called "holy book", the Talmud, pronounces hatred to the "Goyim" (Gentiles), and blasphemes Jesus Christ. Their "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" condemns and pronounces death to the Goyim. Because of their nefariousness, they have been hated by all nations.

One of the most dangerous Zionist intentions has to do with the building of a third temple that the Jews want to wrest from the Muslims and what will most certainly turn into a catastrophe that could cause WWIII. There is no need for a third temple because Jesus Christ became the temple that would replace the man made temples that Israel built in the Old Testament  (John 2:13-21; 1 Peter 2:1-10).

Sadly, Christian Zionists, it appears, according to their aberrant theology, are certainly on board with the genocide in Palestine in order for a third temple to be built so the anti-Christ can seat himself there according to 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4. This is what Christian Zionists hope will coerce (manipulate) the return of Jesus Christ to rapture or transport them into heaven. The Bible does speak about the transportation of the saints in Matthew 24 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, but the Christian Zionist view that includes the killing of people, as in Gaza, is heretical and opposite to Orthodox Christianity. Christian Zionism is dangerous and damning theology.

It is not the true Church of Jesus Christ, who profess love for their neighbour and love for their enemies, that endorse the genocide in Gaza and approve of the removal of Palestinians through death to justify the building of the third temple on the temple mount, it is the Christian Zionists who approve of this. They are a death cult who practice pseudo-Christianity, and approve of Zionists who kill Palestinians, whom they call "Amelek". These people, and the likes of John Hagee and his crowd, are a reproach to Jesus Christ and His Church.

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

The culprit in all this is the now dead Brooklyn rebbe schneerson, who implored his chabad followers to urge Yahweh "we want moshioch now", but in vain and died without becoming their expected jew messiah ie moshioch. The failed wannabe moshioch (+YT "we want moshioch now", and have a good laugh) told bibi satanyahu personally that bibi would be the one to hand over rule to an incoming moshiach, and a peeved rebbe refused going to shitsrael since Yahweh was not evolving him into the moshioch. No wonder satanyahu's psychologist committed suicide, presumably after being privy to all such yiddish nonsense. Its the reason why satanyahu keeps clinging on to power, earnestly believing and hoping to carry out Ukrainian born fake jew meerschaums fake prophecy. Its all about the chabad cult powering this genocide of the Palestinjun Amalek then, stupid!!?

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Odd that Mike Pence is mentioned, and Judas Hagee who has certainly collected his thirty pieces of silver. I have a post if these comments will let me link: https://folkpotpourri.com/blasphemy-of-the-synagogue-hypocrites-exposed/

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I read a book a number of years ago called "Forcing God's Hand" by Grace Halsell .The book exposes

hypocrites like Hagee and his evangelical hangers on . Your article is spot on .

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I tend to prefer secularism over Zebrew fanaticism & Crackpot Christian ZioNazis. (Which probably insults the Nazis since the ones I met in Germany were a better class of people than the Zios)

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That's sort of like saying "I tend to prefer McDonalds hamburgers over dogdoo sandwiches and cockroach stew." Not much competition there. But seriously, fanaticism and small-mindedness are actually more common among "non-religious" people than religious people: https://veteranstoday.com/2016/12/28/arrf/

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